The Obama Deception (22 Viewers)


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004

That's even dumber than the theory about the driver shooting him.

Yeah, I'm sure only the Zapruder film caught her in the act, killing her husband, despite SS and crowd all around. That's the best way of conducting an assassination. :seven:


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Good take on Obama by someone who understands economics, Peter Schiff, and an Obama supporter from the left. Both say he's failing, and they're right.

Schiff is also right that we need more savings and investment, not stimulus. Such crap is what's wrecking the country.

Ford Prefect

Senior Member
May 28, 2009
The issue with that is, its easy to be an idealist and have these great ideas before you get into power, but theres a whole lot you dont know when you get there. Ie. Kenedy going on about the 'Missile Gap' when he got elected because he genuinly thought there was one, when he didnt know that the cia had intel saying that russia only had about 4 nukes whereas america had about 20-40. It was a stupid thing for Obama to say and it was said 2 years ago, a lot had changed since then!


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
The issue with that is, its easy to be an idealist and have these great ideas before you get into power, but theres a whole lot you dont know when you get there. Ie. Kenedy going on about the 'Missile Gap' when he got elected because he genuinly thought there was one, when he didnt know that the cia had intel saying that russia only had about 4 nukes whereas america had about 20-40. It was a stupid thing for Obama to say and it was said 2 years ago, a lot had changed since then!
As if Obama did not know the circumstances of the economy, the various wars we're in, and the general idea of what is going on in the world before he was elected. Come on, his advisers told him exactly what he was getting into, so don't give me this crap. This has always been an excuse for incoming politicians.

What has changed in Afghanistan? It's the same Taliban, same roadside bombs, same generals, same hideouts, same territories, same fields being guarded, et cetera. The only difference is the names of the troops we expend through nonsense wars like these. And I'm not happy about it.

Folks can defend Obama all they want, THE candidate I voted for, but you cannot deny he lied about various matters in his campaign, including this one. "You can bank on it." This is not anything remotely close to said crisis that Kennedy had to endure, but folks will find anything they can to defend a President that is losing credibility, even under the noses of their own base.

Lies are lies and should be treated as such, not as mistakes or "oh, things have changed" when they have not whatsoever. Obama is a flop president who fooled even myself to get elected, one who is in the pockets of big corps, and the sooner we realize that, the better. If not, I'm a hypocrite for blasting Bush supporters all these years.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Obama is nothing but an extension of the Bush years. He has changed absolutely nothing with regards to the economy, foreign policy, and the supposed homeland security fraud. It's the same stuff. Obama even said he'd take away the Patriot Act. If they move Guantanamo to Rikers Island it is the same thing, just a different location. Absolutely meaningless stuff that has fooled the masses extremely well, including myself, at first.

But now his approvals ratings are going downhill, as they should, because this stuff is nonsense.

Ford Prefect

Senior Member
May 28, 2009
As if Obama did not know the circumstances of the economy, the various wars we're in, and the general idea of what is going on in the world before he was elected. Come on, his advisers told him exactly what he was getting into, so don't give me this crap. This has always been an excuse for incoming politicians.

What has changed in Afghanistan? It's the same Taliban, same roadside bombs, same generals, same hideouts, same territories, same fields being guarded, et cetera. The only difference is the names of the troops we expend through nonsense wars like these. And I'm not happy about it.

Folks can defend Obama all they want, THE candidate I voted for, but you cannot deny he lied about various matters in his campaign, including this one. "You can bank on it." This is not anything remotely close to said crisis that Kennedy had to endure, but folks will find anything they can to defend a President that is losing credibility, even under the noses of their own base.

Lies are lies and should be treated as such, not as mistakes or "oh, things have changed" when they have not whatsoever. Obama is a flop president who fooled even myself to get elected, one who is in the pockets of big corps, and the sooner we realize that, the better. If not, I'm a hypocrite for blasting Bush supporters all these years.
I wasnt trying to argue, he shouldnt have said it, i was suggesting we shouldnt consider the context, 2 years ago was a different time.

Afghanistan is very different, resistence has grown a lot stronger and aggressive


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
I wasnt trying to argue, he shouldnt have said it, i was suggesting we shouldnt consider the context, 2 years ago was a different time.

Afghanistan is very different, resistence has grown a lot stronger and aggressive
Resistance? Of course they are going to resist us... we are an occupying force using their country as a strategic point to not only halt an Iranian oil pipeline to China, but also to get the opium back in production and also have easy access to the quite abundant Turkmen gas fields. The folks that surround Obama are not idiots... they know that if they continue to stay there in the midst of a decades-long civil war, the resistance will grow, and we will eventually have to deploy more and more troops. But in the end, that's what some individuals want. All this crap Obama and the rest of his entourage has spouted is nothing but a 'kick the can' tactic to try to reinforce that we are actually there to spread freedom. But the truth is, we have been wasting time, money and especially lives for nothing.

Listen to what former Middle East CIA station chief Bob Baer has to say about Afghanistan. You could not find a more credible individual with regards to our policies in said land.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
We are a nation of hypocrites. What is it with these policy makers? Not only do we follow in the footsteps of Russia in invading and occupying Afghanistan, but we also take the same measures as Japan during their own financial crisis during the 90's. We explicitly told the Japanese to not throw money at their problems, debase the currency and bail out the banks, so what did we do this past year? Throw money at our problems, debase the currency and bail out the banks. It's the same shit over and over; we never learn from history. We our driving our nation into the ground with all these actions.

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