Serie A: Napoli vs Juventus [October 27th 2007] (2 Viewers)

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Sep 23, 2003


Nov 26, 2006
Napoli had 2 good chances today, and they both turned into goals..

did you see the game ??

If you did, then you would have seen Gargano easily run past him, and convert...and you would have seen Gigi hung to dry on the other goal when Zala got by Legro, and had to come sliding out to stop Zala (which turned into a pk)

if it pains you that much that I said Legro should stick to training, and stay away from the microphones and cameras, and that I said RUINeri, then I've got 4 words for you- dont read my posts

and you're police analogy was pretty weak, pal
Legro wasn't as good as he has been lately and didn't look clever on the incidents you mentioned.

However, particularly for the first goal, I didn't think the defence got enough protection from the midfield.

Not playing Zanetti was a mistake.


The Real MC
Jul 30, 2006
Some bad incidents about the crowd:

Napoli Operatore Sky colpito al San Paolo

22:35 del 27 ottobre

Al termine del match Napoli-Juventus, un operatore di Sky si è accasciato al suolo, colpito da una pietra al volto. Dopo pochi minuti si è rialzato, visibile un taglio sotto l'occhio, è stato accompagnato al Vecchio Pellegrini

At the end of the match, a worker of Sky, fell to the floor, after being hit by a stone to the head! After a few minutes he got up again, a visible cut underneath his eye, and was taken to the Vecchio Pellegrini(hospital i think).


Napoli-Juve Ferito tifoso all'esterno del San Paolo

00:51 del 28 ottobre

All`uscita del San Paolo, un tifoso partenopeo originario di Potenza e` stato lievemente ferito con una coltellata. Il giovane e` stato subito soccorso e medicato e ha lasciato l`ospedale per rientrare a casa.

At the exit of the San Paolo, a Napoli fan from Potenza was injured with a small knife. He was immediately looked after and medicated and has left hospital to go home


Dec 16, 2003
The real question here is

Are we being punished for the "Scandal" thing???

You guys are only looking at this game, but just take a look here....

1)from the start of the season till now, with the Pk's, 70 if not 85% are harsh calls,

2 I don't know the stats but we must be the most team recieving lame yellow and red cards

3 Nedveds ban for NOTHING

4 our rivals recieving gifts of penalties for nothing

and the list goes on....this is becoming pathetic and really sad.... just because we had a bad reputation and we were into a scandal doesn't mean we should get punished for that. It's fucking sad....

sure all of us will be happy with a CL spot, but lets be honest we're ABLE to compete till the end and maybe win the Scud, looking at how many times we've been screwed by these ref and the gap is only 3points so far, YES we had a big-time chance to continue till the end. But now i can't see that happen unless refs do make us all a favor and fuck themselves.

oh, and fuck you collina.


Junior Member
May 16, 2007
The real question here is

Are we being punished for the "Scandal" thing???

You guys are only looking at this game, but just take a look here....

1)from the start of the season till now, with the Pk's, 70 if not 85% are harsh calls,

2 I don't know the stats but we must be the most team recieving lame yellow and red cards

3 Nedveds ban for NOTHING

4 our rivals recieving gifts of penalties for nothing

and the list goes on....this is becoming pathetic and really sad.... just because we had a bad reputation and we were into a scandal doesn't mean we should get punished for that. It's fucking sad....

sure all of us will be happy with a CL spot, but lets be honest we're ABLE to compete till the end and maybe win the Scud, looking at how many times we've been screwed by these ref and the gap is only 3points so far, YES we had a big-time chance to continue till the end. But now i can't see that happen unless refs do make us all a favor and fuck themselves.

oh, and fuck you collina.
i have to agree with what ur saying very good points


May 11, 2004
The real question here is

Are we being punished for the "Scandal" thing???

You guys are only looking at this game, but just take a look here....

1)from the start of the season till now, with the Pk's, 70 if not 85% are harsh calls,

2 I don't know the stats but we must be the most team recieving lame yellow and red cards

3 Nedveds ban for NOTHING

4 our rivals recieving gifts of penalties for nothing

and the list goes on....this is becoming pathetic and really sad.... just because we had a bad reputation and we were into a scandal doesn't mean we should get punished for that. It's fucking sad....

sure all of us will be happy with a CL spot, but lets be honest we're ABLE to compete till the end and maybe win the Scud, looking at how many times we've been screwed by these ref and the gap is only 3points so far, YES we had a big-time chance to continue till the end. But now i can't see that happen unless refs do make us all a favor and fuck themselves.

oh, and fuck you collina.
Mourinho would have turned the table upside down with his comments, he would have exploded the whole system. This man has balls, bring him in as soon as possible.

Reporter from Gazzetta: Jose, what do you think about your loss in this important game, two games ahead of your big encounter against Inter?

Mourinho: Game? what game? I stopped watching the game right after the second penalty. Anyone calling this a football game needs help. A joke is the most it can be called.

Reporter from Gazzetta: Are you blaming the referee?

Mourinho: The donkey? Well of course isn't it obvious he ruined it?

Reporter from Gazzetta: What are you going to do about it?

Mourinho: I will first stop talking to you.


Ѕenior Аdmin
Apr 2, 2007
Mourinho would have turned the table upside down with his comments, he would have exploded the whole system. This man has balls, bring him in as soon as possible.

Reporter from Gazzetta: Jose, what do you think about your loss in this important game, two games ahead of your big encounter against Inter?

Mourinho: Game? what game? I stopped watching the game right after the second penalty. Anyone calling this a football game needs help. A joke is the most it can be called.

Reporter from Gazzetta: Are you blaming the referee?

Mourinho: The donkey? Well of course isn't it obvious he ruined it?

Reporter from Gazzetta: What are you going to do about it?

Mourinho: I will first stop talking to you.
^ :lol:

I'm still depressed though. It's been a long time since an injust hurted this bad.

We got 30 cards in 9 matches (3 red) and minimum 20 were not deserved. And the 5 penalties are a story of it's own. 4 of these were funny and only the ref saw them.
I feel like an-ex prisoner who's beeing screwed up even more, now after he served his time.


2013 Prediction Cup Champ
Jul 16, 2002
Legro wasn't as good as he has been lately and didn't look clever on the incidents you mentioned.

However, particularly for the first goal, I didn't think the defence got enough protection from the midfield.

Not playing Zanetti was a mistake.

Zé Tahir

Dec 10, 2004
Napoli had 2 good chances today, and they both turned into goals..
Sure, they had two good chances today, but one of them was not a goal.
If you did, then you would have seen Gargano easily run past him, and convert...and you would have seen Gigi hung to dry on the other goal when Zala got by Legro, and had to come sliding out to stop Zala (which turned into a pk)
Sure he ran past him, but he also ran past half of the defense. Maybe you should square your anger at them as well. Look you don't have to like Legro, but you can't deny that he's been doing a good job so far. I mean, who else would you have starting? Injured Andrade or Boumsong? Who Vinni? Please enlighten us.
if it pains you that much that I said Legro should stick to training, and stay away from the microphones and cameras, and that I said RUINeri, then I've got 4 words for you- dont read my posts
Were you actually serious about relating him doing an interview to him not performing in training? Honestly? Because then I will definitely stop reading your posts.

and you're police analogy was pretty weak, pal
Of course it was! Just as weak and stupid as saying I should support Benfica or Sporting because I like Portugal.


Ѕenior Аdmin
Apr 2, 2007
One dubious penalty for us against a team we would have beaten anyway, and we'll be labelled as cheaters and be the enemy of the state again.

And that's something that may happen as early as Wednesday. That's how they will "prove" that they're not against Juve.

I can't sleep because of this bullshit :(
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