The odd forum awards - THE WINNERS (10 Viewers)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Don Bes ] ++
geniouses are never understood
Hey genius, learn to spell :D

There's a fine line between genius and psycho... that's why there was that "Computer programmer or Serial Killer" thing before :)
++ [ originally posted by Vicky ] ++
i know but i suppose guys dind't vote Fli for the best looking memeber ....
actually replace " i suppose" with " i hope"
I voted for Anders (Kaliman)
++ [ originally posted by Vicky ] ++
why were you sitting on a bench
He's not goot enough for the starting lineup :p


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Vicky ] ++
too bad i was just asking girls :p
++ [ originally posted by Vicky ] ++
i know but i suppose guys dind't vote Fli for the best looking memeber ....
don't fvck with me :boxing:


++ [ originally posted by Vicky ] ++
someone please show me a picture of emma
I believe her avatar is her photo. Well it was last time I looked


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++
Well he's fairly consistent to me but nevertheless you voted for Nick (IncuboRossonero) as the most unpredictible (and, according to some, also unreliable) poster of the forums
Unreliable?? WTF is THAT supposed to mean??
How so??


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #51
    Some people appear to have issues with you sometimes being on our side (in everything anti-Inter etc.) yet the next moment you've turned around completely and another "Gobbi" comes out.

    'Parently... :D

    ++ [ originally posted by Stuart ] ++
    Ok, I'm seriously pissed now. I work so hard trying to be neutral and not pro-Del Piero but a pro-DP person such as denco wins best poster, while Vilhelmas, Erik and Anders are all prettier than me? I bet ya it was that gay guy Zlatan who voted for Fli.
    Yeah I kind of wanted you to win the handsome award as well. Was done counting and went like "Huh? Vilhelmas? Can I cheat? Should I cheat? Why not ... who'd find out? I like Stuart ... not so fond of Villie. Oooonnneee little figure and I'm done. What's one little number? That's not even cheating! I should just..." *Conscience kicks in* :groan::D

    ++ [ originally posted by Graham ] ++

    i'm flattered.

    That said, i'm pissed that me and marty-baby :kiss::geek: didn't win the best couple award

    Yeah I wanted me and Tom to win that one :(:D


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Erik ] ++
    *Conscience kicks in* :groan::D
    Erik has a conscience!? :eek:

    Tell me then, how do you sleep at night with so many threads lying in ruins on the floor? :D:p


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
    i don't know what to say...exept of a huuuge thanx!!


    for everyone votng and especially a huge thanx for voing me for the
    17. He/she-scares-the-crap-out-of-me poster
    Liliana, presumably because of her fights with Vilhelmas which led to a big row involving pretty much everyone.

    i am touched :flirt:
    Sep 28, 2002
    well, i dont think that scares-the-shit-out-of-me is something to be proud of for you. for paul, some others - yes. for you - not really.

    and what do you know, you're not the prettiest anymore.

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