Terrorism (6 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I'm saying that Bush is killing Iraqis, just like Saddam did. Does the fact that Bush isn't an Iraqi make it any better?


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Loppan ] ++

But there are dictators all around the world who do that so why isn't Bush helping them??
Saddam had a finger in the 9/11, he probably hided weapons of mass destruction, and he was a big threat, thanks to the action taken, we might have saved him from doing harm.

You cant expect USA to clean up all over the world. Its enough with this one.


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2004
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
I'm saying that Bush is killing Iraqis, just like Saddam did. Does the fact that Bush isn't an Iraqi make it any better?
Its the difference in the way they do it, Bush are sorry for civile victims, its a military action, and at least Bush makes it once and for all, to get rid of Saddam, his intentions are a bit better than Saddam, too say at least!


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by _Emerson ] ++
Saddam had a finger in the 9/11, he probably hided weapons of mass destruction, and he was a big threat, thanks to the action taken, we might have saved him from doing harm.
++ [ originally posted by _Emerson ] ++
Its the difference in the way they do it, Bush are sorry for civile victims
Yeah, I'm sure Bush cries himself to sleep every night because of all the civilians he's killed.
++ [ originally posted by _Emerson ] ++
its a military action, and at least Bush makes it once and for all
ermm I think death is "once and for all" no matter whether it's a military action or not. Besides, do you think the parents of these children care whether it's a military action or not? Their child has half their head blown off by shrapnel, I hardly think they're dwelling on the pressing matter of Bush's humanitarian agenda


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
++ [ originally posted by _Emerson ] ++

Saddam had a finger in the 9/11, he probably hided weapons of mass destruction, and he was a big threat, thanks to the action taken, we might have saved him from doing harm.

You cant expect USA to clean up all over the world. Its enough with this one.
How many times am I going to explain this: there is no connections between Al Quada and Saddam. That's just something Bush wants the american people to belive.

Probably hided weapons of mass destruction? They haven't even found it and it's been over a year since the invasion.

Big threat to the US? NO! To his own people: Yes

But if the USA isn't gonna clean up all over the world, stop acting like the world police!


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2004
++ [ originally posted by gray ] ++
do you think the parents of these children care whether it's a military action or not? Their child has half their head blown off by shrapnel, I hardly think they're dwelling on the pressing matter of Bush's humanitarian agenda
You are so stupid!, face it the world is horrible, but not because of USA, they are they ones who take care of others mess!, im sure you just ignore the victims of 9/11, children who lost their parents, is that any better to you?


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
:wallbang: when did I say that it's any better, I've been saying the whole time that Afghans and Iraqis aren't more deserving of death than Americans.

and don't give me that rubbish about the noble knights of the United States cleaning up other people's mess for them. Need I post more pictures of the war to show how 'clean' the 'mess' is thanks to the US?


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2002
++ [ originally posted by _Emerson ] ++
World police?, no, but we can thank them for it, look at WWII!!!, save me for that "jantelov" mentality.
Oh no, don't start talking about WWII. That war was stopped by co-operate efforts, not only US as many americans think.


Senior Member
Oct 3, 2002
I still don't understand the point of this stupid thread:undecide:

and for god sake Gray stop posting those pictures .we all know what dead means and how a death looks..


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
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    ++ [ originally posted by _Emerson ] ++

    Are you insane?, off course they were, what had USA done to deserve the terror attacks?= NOTHING!, and all throughout the middle east and iraq ppl were celebrating the terror attacks, because they hate USA, so excuse me if i dont :touched: over dead t*ash!.
    And what did those civilians do to deserve being killed by the US? And the US is far from perfect, they've had their fair share of atrocities, from the A-bomb, war crimes in Vietnam, overthrowing legitimate governments, etc.

    ++ [ originally posted by _Emerson ] ++

    No its not, but dont expect to not get back when you attack USA!, innocents will die, its also very useless of you to post these images, what is it good for?
    Iraq didnt attack the US. Nor did those people.

    ++ [ originally posted by _Emerson ] ++

    afghanistan, iraq, etc whats the difference, war is war, if Saddam had done what he was supposed to do for UN, then it would never have getten this far, but what can you expect from a man who kills thousands of his own ppl.

    OH FOR FVCKS SAKE!!! This must be the most retarded comment you have made so far? Whats the difference???

    ++ [ originally posted by _Emerson ] ++

    Thanks to Bush he'll never get the chance again.

    No he wont, now Bush gets to kill Iraqis.

    ++ [ originally posted by _Emerson ] ++

    Saddam had a finger in the 9/11, he probably hided weapons of mass destruction, and he was a big threat, thanks to the action taken, we might have saved him from doing harm.

    You cant expect USA to clean up all over the world. Its enough with this one.

    And yet hundreds of thousands of US soldiers havent found any WMDs after over a year now. And no, he didnt have his finger in 9/11 any more than you did? Or is there something about you we dont know?

    ++ [ originally posted by _Emerson ] ++
    World police?, no, but we can thank them for it, look at WWII!!!, save me for that "jantelov" mentality.
    The US were more than sufficiently rewarded for WWII. Besides, after finishing off Europe and Asia, GErmany/Japan/Italy would have most probably come after the US too.


    Sep 23, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by _Emerson ] ++
    Saddam had a finger in the 9/11, he probably hided weapons of mass destruction, and he was a big threat, thanks to the action taken, we might have saved him from doing harm.
    To be honest, I find it alarming that so many Americans still believe this line. 9/11 Commission and everything. It's as bad as the conspiracy theorists on JFK's assassination, but at least there we had some murky details to at least breed that kind of suspicious thought.

    The only justification anyone has that Saddam had dealings with 9/11 are pure hunches based on no facts nor evidence. I can only explain this phenomenon because of either faith-based (vs. fact-based) presidential support, 10-year-old data that people haven't mentally updated, or a gross generalization that all Middle Eastern Arabs are alike.


    Senior Member
    Jan 24, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by swag ] ++
    To be honest, I find it alarming that so many Americans still believe this line.
    I feel the same way. It's amazing how many people spout opinions without really kowing anything about what they're talking about. I'd wager our friend hasn't even heard your side of the arguement - he's happy to defend the stuff he got fed first. Makes you wonder about this whole democracy lark.

    The only justification anyone has that Saddam had dealings with 9/11 are pure hunches based on no facts nor evidence. I can only explain this phenomenon because of either faith-based (vs. fact-based) presidential support, 10-year-old data that people haven't mentally updated, or a gross generalization that all Middle Eastern Arabs are alike.
    Well put.


    2013 Prediction Cup Champ
    Jul 16, 2002
    Both Saddam and Osama are Sunni muslims.....

    so they do have much in common................

    Could Saddam have cleared out his stash and sent it to Iran and Syria, while we f*cked around with the UN for 5 months to get their approval ????

    I think so...

    Its like going on a police raid, banging on door, while the jokers flush their stash down the toilet
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