Roberto Baggio (4 Viewers)


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Thank you, Darin! :)

Today rai 3 showed again "sfide", the special about Baggio of who we weare speaking few months ago: it's so nice, it's a schame that the international Roby fans cannot see it, I hope that one day they will make it on cassette, it's so well done!

I found 2 videos made to celebrate Roby come back last year 76 days after the ligament reconstruction (world record in any sport). Everytime I think about it I am so :touched: when it came out that he scored 2 goals, all the fans who weare sitting in all the stadiums around Italy standed up and clapped :sob:

The first video:
titoled "non è un miraggio, torna roberto Baggio" schow some Roby old goals (especially from WC's) and there is written about Pep who gave him the capitain bracialet

The second:
Is titoled "Baggio Mundial" and is a cartoon, a bit nasty but very funny :LOL: . It schow before Roby with his broken knee, when everybody weare sure that the WC dream was over and maybe also his career; than Roby making miracles and going to the WC. Unfortunately it didn't end that way... but to come back from that surgery after 76 days and score 2 goals is a miracle anycase :strong:
Here is the same cartoon but with a different song (Salirò by D.Silvestri):

News about Roby: looks like he mouved back from Cortina to Bologna. Soon he schould start training with the ball :)
4 his recovery media always speak about the second match of the season, so considering the stop for the NT, it will be one more month.

Buy on


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Yesterday Roby did a "surprise visit" in Coccaglio, the place weare Brescia is training. He arrived around 6 pm, he weared a T schirt and a pair of pants cutted under the knees (don't know if somebody is interested in it, but media reported even this :D ) he said hi to all the old and new teammates and the staff and than chatted to coach De Biasi 4 long.
He walked properly, mouved quite well and looked in a very good mode :extatic:
Probably he will begin training with the team 4 the the end of August :)

Also the new bianconeri Appiah was there when the Divine arrived; he use to go in Brescia to visit his ex teammates often.



Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Yes :)
Looks like Stephan, when he had 2 free days went to spend them in Coccaglio weare his ex teammates weare training. When Roby arrived he was in the hotel swimmingpool and when he saw him he went out and folded on his knees screaming Maestro! Maestro!".
Every time there is some comments from others players about Appiah they are all wonderful, looks like he is sutch a nice guy :)


Here is another nice video about Roby:
:star: :star:
It is made with flash and the title is: "hero lies in you".


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Today in the Rigamonti Stadium before the friendly match vs Sion (3-0 Maniero, Maniero, Colucci) there was the official presentation of Brescia squad. Roby was not there :down: cause he is in the U.S.A. 4 some tests to his knee. Looks like he'll be back tomorrow.


Tuesday 26 of August in Montecarlo we will know who will be the first winner of the "Golden Foot", the first official award who is decided by fans. More than 30000 fans from all over the world voted in the website and according to media Roby is with Zizoù the favorite 4 the final victory.
There will be also the inauguration of the "Champion's promenade" a sort of "walk of fame" weare football stars will imprint their foot print. Togeder with the first Golden Foot winner also some past players decided from an "experts jury" will leave their foot print. They will be Pelè, Maradona, Eusebio, Rivera, Di Stefano, Platinì and others (Diego will be in Montecarlo 4 sure) and every year an "active player" will be added by fans choice.

So... let's hope that Roby will win also this award ;)


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Yesterday there was the Eurochampion celebration, and this evening rai 2 will schow it at 22-30. Roby was there and was awarded togeder with Nedved, Zola, Mutu, Paparesta, Nesta, Mancini and Galliani. :)
Considering that is such a long time that he do not speack with the media this is a grate occasion to listen something from him ;)

The "Golden Foot" award will be decided today and it will be also schown in TV (la 7, 23-25). Roby has a nomination (Zidane and Nedved too) and also good chance to win cause this award is decided by fans votes and everybody knows how he is loved around all the world :heart:
If he will win he will be the first to put his foot imprint in the "soccer walk of fame" in Montecarlo.
4 the "Maradona nostalgics" this is also a good chance to see Diego and to listen at him cause he will be there too and he will be the first to put his foot in the "past star" section of the "Champions promenade".


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
I checked on teletx and it says 22.50 :undecide:

OT: Do you know the show that is on on Sundays when the afternoon games are on on Rai2 with that Simona chick .. Quelli que il calcio ... well I saw a glimpse of advertisment and it said that this year they will also show the goals (they only commentated and showed how the players are celebrating when someone scored till last season) ... did you hear anything about it?


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
Good thing that he was the first one to get the prize as I was really sleepy and probably wouldn't watch the show long :D It was great to see him off-the-pitch again, all dressed up and hear him speak. He sounded very optimistic and determined to score that 200th goal! :)


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by nina ] ++
OT: Do you know the show that is on on Sundays when the afternoon games are on on Rai2 with that Simona chick .. Quelli que il calcio ... well I saw a glimpse of advertisment and it said that this year they will also show the goals (they only commentated and showed how the players are celebrating when someone scored till last season) ... did you hear anything about it?
I didn't know about it! It is grate 4 who is able to see rai and not Sky TV :thumb:

++ [ originally posted by nina ] ++
Good thing that he was the first one to get the prize as I was really sleepy and probably wouldn't watch the show long :D It was great to see him off-the-pitch again, all dressed up and hear him speak. He sounded very optimistic and determined to score that 200th goal! :)
Yes :cool: that he was the first cause I wanted to see the "Golden Foot" on la 7.

Today there is a long interview to him in "la Gazzetta dello Sport", fortunately he didn't confirm that this will be his last year 4 sure :) He just said : "I don't know, I will live this year how it will be my last one, than let's see. I will start with this tought so I will be stimulate to give more. I will "schoot all my ammunitions" and than I will think about it. If I will feel good I may also go on.
Grate :extatic:
Maybe all the love and support of who he is always surrounded is making him change idea ;)
He also added that he finisched the first part of the rehabilitation and that now he will start to "work with ball" and he hope to be back to train with his team in 2 weeks.
It looks like he is really looking foward to be back cause yesterday in Montecarlo he asked to the Prince to take him weare Monaco is training, he borrowed a suit (number 38) and he did an afternoon training, the Prince also offered him an "elicopter lift" 4 Bologna in the early morning, cause Roby did not want to miss his morning session of today :)
He was also asked about who he think is the favorite team 4 winning the scudetto this season, and he said he think it is Juve :thumb: cause Juve won last years and now is even stronger than before cause acquired very good players, especially Appiah, 4 who he spended very nice words.
Others interesting things who came out are that he may buy some % of "Gioco Calcio" the new TV platform who will schow just soccer games and that his son Mattia, now 9 years old joined the "Caldogno" who was also Roby first team but that 4 the moment he do not want him to take it too seriously, at this age the important thing is to have fun :)


An other personal award 4 Roby :extatic:
He is the first Golden Foot winner and also the first who left his foot print in the Montecarlo "soccer walk of fame".
The Golden Foot cerimony was very nice! :cool:
Eusebio, Just Fontaine, Rivera and Maradona was awarded before than at the end Roby was called as the winner of the fans votes, he looked very happy, thanks everybody who voted 4 him and said that fans love is what is more important 4 him :touched:
Of course every body said very nice and touching things about him :)
I will report Diego :strong: Maradona words: "I am a Baggio-addicted. He is the number one, nobody else will ever be like him". :cheesy: :extatic:
So now we really can say that Diego is "one of us" a real Roby fan! ;)
Yesterday he looked very fat :D but also very very nice and in a good mode :)
He also said that himself and Roby are similar cause they both play with the heart and that's why they are always the fans favourites. :touched:

Here some articles:,2588,118210-28,00.html

On "la gazzetta della sport" there are nice pictures of Roby with the award and also while putting his foot print in the "promenade"... I am looking foward to find some also on-line :)
Here is a picture of all the personal trophyes that Roby already won and has in his house... will he find space also 4 this? :D
The most important are of course the FIFA World player and the Golden Ball (here a pic with it: but I'm sure that he is very happy also 4 it, cause was fans who decided to make him win :)


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
I didn't know that he'll also leave a print there, what an honour! :cheesy: Do you maybe have a pic of it or came across it on the net?

BTW, if he decides to play one season more do you think he might go back to Bologna since they signed Mazzone as the new coach? :D


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by nina ] ++
BTW, if he decides to play one season more do you think he might go back to Bologna since they signed Mazzone as the new coach? :D
Who knows :confused: Now in Italy there is again a mediatic mess about Roby to leave Brescia and go to Bologna. And consider that as soon as Fiorentina was promoted in serie B it happened the same. Roby can never stay quite... they always write everything about him... but what you said may happen. He will stay 4 sure this year in Brescia, next year who knows...
Mazzone said that he met Roby when he arrived to Bologna (Roby's in Bologna too and same Hotel...) they watched the Lazio game togeder and remind many things, but that Roby said that he want to stay in Brescia. Than he added, fans can be happy, he won't stop at the end of the season...

++ [ originally posted by nina ] ++
I didn't know that he'll also leave a print there, what an honour! :cheesy: Do you maybe have a pic of it or came across it on the net?
Yes in Montecarlo was inaugurated a "Champion's walk of fame" weare every year the Golden Foot winner (decided by fans) and some old glories decided by a jury will leave their foot print :)
Roby is the first who did it and his foot print will be there 4 ever :thumb:

I didn't come across pictures of the foot print itself yet but here is Roby about do do it:

And here a pic of King Roby after it: Hermes/2003/08-Agosto/28/baggio--310x210.jpg


Here some very interesting curiosity about the Golden Foot pool:

-Baggio recived around 10000 votes of the 30000 who was the total, so (also if the candidates weare 10) he ended up with 1/3 of the votes :star:

-He was voted from 124 (!!!) different countries, even from Uzbekistan :eek:

-The countries from who he recived more votes are: Italy, Russia, Portugal, Czech Republic, Argentina, China, Denmark, United Kingdom, Brazil, USA ;)

-Pavel Nedved recived more votes from Italy than from his own country :groan:

-Zidane was not forgotten by Italian fans who gave him many votes but he had votes from many countries.

-Baggio is the most popolar in Asia infact is the most voted from Japan, China and Hong Kong, but also Maldini is famos there, infact he is the second voted after Roby in China.

-Romario got more votes than Roberto Carlos from Brazil, but overall Carlos got more.

-Somebody from Argentina tried to vote nearly 100 times for Batistuta - but naturally, these were not counted - as per the regulations (only one vote per person). :D

From: (and you can find also some more curiosity)

Roby number 10 jersey along with other items (including Neddy and Treze jersey) was selled after the cerimony to collect money 4 the Restinga Olympic Village in Porto Alegre, Carlos Dunga project to help poor kids of "favelas". 11.400 EURO had been collected :)


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
++ [ originally posted by mate ] ++

-Baggio is the most popolar in Asia infact is the most voted from Japan, China and Hong Kong, but also Maldini is famos there, infact he is the second voted after Roby in China.
Eat that Real, with your big Asian tour! :howler: :stuckup: :D

Thank you for the photos and the interesting facts :) :D

Would Bologna be nearer to his home than Brescia?


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by nina ] ++

Eat that Real, with your big Asian tour! :howler: :stuckup: :D

Thank you for the photos and the interesting facts :) :D

Would Bologna be nearer to his home than Brescia?
The gratest thing of all the love and support of which Roby is surraunded, is that he doesn't do anything in pourpose 4 it, he do not have any "image managers" and he play 4 a small team that was totaly unknown before him.
He is the most loved just because he is the onlyone that can really chill out peaple just playing soccer :)

I think Brescia is more near to Vicenza than Bologna, but Bologna isn't far either...

P.S.: I don't know if you can get "gazzetta dello sport" in Slovenia, but if you do don't miss it tomorrow cause in the weekly magazine who came out in saturday with it, there will be a serie A special weare Baggio and Mazzone will make all the comments about what they think it will be happening, ecc...
The cover looks very nice ;)


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
It's a shame :down: cause this week the magazine is so nice... a lot of Roby pictures a very interesting interview and one to Mazzone about him and of course all the serie A special with all the teams, the calendar and the statistics and record...

I will tell you the most interesting things of the Mazzone/Baggio interview :) also if beeing it 6 pages long it will be just a small part...
It is mostly about how Mazzone could manage of becoming in such good relationschip with Roby who had often fights with coaches :angel:

Interview to Mazzone
Q: Roberto Baggio always schowed you a lot of symphaty and support, say something to us about "the man" not about "the champion".
A: Also cause to speak about "the champion" is usless...
"the man" Baggio it was 4 me such a nice and interesting knowlenge. He is an amazing guy with a beautiful personality and with very good values like the family. He never created me problems, otherwise he was an example 4 all the rest of the team. I am sorry but all I can say about him are good things...
Q: Why are you sorry?
A: Cause I have to go vs some collegs of mine who had contrast with him.
The point is that a superstar who schine like him sometimes can obscure the image of the coach or of the other soccerplayers. But the coach who want to be too mutch a protagonist is wrong.
I never been jealous when the peaple crowded around Roby 4 an authograph or when the press just asked about him. I always been happy 4 his success and it ended up that his light didn't obscure me, but at the opposite it made me schine too.

Interview to Roby
Q: You and Mazzone look so different... from an "human point of view" why you become such good friends, what do you have in common?
A: We are very different in a lot of things, but maybe it was ouer diversity that helped us to find many point in common: the respect 4 others and the clarity on what we wanted. When you are different sincerity is the only way to work togeder. With him everything was natural and it "gave life" to such a serene period of my career that I will never forget.
What I really liked of him was that I was in front of Carletto Mazzone and I was knowing with who I was talking and I felt that I could count in him. I was right, It was like this.
Q: In a "soccer point of view" than... after a lot of missunderstandings and ostracism recived by some coach what did Mazzone gave to you?
A: He gave me the freedom of playing in a natural way, following my fantasy and my passion.
In life like in work missunderstandings are part of the game... when my way to see soccer was not in the mentality of the coach I had to sacrify myself tacticaly. Fortunatly with Mazzone it didn't happen I could play in a spontaneous way and give to the team all my best.
Q: Do you remember a particolar episode that can explane your experience with Mazzone?
A: He came to me and he said " Roberto do what you can, rather walk around but please go into the field". Just 77 days before I was in a surgical room with a broken knee and many peaple weare already talking about the end of my carear, but he never stopped, even 4 a second, to belive in me, sharing day by day my challange. I answered yes, I played and I scored 2 goals: it was the best way to pay back his trust and his affection.
Q: Did Mazzone ever asked you somenting or tried to understand your spiritual life that inspire you in and out the field?
A: Sometimes we had quick chats about it. He is a true and genuine person and he is inspired by deep values. But he is an experienced man who already found "his answers", that I respect a lot, time ago; so I don't think I have anything to titch him about it.

:touched: Finally a coach who understood Roby and knew how to "deal" with him :) I think it was not so difficolt. All that he wanted to was somebody who was onest with him and not jealous 4 his success.

And now some records regarding "active" players in Serie A (all top 10s).
Roby is in 3 of tham:

-Goals scored
1):strong:Baggio 193
2)Signori 182 3)Inzaghi 110 4)Montella 107 5)Chiesa 106 6)Vieri 105 7)Del Piero 100 8)Muzzi 86 9)Totti 78 10)Maniero 77
1)Maldini 505 2)Pagliuca 497 3)Ferrara 479 4)Baggio 426 5)Costacurta 404 6) Peruzzi 372 7)Marchegiani and Conte 356 9)Favalli 328 10)Sensini 323
-Goals 4 Match
1)Vieri 0,636 2)Trezeguet 0,618 3)Hubner0,587 4)Signori 0,567 5)Montella and Shevchenko 0,563 7)Inzaghi 0, 505 8)Baggio 0,453 9)Di Vaio 0,426 10)Chiesa0,422

And now last thing... how Roby scored his 193 goals.
80 with the right foot, 20 with the left, 6 with his head, 68 by penalty and 19 by free-kick.
His first serie A goal was at the 39' the 10-5-1987 with Fiorentina vs Napoli by free-kick ...(this part is too long to translate:angel: ).... his last goal was the last 24 may vs Modena again by free-kick. We do not know how his goal number 200 will be, but we know that we are waiting 4 it. All of us.

P.S.: I heard that also last edition of "France Football" has a nice article about Roby... if somebody come across it in the net please post the link :)


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
++ [ originally posted by mate ] ++
A: He came to me and he said " Roberto do what you can, rather walk around but please go into the field". Just 77 days before I was in a surgical room with a broken knee and many peaple weare already talking about the end of my carear, but he never stopped, even 4 a second, to belive in me, sharing day by day my challange. I answered yes, I played and I scored 2 goals: it was the best way to pay back his trust and his affection.

Mazzone is slowly, but surely, becoming my fav coach! :angel: He sounds like an amazing person, just like our Roby :) I have no doubts that Baggio will follow him to Bologna. They are the perfect macth :star: :D

Have they become such friends when they met in Brescia or did they know each other from before?

Thank you for the clips of the interview :kiss:


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Yes surely Mazzone did the best with Roby in and out the field. :touched:
Also in a personal point of view I think he helped him a lot leaving him free of training alone when he wanted and taking him away from any press oblige and also I think treating him like a normal guy. And this was very important 4 who beeing the most famos person in Italy had always a very strange and unfree life with a lot of responsability and stress.

No Mazzone did not know Roby personaly before he arrived to Brescia.
He explaned in the Sport Week interview that as soon as he knew that after all the fights with Lippi, Roby wanted to leave Inter he put in his mind that he wanted to convince him to go to Brescia so he went by a friend of him, who he knew was a friend of Roby too and asked him to help him to contact Roby. Carletto said that he spoke with Roby and their feeling was good till the first minute so he convinced him very quikly; they just took the decision togeder and than schow up to Brescia president and Roby manager and said them to fix the details.

Brescia drew 1 -1 with Chievo, not a bad result :)
Roby assisted to the match from the bench but of course he was not even wearing his soccersuits, let's see if he will make it to play 4 the match vs Roma.

Here is the Brescia-Chievo highliths:

P.S.: Brighi (owned by Juve) was in the starting 11 even if he arrived just in saturday so did not have time to train with the team.


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2001
A good result IMO as Chievo is always difficult to beat. Good news about Brighi being selected for the starting line-up :cheesy: I was positive he won't stand a chance, especially after his awful season last year.

I saw the highlights on 90°minuto already :)

Hopfully Roby'll make it for the Roma game to show Totti how a real champ plays (and not dives) :D Is he already training?


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
++ [ originally posted by nina ] ++
Mazzone is slowly, but surely, becoming my fav coach! :angel: He sounds like an amazing person, just like our Roby :) I have no doubts that Baggio will follow him to Bologna. They are the perfect macth :star: :D
Baggio and Signori? :D Who would get the #10 shirt? :p Maybe Baggio could follow in Becks' footsteps and pick 23? :D


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