Syrian civil war (17 Viewers)

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004

“I swear there is no Nusra in Aleppo except for the western suburbs. The Islamic State has taken over them and they run around saying that they have liberated areas, after the FSA liberates them and cleans them up. America did this to Syria, it's the one that has let the Islamists get a foothold here. I was hoping to go to Afghanistan to fight with them once, but when they came to Syria, I saw how they work. I hope they go out from the country when the revolution is finished.”

And if they didn’t, would he fight them? Abu Mustapha shrugged. A few seconds passed before he said, laughing: “Bashar al-Assad is beautiful compared to the Islamic State.”
Best part ^
Jul 2, 2006
No, it is a shit part coming from a probably fictional character. Because no one can call Assad beautiful, no matter what.

Last thing America want is that Islamists gaining power there. That's why they don't topple Assad.


The Maestro
Aug 20, 2005
About them leaving, if they will be given chance to represent themselves in political area like everbody else, they can't ask more.
You want to give them a second chance after Afghanistan ? I'm talking about the main Islamist groups fighting which are Al Qaeda and the Al Nusra front.
Jul 2, 2006
You want to give them a second chance after Afghanistan ? I'm talking about the main Islamist groups fighting which are Al Qaeda and the Al Nusra front.
If they participate in elections, they will have no excuse to use violence anymore. By banning them from politics, you would just give them legitimacy. You can't ask them drop their weapons, leave the country and stay away from the politics in same time.


The Maestro
Aug 20, 2005
If they participate in elections, they will have no excuse to use violence anymore. By banning them from politics, you would just give them legitimacy. You can't ask them drop their weapons, leave the country and stay away from the politics in same time.
I agree. Alright then, let's see how it goes I guess.
Jul 2, 2006
Bashar al-Assad jokes that he 'should have won Nobel Peace Prize’

Syrian dictator tells pro-regime Lebanese newspaper that he should have taken the award which went to the global chemical weapons watchdog charged with disarming his country

The Syrian president Bashar al-Assad has joked in an interview with a pro-regime Lebanese newspaper that the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize should have been awarded to him.

The prize was instead given last week to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which is charged with disarming Syria of its chemical stockpile.

“That prize should have been given to me,” Mr Assad said when his interviewer brought up the announcement from the Nobel committee.

The dictator is widely blamed for an attack on his own people on 21 August which, using the nerve agent sarin, killed as many as 1,400 people. UN weapons inspectors have confirmed a chemical attack took place but have been unable to definitively attribute the blame for it.

Speaking of his country’s chemical weapons as a bargaining chip, Mr Assad told the pro-Hezbollah newspaper Al-Akhbar: “Today the price has changed and we have agreed to give up our chemical weapons to remove the threat of the US attacking us.”

The stockpile had been seen by the regime as a valuable tool in attempts to force Israel to get rid of its nuclear arsenal.

“There is no doubt that the loss of chemical weapons has resulted in a loss of morale and a political loss for Syria,” Mr Assad said.

The dictator also criticised a number of Arab countries for turning against Syria, and said that the West “was more dignified in dealing with us than some of the Arabs”.

“Even the conventional military industry, which used to be geared against Israel, is now directed at the domestic enemies,” he said. “This too is a loss.”

That “dealing” from the West is now spearheaded by the OPCW. The organisation, based in The Hague, currently has inspectors on the ground in Syria inspecting over 20 suspected chemical weapons sites. It is tasked with destroying Mr Assad’s arsenal by mid-2014.

Meanwhile US Secretary of State John Kerry, who has previously said the Syrian leader deserves “credit” for agreeing to the chemical weapons disarmament plan, warned that an urgent conference was needed if peace in the conflict-torn country was to remain a possibility.

The casual tone of Mr Assad’s interview with Al-Akhbar comes as the Syrian rebels find themselves weakened by increasing disunity. Reports continue to emerge of chaos in the rebel-held north and in-fighting between the various anti-government factions, and Mr Kerry said his hopes for a “Geneva II” season of peace talks would not happen unless the rebels could unite behind a single new transitional government entity.
Jul 2, 2006
Syrian regime air raids kill dozens in Aleppo

Activists report 56 people dead, as northern city is hit by eighth day of airstrikes by government "barrel bombs".

Syrian army helicopters have killed at least 56 people, including children, by dropping "barrel bombs" on the northern city of Aleppo, according to the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Sunday's air raids targeted Aleppo's Masaken Hanano neighbourhood, hitting a second-hand market, a two-story building and a main road, activists said, in the eighth day of government airstrikes on the city.

"The medics say they are removing people in parts; they aren't sure how many there are," Hassoun Abu Faisal, an activist with the group the Aleppo Media Centre told Associated Press news agency.

He said the bombs destroyed vehicles lining a main road and a two-story building, leaving a crater where part of the market was.

Activists said the airstrikes were carried out by government helicopters that dropped barrel bombs, crude devices filled with explosives and fuel that are wildly inaccurate but cause massive damage on impact.

The bombs are explosive-filled cylinders or oil drums that are often rolled out of the back of helicopters with little attempt at striking a particular target. They are capable of causing widespread casualties and significant damage.

Human rights groups have said that even if Syrian forces are targeting rebels with the bombs, they often explode in residential areas, killing civilians.

In the town of Marea, north of Aleppo, a barrel bomb that exploded near a school used by Syrians fleeing fighting in other areas killed three members of the same family, according to Abu Faisal and the Observatory.

Attacks near Homs school

Schools decided to close Monday in opposition-held parts of Aleppo to avoid more casualties, citing Sunday's attacks in Marea, the Aleppo Media Centre reported.

Syrian officials have not commented on the air raids in Aleppo, the country's largest city, and a major front in the war since the rebels launched an offensive there in mid-2012.

The city has been carved into opposition- and government-held areas.

Meanwhile, at least 20 people were killed after a suicide bomber exploded a device near a primary school in the predominantly Shia town of Umm al-Amed in Homs province.

Seven of the dead were children, according to the Observatory.

Syria's state news agency also put the death toll at 20 but said six children had died.

An estimated 6,627 children have been killed within the past three years, a UN monitoring group believes.

More than 100,000 people have been killed in the conflict, in a war where no one seems to have the upper hand.

Source: Agencies


Senior Member
Nov 21, 2005
:heart: cant wait for these pests to be finished off!!

It's hilarious these SOB religious fanatics claim there enemy is Israel yet not a single bullet is fired. Let me tell you the truth flat out they dont have the guts to do so because they know they will get raped!!! Not only them but the prick's who back them off and every one knows the three coward nations behind them one of which is a nation that can't even be seen on the map!! That's how small that prick regime in Qatar is. The other nation turkey well watch this will come back to bite erdogan in the ass. After being rejected to join the EU with Germany namely opposing this move erdogan fell back on the fantasy that tickles the beards in the Arab world the khilafa (Islamic empire) and off course what better way than tickle the feelings of the Palestinian issue!! To gain popularity, and shame on egypt and it's armed forces for closing the tunnels!! Shame on the Zionist sisi and his armed forces right? It's disgusting and sickening when these religious fanatics claim they want to liberate Palestine only to attack the egyptain army which flat out gave to the Palestinian cause more than turkey. Yes Egypt has a peace treaty but at least it's out in the light unlike certain regimes.
Yes I'm fully aware so is everyone in Egypt and beyond of the suffering of people in Gaza but I refuse that the blame for there misery and hardship gets
Blamed on egypt. If there is any one to blame for this is fatah and Hama's!! There refusal to sort there issues adds more suffering to the people of Gaza who
Are sadly sandiwiched between these two.

Regarding Syria well it just requires people to just open there eyes and look at
The map of the region to understand what is the main aim of this shit storm and who is next in line.

Say all you want about bashar (in no way is he an angel neither is his regime), but his hell is much better than the religious fanatics heaven. Here in Moscow my friends are Syrian and they tell me about the horrors they had to see with there families at the hands of those who claim to be the undisputed word of the lord all mighty.


★ ★ ★
Aug 22, 2006
:heart: cant wait for these pests to be finished off!!
Me too, bro...

It's hilarious these SOB religious fanatics claim there enemy is Israel yet not a single bullet is fired. Let me tell you the truth flat out they dont have the guts to do so because they know they will get raped!!! Not only them but the prick's who back them off and every one knows the three coward nations behind them one of which is a nation that can't even be seen on the map!! That's how small that prick regime in Qatar is. The other nation turkey well watch this will come back to bite erdogan in the ass. After being rejected to join the EU with Germany namely opposing this move erdogan fell back on the fantasy that tickles the beards in the Arab world the khilafa (Islamic empire) and off course what better way than tickle the feelings of the Palestinian issue!! To gain popularity, and shame on egypt and it's armed forces for closing the tunnels!! Shame on the Zionist sisi and his armed forces right? It's disgusting and sickening when these religious fanatics claim they want to liberate Palestine only to attack the egyptain army which flat out gave to the Palestinian cause more than turkey. Yes Egypt has a peace treaty but at least it's out in the light unlike certain regimes.
Yes I'm fully aware so is everyone in Egypt and beyond of the suffering of people in Gaza but I refuse that the blame for there misery and hardship gets
Blamed on egypt. If there is any one to blame for this is fatah and Hama's!! There refusal to sort there issues adds more suffering to the people of Gaza who
Are sadly sandiwiched between these two.

Regarding Syria well it just requires people to just open there eyes and look at
The map of the region to understand what is the main aim of this shit storm and who is next in line.

Say all you want about bashar (in no way is he an angel neither is his regime), but his hell is much better than the religious fanatics heaven. Here in Moscow my friends are Syrian and they tell me about the horrors they had to see with there families at the hands of those who claim to be the undisputed word of the lord all mighty.

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