The...I want this player to Juve thread (106 Viewers)

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Junior Member
Sep 17, 2008
ok let me ask you something alex 10, what do YOU! think tiago does? in terms of playing characteristics, if he isnt a ball distributor then what is he? they dont call him the washing machine for nothing you know?
What do i think of Tiago? Nothing. he is a pile of shit, and that is me putting it nicely. It baffles me how a player that does nothing is still at the club.


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2003
well fred they wanted Tiago at one point and they also wanted Iaquinta when he was at Udinese. So they might take one of them with some cash.
I never believed that they really did want Tiago anyway. I mean they had Xavi, Iniesta and Deco battling for two central midfield slots, where would Tiago have fitted in??

i think that was before they had the likes of toure, busquets and keita

the real Tiago's passing range = Xabi Alonso's range
not in a million years, and i was a fan of his back when he was at his best. He isnt a particularly special passer and never was, he was more of an all action midfielder.

Badass J Elkann

It's time to go!!
Feb 12, 2006
yeah kinda sounding like that but different. also its kings of leon (3 brothers in the band .. their dad was a preacher named Leon) i am not sure if u were just writing kings of lyon to be like the Tiago thing though.
it was a play on word to kings of leon and tiago the former king of lyon

could sing how his sex is on fire



Senior Member
Mar 6, 2005
I don't want this player to Juve (as opposed to the thread title) but there is a rumour about Gaetano D'Agostino from Udine going to us. Someone open a thread if you feel there is enough substance, my Italien is a lil' rusty.

Mercato: ecco il nuovo regista della Juve che verrà
La società sta pensando a Gaetano D'Agostino, 26 anni, centrocampista centrale, entrato di recente anche nel giro della nazionale.

L'emergenza infortuni, l'ultimo quello occorso a Tiago, sta spingendo la Juve verso l'acquisto di un uomo di regia a centrocampo che possa dare qualità e idee alla squadra.

Tiago ci stava quasi riuscendo, ma la società vuole di più. L'ultima idea porta a Udine: la società sta pensando a Gaetano D'Agostino, 26 anni, centrocampista centrale, entrato di recente anche nel giro della nazionale.

Giocatore di qualità, anagraficamente nel pieno della maturità, D'Agostino sembra l'uomo adatto ai bianconeri. Per il momento non è stata aperta nessuna trattativa; i rapporti tra le due società sono ottimi e se la Juve vuole davvero andare avanti, l'accordo potrebbe essere raggiunto già a gennaio.

“Non c’è stato alcun contatto con la Juventus: credo che sia stata un’idea della società perché seguiva Gaetano già da prima - ha spiegato Franco Zavaglia, agente del giocatore, a "Radio Kiss Kiss" – Del resto D’Agostino ha raggiunto la maturità calcistica e sono in molti ad essersene accorti. A Udine, poi, ha aumentato le sue qualità e trovato il giusto ruolo in mezzo al campo”.
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