Terrorism (70 Viewers)

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Apr 12, 2004
++ [ originally posted by nosubstitute959 ] ++
You're quick to call a person who shoots an American soldier defending his land a terrorist, yet you still won't admit what the U.S. soldiers did in the mosque was a terrorist act.

I, on the other hand, call all persons who attack civilians "terrorists" no matter what side they're on. The difference is in Israel's and U.S.'s cases, they're official acts of either the govt or the army representing them. You can't seem to understand that and the easiest thing for you to claim is that I'm defending terrorists..........something I've never claimed in any of my posts.
Its not a terrorist act if those terrorists in the mosk had weapons and were a threat to the soldiers. Like it not, that's how it is. Go fight your 'holy war' somewhere else.

Buy on AliExpress.com
Apr 12, 2004
++ [ originally posted by nosubstitute959 ] ++

Quote the posts smart guy.

I EXPECT THE MODS' INTERVENTION AS THIS IS CLEARLY A RACIAL INSULT Before it was putting words together, but now it's blatant.
I'm just stating an opinion, no harm intended. But you need to fight your own wars. But no offense. Cant we all be just friends?


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by nosubstitute959 ] ++
Just to show you how much you're making up.......this is the first post on this forum where I expressed my views. So....I always jump at the chance of defending terrorists? From your time here..........? Bull freakin shit............It's funny how you resorted to all that made-up shit. I have lost a lot of respect for you with that low low strategy you opted for.
You lost respect for me because I stated an opinion? If that is correct, I already lost a lot of respect for you when you clearly blame the US for everything.

Yes, we have made a lot of atrocities in Iraq, but Moslem terrorists over the world have made many more. There is no way you can defend that.


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003
++ [ originally posted by BayernFussball ] ++
I'm just stating an opinion, no harm intended. But you need to fight your own wars. But no offense. Cant we all be just friends?
There's "no offense" and there's BS excuses for unacceptable language. Please don't make me decide which you're saying in the future.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Martin ] ++

I could not disagree more.. :dontcare:
Read deeper Marty, I said that wasn't the best word choice. What I actually meant is Al-Qaeda is more "evil", even though I agree with the first statement anyways.


Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
Jan 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by BayernFussball ] ++
Its not a terrorist act if those terrorists in the mosk had weapons and were a threat to the soldiers.
I feel sorry for those gracious and innocent 'soldiers' who are occupying the 'terrorists' land and torturing their people for fun.

I heard they are still searching for those WMD, any luck? :rolleyes:
Apr 12, 2004
Firt and foremost, DP is out of form.

Now, I don't feel sorry for those Muslims in the mosque, if they were a threat; they were a threat. And I don't think we are the ones torturing and killing civilians on Arab television networks.

NO! No WMD's, but I never thought there were any, I hate bush and am an extreme Democrat. I never thought we should have gone into Iraq, I think Iran and N. Korea pose a greater threat.


Formerly known as Ali
Jul 15, 2002
It's easy to forget that when America needed to deal with Russia in the Afgan war then Bin Laden was their solution, when they needed Iran to be whacked by Iraq then Saddam was their solution. Surely the chickens come home to roost. One way or the other due to pathetic foreign policies America is as much guilty of the situation as the so called 'terrorists'.


Prediction Game Champ 2003 & 2005
Jan 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by BayernFussball ] ++
Firt and foremost, DP is out of form.
C'mon, Alex has been scoring goals for fun lately :D

++ [ originally posted by BayernFussball ] ++
Now, I don't feel sorry for those Muslims in the mosque, if they were a threat; they were a threat. And I don't think we are the ones torturing and killing civilians on Arab television networks.
What about the Abu Gharib scandal, I thought it was disgusting enough :confused: Anyway, I can't understand how you call people defending their country from outsiders as terrorists?

++ [ originally posted by BayernFussball ] ++
NO! No WMD's, but I never thought there were any, I hate bush and am an extreme Democrat. I never thought we should have gone into Iraq, I think Iran and N. Korea pose a greater threat.
Hint: No oil in N. Korea and Iran ;)


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2003


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by dpforever ] ++

What about the Abu Gharib scandal, I thought it was disgusting enough :confused: Anyway, I can't understand how you call people defending their country from outsiders as terrorists?
Defending their country from outsiders? If they are, why didn't they refuse the many terrorists who came running to the country from the surrounding areas? Are the Iraqi citizens trying to fight off these muslim extremists from causing trouble? NO. Instead, they make the problem worse.

But of course America and our troops have to carry the blame for everything. You know if a group of terrorists would capture a numerous amount of US soldiers, they all would be beheaded. Would we do the same to the terrorists? Of course NOT. People are so readily available when a US troop causes a big stir, but oh no the terrorists commiting other heinous acts are never scrutinized. We carry all the blame for everything.

Some people here really make my stomach churn, and currently I'm thinking of expelling myself from this place.
Apr 12, 2004
++ [ originally posted by dpforever ] ++

C'mon, Alex has been scoring goals for fun lately :D
Maybe on FIFA 2005!

++ [ originally posted by dpforever ] ++What about the Abu Gharib scandal, I thought it was disgusting enough :confused: Anyway, I can't understand how you call people defending their country from outsiders as terrorists?
True, but that was a select few guys messing around, an isolated incident.
And protecting your country is one thing, but car bombing and the suicide bombers, etc. Thats reminiscent of Vietnam with the Viet Cong.

++ [ originally posted by dpforever ] ++Hint: No oil in N. Korea and Iran ;)
I totally AGREE with this. Bush is the biggest wanker in the world. I hate him and hope he gets caught raping Condolizza Rice.
Apr 12, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Andy ] ++

Some people here really make my stomach churn, and currently I'm thinking of expelling myself from this place.
DITTO! I am tired of the Anti-American, Pro-Arab BS. And I hate what the US is doing over-seas, but I have to defend my countrymen, it is not their faught, they are commanded to do stuff, so that is how it goes, they do not have a choice.
Jul 19, 2003
++ [ originally posted by BayernFussball ] ++
Of course bloody Majed is pro-Arab, but look at the TV its freaking Aljazeera or something, cummon, I'm not saying CNN is any better, but don't you think that an Arab TV station may be pro-Islamic.
You won't believe this but Al-Jazeera TV network, in terms of news reporting, is the most impartial one.
Jul 19, 2003
++ [ originally posted by BayernFussball ] ++

DITTO! I am tired of the Anti-American, Pro-Arab BS. And I hate what the US is doing over-seas, but I have to defend my countrymen, it is not their faught, they are commanded to do stuff, so that is how it goes, they do not have a choice.

So wait.......I can't support Arabs? I can't support my own race? Is that so horrible to you?

And how do you hate what the U.S. is doing and you're constantly coming up with excuses validating the morality of every disgraceful act that goes on in Iraq? I know you think the soldiers are doing their job, but the whole thing is screwed up........who do we blame? Bush?.....he's there for 4 more years. No one said all the soldiers are corrupt and would love nothing else but to see Arabs suffer, but some of them genuinely do. They're all part of the system which we're criticizing so I don't really know why you're arguing.
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