The Doped Lady (5 Viewers)


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Kaiser Franco ] ++
Im afraid you will have to find new sources tho as I am tired of seeing my attempts at encouraging a constructive debate ruined by the likes of ZIZI (that's French for "small dick").
Whow, you have an education, you know how to say "dick" in how many languages? Did you have to practice a lot, I mean, hands on, in the alleys?

kaisersmasher :D


Senior Member
Aug 30, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Kaiser Franco ] ++

Not scary, but certainly well-proportioned (which earns me quite a few "complimenti alla mamma" from the ladies), and only thanks to a healthy Mediterranean diet combined with a regular exercise routine. None of that creatine and EPO junk for me, thank you.
And ... what is the size of your brain? I guess you forgot to exercise that part didn't you Caiser Franko?

xziz :devil:


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
come on, this thread is for the discussion of Juve's ongoing doping trial, not Juventuz Playschool

The Pado

Filthy Gobbo
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Kaiser Franco ] ++
Paduan', I don't know if you are relying on me to get updates on the doping trial, but I will assume you are. Im afraid you will have to find new sources tho as I am tired of seeing my attempts at encouraging a constructive debate ruined by the likes of ZIZI (that's French for "small dick").
Libero, you are one of my main sources. Some of the others have left the forum or hardly ever post. I certainly don't blame you for growing tired of the childish insults, I am embarrassed just reading them.


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
Processo Juventus: Non Acquisibile Parere Avv.Grosso
Gio 04 Nov, 5:37 PM

(AGI) - Torino, 4 nov. - Il giudice Giuseppe Casalbore ha stabilito che non e' acquisibile agli atti il parere giuridico fornito ai difensori della juventus da parte dell'avvocato penalista, Carlo Federico Grosso, gia' vicepresidente del Csm. (L'avvocato Grosso, al quale nei giorni scorsi, il presidente della Juventus, Franzo Grande Stevens, aveva chiesto un parere "pro veritate" sulla vicenda doping della societa', si era espresso sostenendo che 'non sono stati commessi reati e che non ci sono responsabilita' penali'). L'avvocato Luigi Chiappero, che dopo circa otto ore ha terminato di esporre la prima parte della sua arringa difensiva, aveva chiesto, infatti, l'acquisizione agli atti del parere dell'avvocato Grosso, ma il giudice, che si e' dichiarato "profondamente meravigliato di quanto letto nei giorni scorsi sui giornali", (era stata data, appunto, un'anticipazione al consiglio di amministrazione della Juventus di quel parere, ndr), ha ricordato che il parere di una persona estranea al processo non puo' essere prodotta in questa fase finale del dibattimento. L'avvocato Luigi Chiappero ha quindi annunciato che quanto espresso dall'ex vicepresidente del Csmm sara' depositato nei prossimi giorni a firma del pool di avvocati della Juventus e ne ha poi letti alcuni stralci in aula al termine del suo intervento. "Il perito Giuseppe D'Onofrio (l'ematologo incaricato dal giudice Casalbore di eseguire le perizie sui valori dei giocatori), sostiene nella sua relazione - ha detto Chiappero - che le variazioni in aumento implicano un'adozione quasi certa di pratuche farmacologiche come Epo o trasfusionali"; non si capisce che cosa implichi sul terreno, ha aggiunto il difensore, della responsabilita' penale parlare di adozione quasi certa: l'adozione o e' certa, o non e' tale, e se non e' tale non puo' essere posta a fondamento di una responsabilita' penale che presuppone invece la certezza della prova". -

in english, more or less:

The judge Casalbore has said that the opinion "pro veritate" expresed to Franco Grande Stevens by Carlo federico Grosso, penalist lawyer and ex-vicepresident of consiglio of Magistratura italiana, about the Juve doping trial( that there is not penal responsability in this case) is not admisible by the court , because is coming from a person foreign to the process. Defensor lawyer Luigi Chiappero any way, will present the same argument in the next days, signated by all the pool of the defense lawyers and has pinted out some situations about, saying :" The expert Giusseppe Dònofrio, the hematologist that has conducted the studies about the players blood values argues in his analysis that " the incrementing variations implies the use, almost certain, of EPO and Transfusionals".
We dont understand the meaning , in respect of penal responsability, about talking of "use almost certain": the use, or is certain or it is not, and if it is not, then there is no room to a penal responsability that pressumes the certainty of the proof.


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
What it means is that the whole prosecutors arguement is crumbling down, because it lacks the scientific evidence to prove beyond doubt that we use that illegal sustances
Another fresh news:

Processo Juve: difesa chiede assoluzione per Agricola e Giraudo
Gio 04 Nov, 10:26 PM

Al processo doping che coinvolge la Juventus, è arrivato il momento della parola alla difesa. I legali dei bianconeri sono passati al contrattacco, chiedendo l`"assoluzione piena" per il medico Riccardo Agricola, per cui erano stati chiesti tre anni e due mesi di carcere, e per l`ad Antonio Giraudo (due anni e un mese). Secondo i legali, il perito del giudice, l`ematologo Giuseppe D`Onofrio, ha utilizzato nelle sue analisi "un metodo che non è scientifico" ed è stato "debole e negligente".

To the juve trial, is coming the moment to the defense to speak. the lawyers of bianconeri have taking the counter attack, asking for "full absolution " for Agricola and Giraudo.Lawyers said that the hematologist Donofrio has used "a non scientific method" and has been "weak and negligent".


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
Processo Juve, il giurista Grosso: "Una condanna sarebbe paradossale"
Ven 19 Nov, 1:19 PM

La Juventus cala il proprio asso. Nella seconda giornata del processo per frode sportiva dedicata alle arringhe difensive i legali del club bianconero hanno consegnato al giudice Casalbore il parere pro veritate emesso dal professor Carlo Federico Grosso, insigne giurista e avvocato. Un parere senz'altro autorevole che non potrà non incidere sull'esito del dibattimento."Dare ai calciatori dei farmaci in modalità 'off label', vale a dire al di fuori delle indicazioni terapeutiche, non può essere considerato reato e una condanna della Juventus avrebbe conseguenze paradossali dal punto di vista giuridico". Questo é quanto scrive il professor Grosso, che poi prosegue: "La legge 401 del 1989 in questo caso non si può applicare. E' una legge - spiega, citando anche sentenze della Cassazione e di altri tribunali italiani - che nasce per contrastare il fenomeno delle scommesse clandestine e non riguarda il doping, per il quale, nel 2000, é stato introdotto un delitto 'ad hoc' sulla tutela sanitaria delle attività sportive".Il professore aggiunge che la Juventus, avendo impiegato medicinali leciti, non sarebbe punibile nemmeno con la nuova legge sul doping. E osserva che una condanna farebbe sorgere una "sequenza di conseguenze paradossali", perchè "la legge che regola la frode sportiva continuerebbe a punire come doping fatti non previsti come reato dalla legislazione antidoping".Quanto all'accusa di uso di Epo, "i periti - afferma Grosso - parlano di diversi livelli di probabilità, o di adozione quasi certà; ma nessuno - sottolinea il professore - può essere punito se non esiste la prova della sua responsabilità al di fuori di ogni ragionevole dubbio. E le conclusioni degli esperti sono all'insegna di un linguaggio non sempre chiaro, con espressioni e locuzioni elastiche e talvolta contraddittorie che rendono difficile, se non impossibile, la loro traduzione in concetti penalistici in grado di ritenere sicuramente provato il reato".


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2004
Processo Juve, ultimo atto. Pm irremovibili: Giraudo e Agricola sono colpevoli

Mar 23 Nov, 12:11 PM

Processo Juve, ultima udienza. I pubblici ministeri Raffaele Guariniello, Sara Panelli e Gianfranco Colace hanno ribadito oggi la richiesta di condanna per Antonio Giraudo, amministratore delegato della Juventus, e Riccardo Agricola, capo dello staff medico. L'ipotesi dettata dall'accusa é che i calciatori bianconeri siano stati dopati con l'Epo e con l'uso di farmaci senza finalità terapeutiche. L'emissione della sentenza é stata fissata per venerdì 26 novembre.
Nov 13, 2004
Tomorrow the italian judges will say the sentence against juventus and abou t doping...

here in italy everyone is sure about the guilty of them... the lawyers of juventus haven't done a good work... it seems a trial with a sure ending...

tomorrow we'll see...

king Ale

Senior Member
Oct 28, 2004
++ [ originally posted by ] ++
Tomorrow the italian judges will say the sentence against juventus and abou t doping...

here in italy everyone is sure about the guilty of them... the lawyers of juventus haven't done a good work... it seems a trial with a sure ending...

tomorrow we'll see...


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
I tell u: this is a stupid trial only based on "maybes". And I'm not saying it because I'm a juventina ;)

I'm convinced that we will be found guilty, even without having broken any law on doping :wallbang:
After having spent 6 years trying to find something without succeeding, they (judge and guariniello) have to demonstrate that the money used to pay the trial were spent for something and not only to let stupid guariniello become famous :groan:

For those interested here's a dossier, made by a juventus fan that has studied law at the university, about the trial. It's in italian, but it's VERY interesting. I don't have time to do a good translation (it would be important), but if someone else is such an :angel: to do it...


Basically it says that the medicaments used by juventus were ALL legal at the time. So, u see? No laws broken on this front. Also the creatine, that the players have admitted having used, and that the media point as "doping", was, and still is, prefectly legal.
And did u know that at the beginning of this farce Agricola asked CONI to indagate on the case? He auto-denounced himself. He did this because he was sure the society was clean and, in fact, CONI declared him innocent... but of course no one knows that, how convenient...

Then, the accuse say, juve had some medicaments that they could not have, but not because they were illegal, but only because only hospitals are allowed to have them. So, yeah, a law was broken, but it doesn't concerne "doping".

Then there is the suspect (but it's not mentioned in the dossier) that maybe some juve players (conte and tacchinardi), could have used EPO, even thought in their blood tests of that period there is no trace of it. It's important to know, that at the time considered the 2 players were both injuried and that would mean that juve doped players that couldn't have played anyway :confused: .
Anyway, if there is no proof (and there isn't) one cannot be judged guilty, don't u think? well, I'd like to think so. I wouldn't want to be arrested someday, only because there could be a possibilty I broke some law ;)

Another thing: a couple of days ago, an expert on these cases (doping and sport), Mr. Grosso, declared that it would be crazy to condamn an imputate in this way[email protected]&rnum=4 (i'll post the google translation later)
Well, the judge (Casalbore), quickly answered that he will not considerer this opinion :groan:

Ok, i'm not going to add anything else for now, because I'm already pretty :fero: about this thing as it is...

Ps: nice to know that Casalabore and Guariniello say that they are great juventus fans :eek:
Ps2: sorry for making u read this looooooooong post, but I thought it could be interesting ;) especially tomorrow, after the sentence

Here's the (poor) translation:

The Juventus cove just the ace. In the second day of the process for sport swindle dedicated to the defensive harangues the lawyers of the bianconero club veritate emitted from professor the Carl have delivered to the Casalbore judge the opinion for Large Federico, insigne giurista and lawyer. A opinion senz' other authoritative one that will not be able not to affect the outcome of the debate. "To give to the soccers player of farmaci in modality ' off label ', it is worth to say to outside of the therapeutic indications, it cannot be considered crime and a sentence of the Juventus would have paradoxical consequences from the legal point of view". This is how much writes the professor Large, than then it continues: "law 401 of 1989 in this case cannot be applied. E' a law - it explains, citing also sentences of the Cassation and other Italian courts - that it is born in order to contrast the phenomenon of the illegal bettings and does not regard the doping, for which, in 2000, it has been introduced a crime ' to hoc' on the sanitary protection of the sport activities ". The university professor adds that the Juventus, having employed medicinal lawful, would not be punibile not even with the new law on the doping. And he observes that a sentence would make to rise a "sequence of paradoxical consequences", because "the law that regulated the sport swindle would continue to punish like dopings made not previewed like crime from the anti-drug legislation". As far as the accusation of use of Epo, "the experts - he asserts Large - speak about various levels of probability, or adoption nearly certà; but nobody - the university professor emphasizes - can be punished if the test of its responsibility does not exist to outside of every reasonable doubt. And the conclusions of the experts are to the standard of a language not always clearly, with elastic and sometimes conflicting expressions and locuzioni that render difficult, if not impossible, their translation in penalistici concepts in a position to thinking sure probed the crime ".

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