Rate the leagues! (3 Viewers)


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
The European season is as good as over so let's rate the leagues we've been discussing on this forum, primarily based on this season. Put them in rankings from 1 to 7: 1 being the league you think is the strongest, 7 being the weakest of the lot.

Here are the candidates in alphabetic order:
  • England - The Premier League
  • France - Le Championnat
  • Germany - Die Bundesliga
  • Italy - La Serie A
  • Netherlands - De Eredivisie
  • Portugal - A Superliga
  • Spain - La Primera División

Now remember, this is not a popularity contest so try not to let your love for Juventus and the Serie A blind your objectivity ;)

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Senior Member
Dec 25, 2003
1-Serie A
2-La Liga
4-Le Championnat
5-Portugal - A Superliga
6-Netherlands - De Eredivisie
7-Germany - Die Bundesliga


Back & Quack
Mar 9, 2004
1. Serie A
2. EPL
3. La liga
4. Bundesliga
5. Le championnat
6.. Netherlands
7. Portugal


Senior Member
Jul 23, 2002
Alost Right I would say however

1. Seria A and LA Liga
3. EPL
4. Le Chapionat (but not for long)
5. Bundesliga (will be stronger)
6. Portugal
7. NEtherlands (the middle teams are really weak here...)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
1. Serie A
2. La Liga
3. Premiership
4. Le Championnat
5. Die Bundesliga
6. Eredivisie
7. A Superliga

100. Australian National Soccer League
Dec 27, 2003
1. Liga (because Valencia nosed out giants Real and Barca)
2. Serie A (less undecided than previous years, but mainly because of Milan's extraordinary run)
3. Bundesliga (good to see Werder silencing Bayern)
4. Ligue 1 (plenty of good teams with interesting players, outstanding European record)
5. EPL (became a three horse race instead of two)
6. Eeredivisie (still too big of a gap between the usual suspects and the rest)
7. Superliga (ditto)


Senior Member
Jul 11, 2002
1. Serie A, EPL, Spanish Liga :D
100. Australian National Soccer League
101. Northern Ireland Football league. (Ive even made 1 appearence :D)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Mac ] ++
100. Australian National Soccer League
101. Northern Ireland Football league. (Ive even made 1 appearence :D)
No way! :eek:

You obviously haven't seen an NSL match though :lazy::)


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
1. Serie A - no question; Juve, Milan, Inter, Roma, Lazio, Parma, and soon to be Samp are all strong teams.

2. La Liga - Real Madrid, Barca, Deportivo, and Valencia really challenge for the top spot. Behind Italy in terms of class.

3. Le Championat - Monaco, Lyon, and Marsielle

4. EPL - only one English team has played in the C.L. Final in the past 17 years; Man U.

5. German Bundisliga - Bayern Munich and Dortmund are the only class teams.

6. Netherlands - Ajax and PSV are classy teams.

7. Portugal - Porto is the king of the league.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Andrea Becchi ] ++
1. Serie A - no question; Juve, Milan, Inter, Roma, Lazio, Parma, and soon to be Samp are all strong teams.

2. La Liga - Real Madrid, Barca, Deportivo, and Valencia really challenge for the top spot. Behind Italy in terms of class.

3. Le Championat - Monaco, Lyon, and Marsielle

4. EPL - only one English team has played in the C.L. Final in the past 17 years; Man U.

5. German Bundisliga - Bayern Munich and Dortmund are the only class teams.

6. Netherlands - Ajax and PSV are classy teams.

7. Portugal - Porto is the king of the league.
copycat :stuckup:



Junior Member
Aug 1, 2002
1- Serie A
2- La Liga
3- Ligue 1
4- Bundesliga
5- EPL

Rest doesn't matter. The Portugueuse and Dutch leagues (I should mention the Belgian league as well in that category) are just not offering enough challenage to their top teams!

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
The LAC(LeAgue Champions) Cup Rankings

[*]England - The Premier League - Trophy

[*]Italy - La Serie A- Medals

[*]Spain - La Primera División - Complimentary Teddy bear

[*]Netherlands - De Eredivisie-

[*]France - Le Championnat

[*]Germany - Die Bundesliga

[*]Portugal - A Superliga

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