the big match: Italy - Wales (14 Viewers)


Junior Member
Jul 1, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
No, they're not even showing the Norway match here :wallbang:
oh i c..!!
i know that its non of my-bis but i wanted 2 know ur story with the peguins?? r u fan of the penguins(US hockey team)??!


Junior Member
Jul 1, 2003
Tacchinardi joins injury list Saturday 6 September, 2003


Alessio Tacchinardi is the latest casualty for tonight’s game with Wales, but Simone Perrotta may make a remarkable recovery to start.

“I won’t risk Tacchinardi if he has a fitness problem,” revealed Giovanni Trapattoni this morning.

“Cristiano Zanetti and Perrotta are now favourites to play in central midfield, with Gennaro Gattuso as a very valid alternative to be considered.”

Juventus midfielder Tacchinardi was drafted in to replace Perrotta after the Chievo man suffered a bruised foot during training.

However, yesterday’s session saw Tacchinardi limp off with a thigh problem and put his presence in doubt.

Tests have confirmed there is no lasting damage, but Trap has no intention of taking any chances.

It is a bitter blow for the former Under-21 international, as he only recently earned a recall after a year in the wilderness.

Instead, Perrotta has made a remarkable recovery from his own injury to perhaps take part in tonight’s Euro 2004 qualifier.

Milan star Gattuso is on stand-by for two different roles now, as Zanetti is also not 100 per cent fit.

Italy Probable: Buffon; Panucci, Cannavaro, Nesta, Zambrotta; Camoranesi, Perrotta, Zanetti, Del Piero; Inzaghi, Vieri


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2003
is this just plain bad luck or the azzzuri physio is really underqualified ... these kind of things happen since forever.. everytime there is an international match at least 5-4 player have to pull out.. and at least one of them must be totti or vieri...


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
Soccerage Match Preview : Italy Vs Wales

The key clash of the Euro 2004 qualifying Group 9 takes place on Saturday evening at the Stadio San Siro in Milan between Italy and Wales.

A win would send Italy at the top of the table, while a draw that would allow the guests to keep the lead with two home matches to come. A Welsh victory will leave Hughes' men just one point shy of their first qualification to a major tournament since 1958, and put in danger even Italy's chances to grab the second place.

The Wales coach is aware of the fact that his opponents will be a totally different team compared to the somehow surprising 1-2 setback they suffered in Cardiff on October 2002.

Since that match, and after a 1-1 draw against Turkey, the Azzurri notched a pretty impressive series of 6 victories, the latest of which in Germany courtesy of a superb goal by Christian Vieri.


Italy coach Giovanni Trapattoni, who is already without injured superstar Francesco Totti, will be boosted by the last-minute recovery of Christian Vieri. The powerful Inter striker, who is bothered by a knee problem, is expected to be in the starting eleven alongside his beloved friend Filippo Inzaghi. The lack of Totti will force Trapattoni to move Alex Del Piero a step back, thus changing Italy's usual 4-2-3-1 lineup into a 4-3-1-2.

Mark Hughes is sweating with the form of Craig Bellamy, who is suffering from a swollen knee. The mercurial Newcastle striker is expected to be in the starting lineup, otherwise Simon Davies will replace him upfront and either Koumas or Earnshaw will fill in midfield. Central Defender Danny Gabbidon is definitely out with a heel problem and will likely be replaced by Melville.


ITALY (4-3-1-2): Buffon; Panucci, Nesta, Cannavaro, Zambrotta; Camoranesi, Tacchinardi, Perrotta; Del Piero: Vieri, Inzaghi

WALES (4-3-2-1): Jones; Delaney, Page, Melville, Speed; Davies, Savage, Pembridge; Bellamy, Giggs; Hartson


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
One source says that Italy will play 4-4-2 and the other says that they will play 4-3-1-2 :undecide:

I hope that we play the latter...


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
Can someone please translate this:

APPIANO GENTILE (Como), 5 settembre 2003 - Riflettori su Christian Vieri anche in conferenza stampa. Ecco il "Bobo pensiero" in pillole. "Sto bene, sono a disposizione del mister. Mi sono allenato senza sentire dolore. Questo conta. Per me è importante giocare una gara decisiva come quella contro il Galles, per di più nel mio stadio pieno di gente. Sarà la mia prima volta in azzurro a San Siro. Avrei giocato anche se in ballo non ci fosse la qualificazione agli Europei. L'importante è non avere dolore. Schiereremo il tridente per attaccare e imporre il nostro gioco".

Anche la conferenza di Trapattoni non può prescindere dal recupero del totem nerazzurro. "Vieri è la buona notizia del fine settimana. Lui è il nostro numero nove, è importante averlo a disposizione. Christian vuole esserci a tutti i costi e a volte la volontà permette di superare anche il dolore. A questo punto ho addirittura un problema di abbondanza. Del Piero partirà da sinistra, ma lui può giocare ovunque. Contro il Galles dobbiamo vincere ad ogni costo. Non importa come. San Siro poi ci porta bene (in effetti l'Italia non ha mai perso, totalizzando 28 vittorie e 7 pareggi, ndr.)".

Lasciamo che Trap si tocchi sotto il tavolo e passiamo agli altri giocatori. Panucci non dimentica cosa successe il 16 ottobre scorso a Cardiff. "Dobbiamo vincere per andare a Euro 2004. E io non ho scordato i loro olè nella gara d'andata. Speriamo di restituirglieli con gli interessi domani". Capitan Cannavaro parte invece dalla sconfitta coi gallesi per spiegare come è cambiato il clima all'interno dello spogliatoio azzurro. "Allora eravamo ancora abbattuti per il Mondiale. Merito al Trap di averci ridato fiducia ed entusiasmo e di aver ricompattato il gruppo. Ora si respira un'aria diversa".

Per un Inzaghi che si rifiuta di parlare, un Del Piero che salta l'uomo come pochi, ma proprio non può eludere le domande sulla sua collocazione in campo. Lo juventino esordisce con una battuta: "Spero di trovare la posizione prima della fine della gara... Comunque non credo che giocherò solo a sinistra. Anche il Trap ha parlato di tridente con me, Inzaghi e Del Piero". Unico degli undici titolari nominati dal Trap è a questo punto un altro juventino. Alessio Tacchinardi soffre infatti per un risentimento al quadricipite della coscia destra. Domani provino decisivo, altrimenti sono pronti Perrotta (prodigioso il suo recupero) o Gattuso.

Seems interesting...


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
I can't do a good translation, but i can summarize what's being said...

Bobo said that he's feeling well, he trained without feeling pain. he said that the match is very important for him also because it'll be played in Sansiro. He said that he would have played even if it wasn't a "big" match.

Trapattoni is happy because Vieri will play. He's Italy's number 9 and he's very important. He said that Bobo wanted to play no matter what and that this helped his recovery. Del piero will play on the left because, as trap said, "he can play anywhere". Trap concluded saying that's very important to win this match, no matter how and that san Siro brings good luck ('cause italy has never lost here- 28W and 7D)

Panucci says that it's important to win and that they (Italy's NT) hope to do to Wales what W. did to them last year. Cannavaro says that Italy's stronger than how it was last year. He thanks trapattoni :rolleyes: for giving them hope and enthusiasm and for having "bonded" the team again. He says that now things are very different from last year.



Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
Inzaghi doesn't want to speak and Dp tries to avoid questions but has to answer when they ask him about where he'll play. he begins with a joke: "I hope to find a good position (on the field) before the end of the match.. But anyways I don't think I'll only play on the left. Trap also spoke about the "tridente", with me, Inzaghi and Vieri". The only one of the starting 11 in doubt is Tacchinardi :down: because of some muscolar problems. Today they'll see if he can make it (but i read that it is very unlikely), if not Perrotta or Gattuso will take Alessio's Place.


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
++ [ originally posted by -Fantasista- ] ++

... San Siro poi ci porta bene (in effetti l'Italia non ha mai perso, totalizzando 28 vittorie e 7 pareggi, ndr.)".

Lasciamo che Trap si tocchi sotto il tavolo e passiamo agli altri giocatori. ..

U're welcome :) Fantasista

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