I have been watching Juve games for some time now, and consider myself a fairly knowledgeable fan with experience playing in high level youth leagues in the U.S. This is my take on the current state of the Juventus team, and I would like to start a discussion regarding some of the problems that hamper the teams' sucess.
Problem #1-
Zambrotta cannot play on the right flank. By playing at right back, Zambrotta crowds out Camorenesi and they do not link up well. This limits Camos effectivness on the right flank by sending in balls, getting shots off, etc. Moreover when Zambrotta plays on the left, his exteme fitness and ability allows Nedved to float inside to a more traditional role of an attacking midfielder, thus taking long-range shots and providing diagonal through balls which are sorely missing at the moment. This is part of the reason I believe for the offensive stagnation present in Siena and Lazio games.
Problem #2-
Trezeguez is invaluable because of his goalscoring potential, but he does not contribute much to the offensein other fashions. This forces Ibra to have to do to much creatively, and to cover too much ground. As a result he becomes frusterated, and his immaturity shows through in poor effort levels, such as pouting his way through the Siena game. Zambrotta helps this problem by covering the entire left flank, thus allowing Nedved to take over some of the creative responsibilities. However, a more creative forward pairing of Mutu/DP and Ibra would probably be more effective all-around. However, because Trez can score at any moment, he is probably undroppable.
These two reasons I believe are partly responsible for the stagnation on offense.
I will now put forward a hypothetical scenario to see what changes could be made in the next summer.
Juve wins Seire A-- no surprise there
Juve wins CL-- narrow victory over Barca in the final
After good run in WC, Nedved retires
Capello moves to Real Madrid to link up with Cassano
Trez is transferred by Moggi to maybe Arsenal as a replacement for Henry after he moves to Barca
We now need a left winger, a coach, a good right back (we dont have one now) and maybe a sucessor for Thruam in center defense
Give me ideas about transfer possibilites
And other tactical ideas
Hope this wasnt too long