No New Striker,Insists Moggi
Despite a growing fitness crisis up front and swirling rumours, Juventus general manager Luciano Moggi has declared that the club will go with what they have.
Alessandro Del Piero and Zlatan Ibrahimovic are also hobbling – which has brought an avalanche of possible targets (such as Andrea Caracciolo, Simone Inzaghi, Fernando Morientes, Adrian Mutu and
Marcelo Salas ) into the local sports pages
"Trezeguet will be back in mid-January and people who believe we are looking for someone else are mistaken," declared Moggi. "An operation was needed in this case, but David will return to give his contribution when others may feel a little tired.”
"For now, we will just look to keep moving forward in the best possible way with the champions we have at our disposal.”
It would be nice to see some more new faces in Juventus but it won't be happening any time soon.
Marcelo Salas and the rest of the big names that are linked with Juventus are not coming to Juventus and that's final!