Real Scandal Here... (5 Viewers)


The Guv'nor
Jun 12, 2005
If Inter get found guilty they'll probably get a prize and get given the champions league and £30m prize money to go with it the way things seem to go these days.

Speak up De Santis my the dirt on this ugly club. Oh to hell with it Even LIE!!!!

Buy on


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
no consequences for the team itself??? Looks like if inter management makes something illegal the team does not have to pay but if our management makes something illegal our team gets punished.


Sep 27, 2006
Double standards baby ... double standards ... but as i said ... they put themselves in the place that they will be the target now ....


Jinx Minx
Aug 25, 2006
Luftwaffles said:
Infact, the whole thing is now seen as a shameful conspiracy to stitch Juve up like a kipper.

Guido Rossi and Moratti are absolute bastards.
When the Calciopoli scandal first broke, I've always thought it was a "stitch up Juve" job - I never realised how much inter were involved. When De Santis' lawyer complained that no evidence was examined & that no-one was allowed to speak in their defence, (a violation of the Human Rights Act), she confirmed it for me.

Mark83 said:
I cant wait to see the outcome of this scandal.

Juventus cannot be hit again, but other teams can.

This will make us happy.

Moratti deserves a life-long ban from football, Rossi is old enough
to be put in a coughin.

And Inter deserves Serie C, pathetic losers.

Forza Juve.


Jinx Minx
Aug 25, 2006
Meow said:
I don't see anything changed much.....:disagree:

Borrelli launches investigation
Friday 29 September, 2006


Francesco Saverio Borrelli, the head of the Investigation Office, has called to enquire on the most recent Telecom interception scandal involving Inter.

The FIGC launched a new investigation after another scandal broke out in the past few days in Italy revealing hundreds of cases of phone interceptions by Telecom Italia, with former referee Massimo De Santis accusing Inter of tailing him and tapping his phone in 2002.

Nerazzurri owner Massimo Moratti reacted immediately to the accusations, saying that his club had nothing to do with the interceptions despite Telecom Italia being one of its shareholders, but said he was eager to meet Borrelli to answer any questions.

The latter will also meet De Santis, who presented himself to the civil prosecutors who are at the head of the investigation in Milan, declaring that he would claim damages.

Borrelli is scheduled to meet De Santis on Monday and the Inter patron on Tuesday, along with sporting director Gabriele Oriali, who hopes to clarify once and for all the position of the Via Durini club.

If the accusations prove to be true, Inter could risk a fine for violating the sporting code, but there would be no consequences for the team itself in terms of points deductions.

Borrelli had decided to abandon the Federation after the mass departure of former Commissioner Guido Rossi and his staff, but the newly-elected Commissioner Luca Pancalli asked him to reconsider his decision and he revoked his resignation on Wednesday.

Channel 4
Re bold print. Sounds like inter is still controlling figc.


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
why the hell nobody from those newspapers saw the phone taps on Capello or even Della Valle ?

they risk fines ffs...this thing is getting annoying but its good to see them guilty anyways.


Z.Z T h e M a s t e r
May 25, 2004
sateeh said:
why the hell nobody from those newspapers saw the phone taps on Capello or even Della Valle ?

they risk fines ffs...this thing is getting annoying but its good to see them guilty anyways.

guys we need a miracle to see inter demoted :tdown:


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2005
Nothing will happen because:
a) Telecom Italia is calcio's main sponsor. They would be shooting themselves in the foot if they found Inter guilty.
b) I imagine alot of its customers will drop the service because the company cant be trusted. Alot of $ to be lost, so i doubt they will be found guilty of anything.

Badass J Elkann

It's time to go!!
Feb 12, 2006
binter buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu down with u dirty f*ckers a fine? wtf this is more f*cking scandalous than the whole fantasy calciopoli scandal itself! i say we go f*cking beat the sh*t out of every interisti we see publically f*cking kick him in rip that f*cking shirt off and spit on him, im f*cking fuming at this point in time, imbalance justice, totally imbalanced, its ridiculous i cud f*cking kill a interisti right now with no remorse wots so ever, but with the hunger to do it to more.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2006
CAF chief Ruperto resigns Saturday 30 September, 2006


The Calciopoli trial continues to pick up victims, as CAF President Cesare Ruperto has resigned, confirmed the FIGC.

The CAF (Federal Appeal Commission) was the first step in the scandal in July and inflicted the hardest penalties upon the four clubs and individuals involved.

Ruperto’s commission demoted Juventus, Fiorentina and Lazio with points penalties of 30, 12 and seven respectively and docked Milan 15 points.

These verdicts were slashed on appeal, with only the Bianconeri left in Serie B and most of the handicaps cut in half.

Under his leadership, the CAF also inflicted a 15-point penalty on Reggina and a six-point deduction in Serie B for Arezzo in the second wave of the Calciopoli trial.

“Cesare Ruperto has decided to leave, starting from Monday, the position of CAF President,” read an official statement on the Federation website.

“He personally communicated this to Commissioner Luca Pancalli, explaining in a letter that personal matters, tied to work and study, won’t allow him to continue his presence at the head of the Federal Appeal Commission.”

Most of the figures brought in to lead Italian football through the scandal have now moved on. FIGC Commissioner Guido Rossi was forced to resign due to a conflict of interest when he took charge of Telecom Italia.

Investigator Francesco Saverio Borrelli had also quit last week, but took back the decision so that he could concentrate on the new wiretap scandal involving Inter.


Sep 27, 2006
He might got blackmailed or something ... or maybe he is also under inter's payroll ...

or maybe he he's just too chicken to convict inter ...


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2005
It's funny how one thought Juve were guilty when Moggi stepped down. Now it's the opposite when these guys step down!

This whole scandal is about money. That sickens me...


Senior Member
Aug 31, 2006
From Gazzetta dello Sport:

Tavaroli: "Spiavo per l'Inter"
L'ex dirigente Telecom indica nei nerazzurri i committenti dei controlli su De Santis. L'investigatore Cipriani: "Più di una squadra in ufficio". Martedì Moratti vede Borrelli
Massimo Moratti, patron dell'Inter. AnsaMILANO, 1 ottobre 2006 - L'ex responsabile della sicurezza di Telecom, Giuliano Tavaroli, nel suo interrogatorio di venerdì con i giudici milanesi che indagano sull'acquisizione illegale di informazioni riservate, avrebbe parlato di un'attività di spionaggio nei confronti dell'arbitro Massimo De Santis commissionata, almeno in parte, dall'Inter (contraddicendo quanto dichiarato dal patron nerazzurro Massimo Moratti nei giorni scorsi). A rivelarlo è il suo legale, l'avvocato Massimo Dinoia: "L'attività - dice - è stata commissionata dall'Inter, dalla sua dirigenza, ed è stata svolta in parte da Tavaroli, in parte da Cipriani dell'agenzia investigativa Polis d'Istinto". Gli accertamenti avrebbero riguardato soprattutto controlli sul patrimonio dell'ex fischietto internazionale e si sarebbero svolti "tra la fine del 2002 e gli inizi del 2003".
Tavaroli è stato sentito nel carcere di Voghera, dove è rinchiuso dopo l'ordinanza di arresto nei suoi confronti emessa dal Gip Paola Belsito il 20 settembre scorso. L'ex manager di Telecom, che sarà risentito dai magistrati tra qualche giorno, avrebbe poi escluso l'esistenza di conti irregolari all'estero a disposizione dei vertici della società.
Dal canto suo, Emanuele Cipriani, nell'interrogatorio di garanzia sostenuto davanti al gip di Milano, Paola Belsito, dopo il suo arresto, ha spiegato che il suo rapporto di lavoro con il gruppo Pirelli-Telecom cominciò inizialmente solo con Pirelli, "quando c'era il dottor Sola", ma l'exploit, in termini di quantità di incarichi, si verificò con l'avvento di Giuliano Tavaroli in Telecom. Da quel momento in poi, "c'è stato un momento in Pirelli - ha raccontato - in cui erano più d'una le squadre di calcio in ufficio". L'investigatore privato ha anche detto di non escludere che "su alcune pratiche" ci potessero essere informazioni "non legali", prima dell'arrivo di Tavaroli, il quale, quando Cipriani cominciò il suo rapporto con Pirelli, "era all'Italtel, lontanissimo da Telecom".
Intanto si è appreso che martedì si svolgerà l'atteso incontro tra Moratti e il capo Ufficio indagini della Figc, Francesco Saverio Borrelli.

Moratti, Rossi et al to jail please.
Come on, take these slimy shits down!!!

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