John and me have spent some time planning a new game called the john game. Here's a little about it.
Whats the point?
The point of the game is to win the league. And kick some ass in the process .
So how do we win the league then?
You win the league bu accumulating the most points out of all the teams in the league- just like in real life.
How the hell does a team win points?
A member wins points based on the performance of your equivalent Serie A player; the better his ratings, the better the member's score will be. The total score of your team each week is the total score of all your team-members put together. Easy enough, isnt it?
Great! do I get to play?
Do as your told, end you'll get to play in no time! Here's what you do:
1) Gather six of your friends, and you, and make a 7-member team.
2) Pick a formation for your team: 3-2-1, 3-1-2, 2-3-1, 2-2-2. The formation you pick cannot be changed, so pick carefully.
3) Assign a position on the field to each of your team-mates. For a list of field-positions available in each formation, check the FAQ.
4) Submit the required information to John 10 or Lac via PM.
You will need: Your formation and your 7 team-members.
5) Wait for your info to appear on the official thread- each player will recieve their randomly-picked 3-man group(for more info check the FAQ), and your randomly-chosen team name.
Wow! I got myself a team! What next?
Team-Management! Betcha didnt see that coming Dont worry tho, its not nearly bad as it sounds (its nearly as fun as fun as it sounds either) All you gotta do is pick your first-team from all the available Serie A players in each member's group. If a Serie A player in a players group is injured(salas) or suspended(davids), he's considered unavailable, and you cannot pick him for your first-team. Just pick the next player in your group. If none of your players are available, just pick the 3rd player of a team-mate's group.
But if your the type of person that hates management, and in case your thinking- "What a royal pain in the posterior this is!"- then we have a solution for you!
If all you want is to play- then you can do just that. We'll pick your best team ourselves, and you dont have to worry about a thing! Note: While we will pick the best team possible from your available Serie A players, we cannot guarantee anything.
OK. I did whatever the hell I had to do. I know everything, so can I play now?
Sure. Just remember to submit your squad every Thursday if you want to pick your squad yourselves. Otherwise send us nothing.
After your done with all that, just sit back, grab a Remy, and hope your players do well in the league.
Whats the point?
The point of the game is to win the league. And kick some ass in the process .
So how do we win the league then?
You win the league bu accumulating the most points out of all the teams in the league- just like in real life.
How the hell does a team win points?
A member wins points based on the performance of your equivalent Serie A player; the better his ratings, the better the member's score will be. The total score of your team each week is the total score of all your team-members put together. Easy enough, isnt it?
Great! do I get to play?
Do as your told, end you'll get to play in no time! Here's what you do:
1) Gather six of your friends, and you, and make a 7-member team.
2) Pick a formation for your team: 3-2-1, 3-1-2, 2-3-1, 2-2-2. The formation you pick cannot be changed, so pick carefully.
3) Assign a position on the field to each of your team-mates. For a list of field-positions available in each formation, check the FAQ.
4) Submit the required information to John 10 or Lac via PM.
You will need: Your formation and your 7 team-members.
5) Wait for your info to appear on the official thread- each player will recieve their randomly-picked 3-man group(for more info check the FAQ), and your randomly-chosen team name.
Wow! I got myself a team! What next?
Team-Management! Betcha didnt see that coming Dont worry tho, its not nearly bad as it sounds (its nearly as fun as fun as it sounds either) All you gotta do is pick your first-team from all the available Serie A players in each member's group. If a Serie A player in a players group is injured(salas) or suspended(davids), he's considered unavailable, and you cannot pick him for your first-team. Just pick the next player in your group. If none of your players are available, just pick the 3rd player of a team-mate's group.
But if your the type of person that hates management, and in case your thinking- "What a royal pain in the posterior this is!"- then we have a solution for you!
If all you want is to play- then you can do just that. We'll pick your best team ourselves, and you dont have to worry about a thing! Note: While we will pick the best team possible from your available Serie A players, we cannot guarantee anything.
OK. I did whatever the hell I had to do. I know everything, so can I play now?
Sure. Just remember to submit your squad every Thursday if you want to pick your squad yourselves. Otherwise send us nothing.
After your done with all that, just sit back, grab a Remy, and hope your players do well in the league.
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