Roberto Baggio (46 Viewers)


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
What a disaster :eek: the -without Roby- Brescia lost 5- 0 vs Roma :groan:

Anycase today is a good day cause Roby will probably be back in Brescia to train with his teammates :) If it won't be today afternoon it will be tomorrow morning... He complited his rehabilitation and tests in Bologna's Isokinetic, he is recovered and will start training to be ready to play next sunday :cheesy:,SPORT/T13.html

In the website they published all the curiosities and pictures of the event :) Check it out :thumb:

Buy on


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Yes this time is true :extatic: Roby is back to training!!!:thumb:
Today he was in Coccaglio with the rest of the team :cool:
It isn't sure that he will be ready 4 next match, but anycase is nice to see him training again after 115 days of his last match :),7426,91566,00.html

Here it is a picture of the sign of the last surgery :frown: and here a very nice photographic service (26 pictures!!!) of today training :thumb: :

:star: roberto/baggioall.html :star:

Here it is an other one (12 pictures) but the first is mutch better:


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003

I don't want to sound sacreligious here, but I've just had a thought.

What if Baggio were to come here to the US and play in MLS?

As an Italian-American, I have no problem admitting that I'm more than a little jealous that the rest of the world has gotten a chance to see him play, and my only memory of seeing the divine ponytail live and in person is in Foxboro, MA during WC 94. I live in the State of Rhode Island, which is only 45 minutes away from the Greater Boston area, and we never get to see Brescia on TV, unless they are playing one of the Big 5 and RAI international has it on TV, and besides New York, the New England area has a very large contingent of Italians.

I could just see it now:

#10 for the New England Revolution.................Roberto Baggio!!!!!

Hey, I can dream, Can't I??

Well, Can't I !?!?!?!


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Roby to play in the States?
Well... dreams coust nothing :D but to be realistic I think that he will close his career here in Italy. You're better to come to Italy if you want to see him live again :)
Which match of USA 94 did you see live? It may be so amazing to assist a WC match! I guess it's a dream 4 every soccer fan... I imagine the athmosfhiere! :cool:


After 4 months from his last match Roby came back in the field yesterday!
He played the 90 minutes in Brescia's trikky 4-4 draw vs Reggina. He made 3 assists :thumb: but also missed a penalty :( so we can say his "come back" was not amazing like after last injury when he scored 2 goals in 15 minutes, but not bad eighter, cause goals isn't the only thing that count and 3 assists in a match isn't bad at all :)


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
WOW that was a wonderful match 4 Baggio and 4 Italy :extatic:
What a dream it wuould be have been there ;)
I also envy you ;) I saw many matches of the Divine live but... USA 94 was USA 94... you are so luky too to had that oportunity. :)


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
Now that I think about, I was quite lucky.:extatic:

But still, it's only once:down:

I guess that's better than never.

I also got to see Juventus in Boston this past summer, and not only that, I went to their practice at Brown University, got their autographs, and had my picture taken with Nedved.

As soon as I can figure out how to use it as an avatar, I will.


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Just one time... but what an occasion! :extatic:
Also if my favorite USA 94 match was the one vs Bulgaria the one vs Spain was so exciting too... and I guess that no serie A or even CL match will ever have the athmosphiere of a WC! :star: What a dream :touched:

To have an avatar you have to wait to have 100 posts but you can schow your picture with Nedved here or in the "Nedved on line" forums attaching the file to your post. Nice also that you got this chance! ;)

Btw I am from Milano ;)


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Now 84... you're getting everyday closer ;)


So many banners at the stadium 4 Roby retourn :extatic:
I'm sure that all the love and support he has is the main reason why Roby kept playing even if he's 36 and he had to affort his 6° knee surgery :touched:

Here the links 4 the pictures of the match vs Reggina:

And here the Rai highlights:

The banner in the pic means "welcome back capitain" :)


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
In the websites and they are publisching every week the pictures of the trainings :) Nice :cool: Let's hope they will go on all year long.

Here is the link to see the pictures of yesterday training: allenamento/brescia-allenamento.html

Brescia did a friendly match vs the Primavera, Roby played 45 minutes, looked in good schape and scored a goal, then he did some physiotherapy with Enrique Miguel, his Argentinian personal trainer.

Sunday they will play vs Sampdoria... it sound as an interesting match :) Also if I think that if Brescia do not adjust the defens and if their goalkeeper Castellazzi do not weak up it will be very difficolt 4 them.
10 goals taken in 3 match are not a good sign :groan:


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2002
++ [ originally posted by mate ] ++
Just one time... but what an occasion! :extatic:
Also if my favorite USA 94 match was the one vs Bulgaria the one vs Spain was so exciting too... and I guess that no serie A or even CL match will ever have the athmosphiere of a WC! :star: What a dream :touched:

To have an avatar you have to wait to have 100 posts but you can schow your picture with Nedved here or in the "Nedved on line" forums attaching the file to your post. Nice also that you got this chance! ;)

Btw I am from Milano ;)
n the 1 against nigeria :touched:


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Darin ] ++
n the 1 against nigeria :touched:
Nigeria... the most touching :touched: A match forbitten to who has a weak heart... we weare already with one foot on ouers plane back and Roby came out with that goal :extatic: Really "the man of the miracle".


Brescia lost again :groan:
Roby played quite good also if is cleare that he is not in his best schape after 4 months out... anycase he managed to do an other assist, always from corner and till he was on the field Brescia was winning, than at soon as he was substituted Brescia managed to take 2 goals in 5 minutes :fero:
So this is Brescia statistics 4 those 4 matches... with Roby: 5 goals made and just one taken without Roby: just one made and 8 taken :eek:
What it relly impress is that without him they do not have a clue on what to do whit that ball...
Anycase the good new is that his injury isn't serious, a strong contusion but no ligaments involved. He will miss the Coppa Italia match but hopefully he will be ok 4 next sunday.

Here are the match highligths:

And here some pictures:


Yesterday Maradona was guest on the studios of sky TV... like we already know... he is "one of us" a Baggio fan :thumb: so he kept the occasion to praise him "he cannot quit playing, he still the schyniest star of Italian soccer" and talking about Trapattoni : "every country has a star, Italy has Baggio. And he cannot make anything about it, Roberto still the star of Italian soccer even if he does not play 4 the NT. He's the best player Italy ever had".

Sky TV decided than to do a "surprise" and to make Diego (who was in the studios) and Roby (who at the moment was in the changing room of Marassi stadium, up to go in the fied) keeping in touch. Trought a sky operator who was there Diego was able to speak live with Roby and told him: "Roby I am praying you, keep on playing, do not leave soccer. Till you will have fun on the field go on doing it, don't quit; I did it and I am still regretting, don't do like me! Congratulation 4 all that you are doing, you are the gratest and again plaese keep on playing!!!" :touched::touched::touched:,5785,_78_4_5610,00.html

Well let's hope he will listen to his "special fan" and change his mind about retiring at the end of the season :)
Diego, you are "all of us" ;) do your best to convince him :thumb:


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2002
++ [ originally posted by mate ] ++

Nigeria... the most touching :touched: A match forbitten to who has a weak heart... we weare already with one foot on ouers plane back and Roby came out with that goal :extatic: Really "the man of the miracle".
i remember the way i cried wen roby scored 2 mins b4 the match ends i was like jumpin around wid tears in my eyes that was 1 touchin match i jus wish that we can go back 2 those days :touched:


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Finilly a win 4 Brescia :cheesy: with also the first Roby goal of the season :extatic: a very nice goal came from a personal action :thumb:
The other 3 goals are from the youngister Caracciolo.

With this goal he became Brescia's topscorer ever passing Hubner; and of corse he go closer to his idea of reaching 200 serie A goals, now he is at 194 so -6 ;)

At the end of the match he was choosen as the mvp so he went to the interviews point but very sportly he said "Caracciolo deserved to be here not myself, today the spotlights are 4 him". :touched:

Brighi was also in the match, he entered in the first half to sub an injured player and he did a very good job IMO!

Here are the match's higthliths:

In the pic Roby goal, in this web site you can find some more.


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2002
Brescia-Inter 2-2

A very good match 4 Roby :strong: who was another time the man of the match :star: with one goal and one assist and a wonderful prestation rated from 7 to 7,5 from all the newspaper :thumb:

Here are the match higtlights:

Here Roby goal:

Maybe the easyest of his 195 serie A goals :D
This goal was his number 17 vs Inter, who is his favourite "victime" ;)

And here Caracciolo goal came from a beautiful Roby assist:

Must be such a paradise 4 a striker to play near to Roby... nobody is so grate with assists like him :thumb:

One thing that piss me off in Brescia is that Brighi is too often in the bench :groan:

In the pic... Roby "thanking" Toldo 4 the goal :D


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
Did anyone happen to watch RAI International on Sunday, when they mentioned something about Roby possible going to Australia???

If he's willing to go to Australia, then come to the US, Dammit!!!!!!!!!!

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