the john game..... (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
guys i think ur missin the point, the 7 man team must first contain 7 Juventuz forum posters e.g Alex, Shoadowfax, Especto, Mate, Poulo_Montero, Lac, John #10.......

That would be one team.

Then u would have to assign players who play in similar position to each member of ur team.

So E.g Im a Dm....therefore i would have a dm from serie a represnt me e.g stankovic...each memebr of a team would have aplyer represent them

Once each player has a member, a team formation can be decided.

Then dependin on performance of the players, points can be awarded....e.g if stankovis team gets points.

More later when lac n i r on....

btw.....lac, thanx for naming it afta me :thumb:


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++
ok i get it,,,tell my if im wrong..

for example,:
a team is : and the players for each member

Hydde:Batistua, Vieri, Miccoli
Toto:Van bastem, gullit, sebina
Espectro:bonnefioi, ruggeri, lauldrup
Mochi:platini ,pele,thuram
Roli:macdonalds, kentucky, raul.
Brolly:Tsubasa, ikaro, maradona.

is this way??

and every player must choose one of his 3 players to play in that serie a match day right?
ur gettin there tho :D


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2002
I just don't get one thing (and more). who picks the Serie A players? the forum member or those who runs the game?

well, let's start with making our teams.
who's with me?


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
++ [ originally posted by John #10 ] ++
guys i think ur missin the point, the 7 man team must first contain 7 Juventuz forum posters e.g Alex, Shoadowfax, Especto, Mate, Poulo_Montero, Lac, John #10.......
well that team would undoubtedly win :stuckup:

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #33
    we will put you in a team! we will give you a team name, we will pick your players!!

    you see each team that joins has to have the same odds of getting good players. if you people pick, the good players will be taken and the other teams will suck ass. anyone interested in joining pm me or john.

    and john- about the name- we have to change it :p i just put it in there cuz i couldnt think of a good name :p


    The DJ
    Oct 30, 2001
    ++ [ originally posted by lacrease ] ++
    you see each team that joins has to have the same odds of getting good players. if you people pick, the good players will be taken and the other teams will suck ass. anyone interested in joining pm me or john.
    so we can't even choose our own players now? :undecide:


    Senior Member
    Sep 21, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by lacrease ] ++
    we will put you in a team! we will give you a team name, we will pick your players!!

    you see each team that joins has to have the same odds of getting good players. if you people pick, the good players will be taken and the other teams will suck ass. anyone interested in joining pm me or john.
    Laresca, what are you talking about? what's good in the game, if we don't choose nothing? it's like a cube. only luck!
    the way I got it first time, is that every forum mamber choose 3 Serie A players in his position. so what if the same players will apear more than once?

    about the teams thing, all the fun is if we choose the teams, not randomally picked. why can't we choose the team names ourselves?

    think about those things please. it can be a good game :thumb:

    Fliakis, I don't understand Lithuanian :D


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    dont worry guys...u guys just pm us who want to be part of this...then we will put together the teams....once the teams are picked...u guys can pick ur players...n team name....but first, if u wanna play pm me or lac:D


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    do u guys wanna make ur own teams?? cos if u guys have preference, lac n i will bear it in us if u wanna play tho :D

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