Swap Panucci - Legrottaglie (1 Viewer)


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
So we are getting rid of a useless player to get another useless player... Like many here said, I would put Birindelli over Panucci any day!!!
Im not against geting rid of Lgro, but if we are swaping him, at least get a decent player. not Panucci!!

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Aug 26, 2003
Yes Legro over Panucci any time! and why we need him? we have Zebina (ho is doing great) and Birindelli is also always doing his best when called up, hell even Tudor or Thuram could play on the site, so no Panucci!
Sep 14, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Gogeta ] ++
Panucci is your kind of player lol
You have Pancaro (different position, I know) is he really a better full back?

And as Jeeks has pointed out, he was with Milan.


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2004
IMO panucci can play on both LB and RB, if we can have him, he and biri will be a great backup for zebina and zambro, this is not a bad idea.

capello doesn't play legro at all, sit him on the bench is kind of wasteful.

i don't know how much salary for panucci, if it is similar to legro, i like this swap.


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003
but with birindelli, we have that versitile bench player to play both right and left back. And besides, if we are looking for a full back, it should be a left back who is able to at least try an do what zambrotta does. panucci is a true right back who is able to play left back. moggi should go for a true left back.


Cuadrado is juan hell of a derby king!
Oct 27, 2004
No way! to swap a promising talent for an old angry panucci! I think Zebina is doing absolutely great. And we have backup there, so no rightback needed! If there is any player i hate, Panucci I hate the most. He has screwed up for Italy so many times and I just can't stand him :)

Oddo is better IMO!


Junior Member
Feb 6, 2004
panucci is one of the most overrated player allround the world !

i hate this guy !
stupid errors in the game, stupid character, stupid face !

panucci is a symbol of idiot just like materazzi or the rest of inters defensiv !:D

me personaly i think we should give legro another chance ! he is not to old and he is not that bad ! at chievo he was a good defender !

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