SERIE A: Juventus - Modena (3 Viewers)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
It's logical, your browser downloads the image from the external URL and stores it in the cache, so when the page calls upon the same image again, it's there :D
Lawnchair Bes
Jan 7, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #707
    ++ [ originally posted by Graham ] ++
    It's logical, your browser downloads the image from the external URL and stores it in the cache, so when the page calls upon the same image again, it's there :D
    dont forget

    u ==> geek

    me ==> normal

    although when u put it in those words it does make sense


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
    why do you ALWAYS confuse me so much?? :p :LOL::LOL:

    don't make me feel stupid :p

    when did i say you have smg against me :LOL::LOL:

    i am thinking actually sometimes...*seriously now* what would be good for this forum??

    would it be good if i leave??
    Lawnchair Bes
    Jan 7, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #709
    ++ [ originally posted by Lilianna ] ++
    why do you ALWAYS confuse me so much?? :p :LOL::LOL:

    don't make me feel stupid :p

    when did i say you have smg against me :LOL::LOL:

    i am thinking actually sometimes...*seriously now* what would be good for this forum??

    would it be good if i leave??
    sorry but its is always hard to actually understand what someone means from only reading it. i thought that u took the thing about re-posting trezeguets pic as something against u. and then when i learend that it didnt take up sever space i said "thats cool". then u asked me if i was sure and i said yes i have not got anything against u i only want whats good for the forum

    hope i made myself clear

    and we need people like u in forums


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003

    i didn't understand correctly,i guess i missed smg that i actually understand now better...

    i missed a little the order of your thoughts and replies ;)

    thanx about your last comment...!
    and it seems that because mods haven't baned me yet...i am still welcome here :)
    Lawnchair Bes
    Jan 7, 2004
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #711
    ++ [ originally posted by Lilianna ] ++

    i didn't understand correctly,i guess i missed smg that i actually understand now better...

    i missed a little the order of your thoughts and replies ;)

    thanx about your last comment...!
    and it seems that because mods haven't baned me yet...i am still welcome here :)

    i dont think they are gonna ban u after 9000 posts


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    ++ [ originally posted by Lilianna ] ++

    would it be good if i leave??
    Lili, you know I hate it when girls do that :rolleyes:

    I hope you're not suffering from "I say i'm fat in front of other people" syndrome :)

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