Serie A teams could go Bankrupt???? (2 Viewers)



Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #62
    ++ [ originally posted by [LAC] ] ++
    serge doesnt this kinda remind you of the vietnam days? when the country was run like a police state? somebody was telling me all about it- the fbi runnin around doing stuff n all.

    np tho. we can wait for feedback

    *whispering to himself*

    "OK, if I respond to this post, then technically I'm agreeing with what Joshua says, and I could implicate myself and get my well-thought out and carefully constructed thread closed" "Allright then, I won't hit enter"

    *Looks at the calendar and realizes that today is Veterans Day in the U.S.*

    Hey wait a minute, men and women have fought and died so that I could have freedom of speech.

    Let me just hit this enter button....................................

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
    ignoring deej's hilarious comic timing :LOL:....

    serge, im pissed we dont have veterans day off. We have millions of people who fought and died for the country- who now have leukemia from scud missiles, gulf war syndrome, the vietnam syndrome thing, etc etc(did you see that king-of-the-hill episode?), who were held hostage, etc.

    and now all we can give them is one lousy day. can you imagine telling a veteran that? "here, sir- you and your friends now have 24 hours named after you. it doesnt matter though- we wont be remembering you, nor will we care about what you did back then. we just want to keep you old men and women smugly content"



    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #65
    I think you mean the after effects of Agent Orange in the Vietnam war, Josh. But I agree with you 100%. I couldn't sign up for the marines like I wanted to because I hadn't fully recovered from my surgery for my ACL and MCL tear in my left knee after high school. That disappointed me greatly.

    We take our liberties for granted sometimes.

    Correct that, most of the time.

    Layce Erayce

    Senior Member
    Aug 11, 2002
    *wonders if he really read serge's mind back in post 62.....WHOA!!! I DID READ HIS MIND!!!!*

    as much as id like to continue(and believe me i can rant about this for eternity), this is neither the time nor the place. lets not **** this thread up.

    i have to go now though. sign up at ian's.


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #67
    I agree with you Josh.

    Let's not ruin a good thread.

    Back to the problems in Serie A:

    I think I had laid out what basically needed to be done to put an end to this.

    Hey,that reminds me. Weren't the EU supposed to meet today in Brusells?

    Does anyone know what happened??


    Senior Member
    Sep 16, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #70
    ++ [ originally posted by Matto ] ++
    There's a meeting every day in Brussels. Could you be more specific? :confused:
    If you read the first paragraph in the article, it said that they were meeting on Nov. 11th, and this was one of the topics on their agenda.

    And if you maintain this tone of voice with me, young man, I'll leave you off of my dedication thread, which, by the way, I haven't done yet.:D:D:D

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