The one and only Capello thread (1 Viewer)

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the cronopio
Dec 11, 2005
STEYN- said:
Honestly, I am not against Capello, but this thread requires a proposal.
Here is mine : HIDDINK.
I like him much more than Mourinho or Ericsson or anybody else..
The only problem with Hiddink he remberms me Ancelotti
Jul 12, 2002
I agree with the general feeling that Hiddink would make an excellent coach for Juve. Despite the fact that he's agreed to the Russia job, that doesn't mean he can't come to Juve. He currently coaches PSV and Australia, both teams who are doing quite well. I see no reason why he not do the same with Juve and Russia. Besides, if we get Hiddink, maybe he'll sign some dutchmen...maybe...


Junior Member
Apr 6, 2006
Ian said:
I agree with the general feeling that Hiddink would make an excellent coach for Juve. Despite the fact that he's agreed to the Russia job, that doesn't mean he can't come to Juve. He currently coaches PSV and Australia, both teams who are doing quite well. I see no reason why he not do the same with Juve and Russia. Besides, if we get Hiddink, maybe he'll sign some dutchmen...maybe...
Hidddink has said on TV that he doesnt want to do day to day management no more, so there little chance of him coming to Juve. My best bet would still be an Italian manager, Lippi or Prandelli:p


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
Stripper said:
i dont understand one thing when capello was at roma they were playing beautiful football, remember the 4-0 thrashing of none other than juve, whats different? my best guess is the players, they have totti we have emerson and vieira
I do not play games and to suggest that i am getting players from cm is insulting. I look at our squad and I know we have major problems when it comes to cl. Yes capello has a big hand to play in our abject failure but i have considered the fact that our players are not just good enough to win Cl, no matter which manager you put in there. Yes another manager would have gotten us further than Capello had done but winning it with this squad of players would have been a huge ask. We are not creative enough as individual players and thats nothing to do with Capello, there is no pace at all and again thats nothing to do with Capello. In Cl our best hopes lie on the shoulders of Dp and Nedved and for a team who wants to win Cl thats just not good enough cos they are not as good as they used to be and there are a lot of teams with younger , faster and in some cases better players than Nedved and Dp. Emerson and Vieira have proved they do not really cut it together in Cl, zlatan is not cl material either as far as his career has gone thus far, our defence have shown they cannot cope at all with pace in cl but somehow you guys think we are capable of winning with a little tinkering. They have gotta change their transffer policy if we really wanna be genuine contenders for cl in the future. This squad is built to rule in serieA as they are solid and not spectacular and thats nothing to do with Capello , its the whole structure of the team and we would win serieA regardless whom our manager is , unless he is a complete dope. You look at Milan and you look at the amount of creativity they got , its not just 1 player as someone was suggesting on here, we should get 1 creative player and thats it. Thats not gonna cut it , i am afraid. We have a very good backbone so why not add a bit of creativity and pace to it.
I have always stood by my criticism of Capello whether we are winning or not, cos I have never liked his philosophy and now you get guys like m'elayan who last season was sayinmg capello was the best coach in the world and perhaps ever, now calling his Crapello and calling for his head, talk about sing when you are winning. The reason we are not playing like Roma is that Capello has no distinct style of his own, he just copies his predecessors and whatever style he inherits, thats what that team will produce. Other managers like Benitez, Wenger, Ferguson, Lippi, Mancini know which way they want their teams to play, Capello does not


Junior Member
Apr 14, 2006
Both Antonio Giraudo and Fabio Capello will leave Juve at the end of the season, apparently this is the word circulating in Turin.

Fabio Capello apparently suffered personal and family abuse from a section of fans, after the exit of the Champions league (hope this is just a vicious rumour). This is from an article in The Republica, one paper who is close to the truth more often than not and appears on

Given this change at board level, i think Vialli may be appointed to the board. This may indicate a swing towards Mancini as manager, theyre big buddies, as a possible replacement. I wouldnt be entirely happy with this.

Gus Hiddink has definitley taken the Russian job.


Junior Member
May 9, 2004
Guus Hiddink would be great but I don't think he will combinate the Russian job and being coach of Juve. He didn't leave PSV to join another team. But we really need a fresh air and someone with heart for Juve just like Deschamps, Vialli and Prandelli.


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
capello does not have his distinct style, he adapts it to the team he is coaching.
However the goodthing abt him is that he has a certain kind of mentality, the winning mentality.Sometimes it could harm, but most of the times it helps
Jul 12, 2002
AHKA said:
Guus Hiddink would be great but I don't think he will combinate the Russian job and being coach of Juve. He didn't leave PSV to join another team. But we really need a fresh air and someone with heart for Juve just like Deschamps, Vialli and Prandelli.
Ahh, Deschamps... That's a dream.
Jul 12, 2002
denco said:
Id appreciate positive criticism not negative ones, you are happy with the way the club is run? Definitely you are not happy with the manager but its not just his fault either. I will like to hear from you how we stand a better chance of winning Cl and which players you think we need and those we have now that we do not need
I think that his criticism was not with your criticism of current management, but rather with your style and manner of reforming the team, and I agree.

It's quite ridiculous to think that we could get any of those players from Real Madrid, or that we'd want them. As for Barcelona selling us Deco and Eto'o, that's just not going to happen. They are both big parts of that team, and they will not be sold. Barcelona finally has it's act together, and they aren't going to screw it up. They might sell us Guily or Van Bommel, though. As for getting Robben in exchange for Zlatan, that's just brainless. How could we pull off that move? Chelsea are not a bunch of morons...


maitre'd at Canal Bar
Nov 7, 2005
Ian said:
As for getting Robben in exchange for Zlatan, that's just brainless. How could we pull off that move? Chelsea are not a bunch of morons...

It's nothing to start laughing at, but I did
Sep 1, 2002
Javier Irureta. The best man for the job. He would build a team that played with verve, spirit and attacking principles.
He is also available.
Capello, lets face it, can't cut muster in europe.


Senior Member
Apr 9, 2006

its simple.

-we got a great squad that other teams envy us.
-the team need proper rotation criteria.
-some players need to have less restriction. (IMHO Cap didnt play DL much because he often desnt play by Cap's rules)
-the roles assigned must be to the players ability not the other way around.

un altro alex

Senior Member
Jan 15, 2006
white_rabbit said:

its simple.

-we got a great squad that other teams envy us.
-the team need proper rotation criteria.
-some players need to have less restriction. (IMHO Cap didnt play DL much because he often desnt play by Cap's rules)
-the roles assigned must be to the players ability not the other way around.
i doubt that other teams actually envy us very much. we'd better be bloody grateful that both adriano and shevchenko have been out of form this season as well as our Zlatan.
Apr 3, 2006
denco said:
I am serious, i am offering my services to Juve as I am positive , my ideas of a squad is better than what we have now and will make a much better stab of things for Cl.
This is not arrogance or anything like that, I am not saying I am better than anyone, its football for crying out loud and its not science, i am not saving any lives and not helping the world.
What i do know is football and yes there are quite a number of people who know more than i do but I am confident in my abilities to spot talent irrespective of nationality and race.
Too many times I have read on here and i have had the distinct impression that people judge who is better by race and nationality and other stupid things. There was an arsehole on here whosaid African players are not good enough for Juve, funny he did not get banned but if Vinman or Andy vents out frustration, they get banned but i digress. Anyways its those so called inferior players who showed upJuve as Eboue and Toure made us look 3rd class. I have also read ppl saying Toure cannot be compared to Nesta, well i got news for ya, Nesta has been relatively poor for 2 seasons and whenever i watch Milan the more active centre back is kaladze, and i can count 20 centre backs better than kaladze
What am i saying this for, I am saying this because too many times people look at reputations and not fact and I am sure our management is like that
We are way too narrow minded in our choice of players

Lets get to the hub of the matter
1) Our manager is not what we need
You can argue all you like about what he has achieved in serieA but its neither here or there in Cl as we have been poor and at best avereage in Cl. Group matches as well as knockout. Some of his most staunch supporters are saying its because we are tired and if we met Arsenal earlier in the seasonit might have been different, to that i say, garbage, even when we were setting records in serieA we were still struggling to beat Rapid Vienna
You cannot be inflexible as Capello has been. You cannot keep on using 4-4-2 when we dont have the players to do so
How can a manager come out and say he picked a player like Kovac because he wanted the ball to be kicked quicker and higher to Zlatan?
When we play awfully he says we played well and thats vvery scary
For me , he has got to go and thats not negotiable
2) We need more creative players and we have to get rid of some players, it will not please some people but tough, for far too long we have been starved of decent football
3) We need to gain the respect of our rivals like Milan and others with our quality of play and not for the fact that referees or whoever help us win and that means better players
4 We need pace and energy as we sorely lack these qualities
Going about it
5 No way and i do not mean any disrespect for any team to have Dp and Nedved as their main men as this stage of their careers if you are serious about winning Cl. They are very important and i will try and keep them but not as first teamers
If our football was better and if we had players what people pay to watch, i am sure fans willcome and watch and we could get revenue from that

The players i will advise to get are thus
I will , if given the chance negotiate for Capello to go to Real Madrid in exchange for Salgado, Roberto Carlos and possibly Cassano
Yes some will ask Carlos, but Cole and Zambrotta aside, he is the best left back there is and he has pace and energy and I am not saying he should play every game but wont it be better if we had the option of Zambrotta, Carlos, Salgado thna what we have not with Zebina, Blasi etc

I will try and negotiate with Barcelona if they do get Henry and try and prise Etoo and Deco from them by offering Emerson and Kovac
Barcelona should not be allowed to have so many talents and you have to test the water.
Emerson is a great player but personally I dont see his worth in Cl, he is too slow and not that good a passer of the ball, serieA he is very good but if i was to pick either he os Vieira, i will pick Vieira simply because he will offer more and i am sure will have a better season next season but i dont want them both
I will try and make a deal with Chelsea by offering them Zlatan in exchange for Robben and Gallas
I will aso try and get the likes of Diarra from Lyon, with his team mate Juninho and also Riqelme

I will surprisingly to some keep Blasi , Giannichedda, Balzaretti, well all the Italian players
Blasi,I have ridiculed but to be fair , he does have energy and lets face it when you keep pairing him with Emerson and players like that, how will he improve. If gatusso was in Juve, his football technique would never have improved but it has playing with kaka , pirlo seedorf and co
We also need these players to play in matches in serieA so our big players do not suffer burn out
I will like to see Chiellini as a centre back as back up for Cannavaro
I will like for them to keep Thuram as well but not as first choice but to play as many matches as a second choice should
Choice of manager should be interesting but i creatinly do not want Capello, i love Mourinho but not as manager of a team i watch as he too can be negative at times, even if tactically he has no peers, i still will not want him because i prefer simple football and tactics are a pain in the ass
I will go into more detail about managers in future
Please feel free to contribute to this, with negativity at a minimun
Its easy to criticise, lets make a positive contribution for once and there is a proper way to do so
I wil like to hear suggestions of players you would like and why you think he is suitable
Enough of the boring trash we have been served for too long, lets help this club play great football while still win trophies and hopefully the Cl
Yep And me....
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