++ [ originally posted by sutnop ] ++
If I knew his parents
I would ofcourse feel sorry
If my best friend was Uday I would be also very sad if Sadaam was to die...
If my girlfriend was bush daughter I would also be very sad if her father was to die....
But that is you missing the point...
I don't know his parents
I don't know 13year old childs parents in South Africa that is already in the Final Stages of AIDS....
I didn't know my Ale's best friend who's Girlfriend had just passed away from a lethal brain tumour....
(still here I felt a bit of grief since I know Ale)
If I knew his parents
I would ofcourse feel sorry
If my best friend was Uday I would be also very sad if Sadaam was to die...
If my girlfriend was bush daughter I would also be very sad if her father was to die....
But that is you missing the point...
I don't know his parents
I don't know 13year old childs parents in South Africa that is already in the Final Stages of AIDS....
I didn't know my Ale's best friend who's Girlfriend had just passed away from a lethal brain tumour....
(still here I felt a bit of grief since I know Ale)
Thats your point?
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