The odd forum awards - THE WINNERS (8 Viewers)


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001

Everyone with a considerable post number or at least a fairly high participation number has already voted and most results are pretty settled, at least settled enough that two or three voters can't change it anymore so I decided to post the results earlier than expected. Not really any need in keeping them from you when its already decided.

So here goes:

Poster characteristics
1. Best poster
A close one this but Denco received the most votes in the end in arguably the best category of this charade.

2. Freakiest poster
A two horse race between DJ Juve and Joshua but DJ won by a minor margin.

3. Can't-believe-the-keyboard-survived-the-misabuse poster
A solid win for Don Bes in this category. I suppose it was coming, the winner himself declared in the voting that "this category has my name written on it" and he was right.

4. Is-around-way-too-often-and-needs-to-get-a-life poster
A land-slide victory for our Korean friend Graham. With 82% of the votes, he might want to consider spending more time with his girlfriend than with his PC

5. Needs-to-get-his/her-arse-back-here poster
Anders appeared to be winning this one initially but Zlatan was voted for en-masse later on, resulting into the vanished Bosnian Swede to receive a public invitation to return to active duty on the forums.

6. Best moderator
I'm pretty sure all of you were sucking up as I (Erik) won this award. Totally unjustified imo but hey, can't argue with the mobs :D

7. How-on-earth-did-he/she-get-the-job moderator
Not so surprisingly perhaps because of his closing-spree of late: most of you wonder how Tom ever got the job.

8. Most strict moderator
And one thing leads to another or perhaps this one indicates the cause for the above outcome but Tom earned himself a second award by apparently being too strict!

9. Most laid back moderator
Another award coming my way here (Erik), though I wasn't particularly fond of the fact that most of you explained you voted for me in this category because (and I quote one particular member) "you don't do jack-shit".

10. Didn't-even-know-he/she-was-a-moderator moderator
Can't figure this one out as most of you didn't post an explanation but Stuart won the award for most invisible moderator.

11. Prettiest member (female of course)
Well this really was over before it had begun, Emma takes home this piece, though Lilliana came close to making it an interesting battle again. Better luck next time.

12. Most handsome member (male of course)
The ladies of this forum appear to be very much into the rough looks of Vilhelmas as he wins this award. Anders and myself came in second, but with a respectable distance.

Mood and character
13. Funniest poster
For his Sally Inzaghi threads, his open letter to Don Bes and countless other masterpieces that make sure every member puts down their drink before they open one of his threads; Josh ran away with this one!

14. Most lame poster
Perhaps due to his most lenghty post ever containing three words, two of them incomprehensible and the other one seemingly foreign, Don Bes narrowly beat Fred Weasly and DJ Juve

15. Moodiest poster
A fan of caps lock, curses and rants, Vinman finished ahead of Paul and Liliana in this category.

16. Most unpredictible poster
Well he's fairly consistent to me but nevertheless you voted for Nick (IncuboRossonero) as the most unpredictible (and, according to some, also unreliable) poster of the forums

17. He/she-scares-the-crap-out-of-me poster
Liliana, presumably because of her fights with Vilhelmas which led to a big row involving pretty much everyone.

18. Village wise-man
The man who spends nearly every hour of every waking day on this forum is also considered to be the most wise and knowledgeable around: Graham narrowly defeated Denco but finished miles ahead of Ian

19. Village drunk
Having only little competition from Hydde, Vilhelmas was voted Village Drunk by the vast majority of you.

20. Village hero
For founding the site in the first place and keeping it open despite several crashes, a lot of work and, truth be told, a number of exceedingly annoying members; Martin gets rewarded for all his work and for putting up with us in the first place! Kudos, you really beat the crap out of every other contestant in this category!

Extra award
21. Favourite couple
Well I didn't think it were possible. They weren't included in the nominees but thanks to (I presume) Fabiana's campaigning, Vilhelmas&Liliana raced back in it to dethrone the nominees and take the title!

That concludes the odd forum awards, hope you enjoyed 'em :)

Buy on


Senior Member
Apr 24, 2003
Congratulazioni Erik per "best moderator" e anche per "most laid back moderator" Non so decire in italiano "you deserve it"

(I did my best to congratulate you in italian because of the message you left in the other thread!)

Congrats to everyone! you deserve it
Especially to Lili and Fli for best couple!!!


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Ok, I'm seriously pissed now. I work so hard trying to be neutral and not pro-Del Piero but a pro-DP person such as denco wins best poster, while Vilhelmas, Erik and Anders are all prettier than me? I bet ya it was that gay guy Zlatan who voted for Fli.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by Stuart ] ++
Ok, I'm seriously pissed now. I work so hard trying to be neutral and not pro-Del Piero but a pro-DP person such as denco wins best poster, while Vilhelmas, Erik and Anders are all prettier than me? I bet ya it was that gay guy Zlatan who voted for Fli.
If it makes you feel better I voted for you in most handsome and I'm the most influential person around here ;):D
Sep 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Stuart ] ++
Ok, I'm seriously pissed now. I work so hard trying to be neutral and not pro-Del Piero but a pro-DP person such as denco wins best poster, while Vilhelmas, Erik and Anders are all prettier than me? I bet ya it was that gay guy Zlatan who voted for Fli.
chill stu. cant fight the wild beauty :D


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Martin ] ++

If it makes you feel better I voted for you in most handsome and I'm the most influential person around here ;):D
Thanks man, that helps so much ;):D


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
Vil, you skank, you said I was the only one.

Or was it, "I was the only one that week??"

I don't remember, too much X.

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