The main difference between Europe and the US (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002
I was on holiday in the US one year, and I was waiting in the foyer for the lift (elevator) to arrive to take me to my floor in the hotel.

I looked back down the corridor and saw two of the fattest, most obese people God ever put on this earth, walking towards me.

I thought to my self..."Good Grief, just look at the size of those fat yanks...just typical slobs".:frown:

Then I thought..."Christ...I hope the lift doesn't snap under the weight".:eek:

The lift arrived, the doors opened, and in I stepped, together with Jumbo and the Blob. The doors closed, and being polite I asked the man which floor he was going to.

He replied..."Oh my God...are you from Scotland too?" in the thickest Govan accent I think I have ever heard.

Lesson learned by Roverbhoy:dontcare:

True story :angel:


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2002

It worked the other way too.

We were at Eurodisney and waiting in a line to get on a ride.
The line zigzaged, and ahead of me was a guy wearing a Celtic top.

For an hour or so we kept crossing by each other as the line moved forward.

Eventually I plucked up the courage to speak to him...and he looked at me as if I was stupid, and started shouting in, I think, Russian...

As we say here...brass neck for Roverbhoy

...again true


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Roverbhoy ] ++
I was on holiday in the US one year, and I was waiting in the foyer for the lift (elevator) to arrive to take me to my floor in the hotel.

I looked back down the corridor and saw two of the fattest, most obese people God ever put on this earth, walking towards me.

I thought to my self..."Good Grief, just look at the size of those fat yanks...just typical slobs".:frown:

Then I thought..."Christ...I hope the lift doesn't snap under the weight".:eek:

The lift arrived, the doors opened, and in I stepped, together with Jumbo and the Blob. The doors closed, and being polite I asked the man which floor he was going to.

He replied..."Oh my God...are you from Scotland too?" in the thickest Govan accent I think I have ever heard.

Lesson learned by Roverbhoy:dontcare:

True story :angel:
:rofl: top story

Funny how they blurred the face of the one on the right to spare her the embarassment of being associated with that photo


Sep 23, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Don Bes ] ++
i like you expresso theory.

you got me hooked up on expresso too. :cool:
Awesome. :thumb:

Well, Don: welcome to hell -- there's no turning back for you now. ;)

If you ever find yourself in Vancouver, you gotta stop by Cafe Artigiano and have an espresso made for you by Sammy Piccolo (the co-owner and Canadian barista champion). My favorite place to buy an espresso in all of Canada. You'll never be able to look at espresso the same way again. (They even put a lot of places in Italy to shame.)


Senior Member
Feb 13, 2004
Nice pic...Zlatan! :thumb:

Its you could you guys live with those type of food everyday? I was in America for two weeks, and all we could get were burgers and fast food.......:yuck: by the end of the trip...I was well and truly sick of it.....


Alex Del Mexico
May 7, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Len ] ++
Nice pic...Zlatan! :thumb:

Its you could you guys live with those type of food everyday? I was in America for two weeks, and all we could get were burgers and fast food.......:yuck: by the end of the trip...I was well and truly sick of it.....

thats the point, if you live here you dotn eat out everyday, you make your own food

otherwise you would die in under a month


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Sir Sebastian ] ++

thats the point, if you live here you dotn eat out everyday, you make your own food

otherwise you would die in under a month
Or you go to a fabulous restaurant like Olive Garden. :D That place is great.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
:LOL: Krispy Kreme? I heard they are making a new shake-like drink, one in which the flavor is supposed to taste like their famous glazed donuts. :D

That is laughable. We are now so lazy we can't even chew are own food. :D

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