Rant (1 Viewer)

Jul 12, 2002
Right mates, I've had just about enough of all this lovey dovey, "I love you", "You're the best" crap! It's seriously killing me. What happened to the days when it only took one word to set off a 100 post long arguement that went on for months? What happened to the times when people were serious about football? Now, all I see is people saying how much they love this player, and that player, and all these teams, and all that, and the "hate" threads are all about how hate is bad. What is that? Is it me, or was it more fun when people got pissed off about things? I thought that it was great when all you had to do was say you hated the English NT, and you'd have a bunch of hooligans on calling you a bigot and a racist, and trying to tell you that the English NT was the best thing since sliced bread. All of the passionate posters have left! Where is Paul? Where is Mac? What happened to Jules, Glen, Matt, Nekton, and IGOR? Where did they go? Even Denco isn't around much, hell, even I'm slipping...

So, I've got that out, but I've got a lot more to say, but somebody please, please get pissed off about this and let me know!

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Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Who the hell do you think you are? What is your goddam problem? Holland sucks!


Mac is in college, as is Nekton. Matt is on the air, Glen is still around, Jules well who knows.
Jul 12, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #3
    ++ [ originally posted by Alex ] ++
    Who the hell do you think you are? What is your goddam problem? Holland sucks!


    Mac is in college, as is Nekton. Matt is on the air, Glen is still around, Jules well who knows.
    Yes, yes, I am aware that they all have other commitments and all that...but you and I both know that was not my point.


    f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
    Jul 12, 2002
    I have to say that I share your sentiments in some way, Ian. It's getting a bit too cudly here, before you had to make friends, now people are all friends from the start. It might sound good, but it often isn't, as it can often feel fake. I feel the trend has started due to a "new wave" hitting the forum some time ago.

    I would really like to hear what some of the other posters feel about it.
    Jul 12, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #5
    ++ [ originally posted by tarmpropp ] ++
    I have to say that I share your sentiments in some way, Ian. It's getting a bit too cudly here, before you had to make friends, now people are all friends from the start. It might sound good, but it often isn't, as it can often feel fake. I feel the trend has started due to a "new wave" hitting the forum some time ago.

    I would really like to hear what some of the other posters feel about it.
    Yes, I see what you are saying, but I don't think that we need to use such euphamisms. Let's call the new element what it is. The fan girls are annoying. The Buffon Online girls, and the Christian Zenoni admirers are the "new wave" as I see it. I can appreciate their particular enthusiam and openness, but it has become a cancer that has envaded the rest of the forum and deluded it. But, that's really not all of it, there are other issues...


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    I was not in the forum last year, but i have to agree about the friendship things.
    Ok thats is not bad, but maybe things are starting to go to another level.

    Since the first day i joined this forums, was to talk all the days all the minutes all the seconds if possible about Juve. To make friends and so on is sometime secondary for me in this forum. And till this day, this have not changed.

    And yes, there are some members that cares more about how the guys looks than how they play, and some dont have any idea of what is happening in the field. That is sad in some way.

    It would be much more interesting if peole started to worry more about this.
    Jul 12, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #7
    ++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++
    I was not in the forum last year, but i have to agree about the friendship things.
    Ok thats is not bad, but maybe things are starting to go to another level.

    Since the first day i joined this forums, was to talk all the days all the minutes all the seconds if possible about Juve. To make friends and so on is sometime secondary for me in this forum. And till this day, this have not changed.

    And yes, there are some members that cares more about how the guys looks than how they play, and some dont have any idea of what is happening in the field. That is sad in some way.

    It would be much more interesting if peole started to worry more about this.
    Yes, you've hit one right on the head there Hydde. There is a time and a place for fawning over players, but I know I don't stand alone when I say that some members don't appreciate it all over the forums. And certainly, it should go without saying that if you haven't got a single serious thing to say about football, then you should reconsider your contributions to a football forum. Fansite forums exist, and they are very available if you wish to ignore football and talk only of the players.

    But, let us not harp too much on one issue, what about the fact that it's taboo knowadays for people to express a strong dislike or hate for any person or thing, be it a memeber or not? And why does no one challenge anything anymore? I say lots of shit around here. I mean, there are a lot of things that I say and others say that could be challenged, could be a starting point for a heated discussion, but no one pursues it. And no one will accept a challenge anymore, I come right at some people (Majed for instance), and they just back away. I don't come to a forum to have people sway so easily, why don't people want to argue or disagree anymore?
    Sep 28, 2002
    in one way you can see this site as fansite, not a football site. i mean, football fan site. whatever..

    the problem is that there's simply too much members. and with all this crown the oldies go away, not the new ones. because if someone new starts a thread about the fact that he is new here and that he wants to make friends, there will be hundreds of those who will say hello, how are you, lets be friends and all other shit. you cannot ban them or smth. and with all this crowd true football threads are damned to be off topic cause one third will speak on topic, another third will agree with first ones and go to broader topics and the last third doesn't know or give a shit about football and therefore ruin everything.

    "yes, i'm biggest juve fan but who the **** is bangsbo?"

    there's buffon girls for you. **** them!
    Jul 12, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #9
    ++ [ originally posted by Fliakis ] ++
    in one way you can see this site as fansite, not a football site. i mean, football fan site. whatever..

    the problem is that there's simply too much members. and with all this crown the oldies go away, not the new ones. because if someone new starts a thread about the fact that he is new here and that he wants to make friends, there will be hundreds of those who will say hello, how are you, lets be friends and all other shit. you cannot ban them or smth. and with all this crowd true football threads are damned to be off topic cause one third will speak on topic, another third will agree with first ones and go to broader topics and the last third doesn't know or give a shit about football and therefore ruin everything.

    "yes, i'm biggest juve fan but who the **** is bangsbo?"

    there's buffon girls for you. **** them!
    There it is finally, some passion. You are to be commended fliakis. That's certainly a good point that had almost escaped me.

    Why is it that people feel a necessity to say hello to every new person when they post? I mean, when someone makes an introductory thread, sure that's great to give them a warm welcome. Or the person who responds to their first post, to say hello, that's what makes this forum so cool, but why does that go on for two pages with every wingle person on the dman forum chiming in? Seriously folks, that's one the reasons that the "Hangout" forum exist, is for introductions and receptions. Believe me when I tell you, no one is going to hold it against you if you don't explicitly welcome someone to the forums, I don't think that I've ever done it myself.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    NO no, we are losing the point!!!.

    To say welcome to someone is just perfect, because when i was a new member, i didnt knew a hting about the forum, and i wanted some people to help me and to introduce to the society. It was good to hang out and to kno the people too you know, because they are the ones where ill discuss in the future.

    The hag out is done for that purpouse, to hang out.
    I even dont get mad with the game threads, because when there is nothing to do, i play a lot the games.

    But sometimes the members lost the perspective with really xtrange and stupid threads. Threads that makes you wonder "what tha hell this guy/gal have in his head?".

    The point of this thread, is to cheer up the members that doesnt contribute too much to the forum, to do it more!.

    Just to mention, sometimes, im searching in the forum, and i find peole that i have never seen since i joined, talkng about,,,lets say...del piero. Some have never post even in the hang out.

    The members in the forum that actively discuss Juve (soccer) matters are more or less 30 to say the least.
    Jul 12, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #11
    ++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++
    NO no, we are losing the point!!!.

    To say welcome to someone is just perfect, because when i was a new member, i didnt knew a hting about the forum, and i wanted some people to help me and to introduce to the society. It was good to hang out and to kno the people too you know, because they are the ones where ill discuss in the future.

    The hag out is done for that purpouse, to hang out.
    I even dont get mad with the game threads, because when there is nothing to do, i play a lot the games.

    But sometimes the members lost the perspective with really xtrange and stupid threads. Threads that makes you wonder "what tha hell this guy/gal have in his head?".

    The point of this thread, is to cheer up the members that doesnt contribute too much to the forum, to do it more!.

    Just to mention, sometimes, im searching in the forum, and i find peole that i have never seen since i joined, talkng about,,,lets say...del piero. Some have never post even in the hang out.

    The members in the forum that actively discuss Juve (soccer) matters are more or less 30 to say the least.
    Sorry Hydde, but that was really unclear to me. :confused: could you rephrase that?


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    What¿¿ i find it very clear :confused:

    which part you didnt undertamd?

    ok resume:

    -Is good to say hi to the newcomers, it will not affect the forum, as far as all the people contribute with the soccer matters.

    -Less stupid threads. Im talking about "see the new haircut of.." or " lately my nose is bigger" therads.

    - Try to make uninterested people, to talk more about Juventus in the field and not Juventus in the fashion world.
    Jul 12, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #13
    ++ [ originally posted by Hydde ] ++
    What¿¿ i find it very clear :confused:

    which part you didnt undertamd?

    ok resume:

    -Is good to say hi to the newcomers, it will not affect the forum, as far as all the people contribute with the soccer matters.

    -Less stupid threads. Im talking about "see the new haircut of.." or " lately my nose is bigger" therads.

    - Try to make uninterested people, to talk more about Juventus in the field and not Juventus in the fashion world.
    Okay, yes this makes more sense, thank you.

    I agree. Say hello, then put a comma, and talk about football! If you haven't got something to say about football, then shut up!

    Yes, stupid threads suck. First of all, they are a waste of space, and they make people who aren't in that little group who care about haircuts and nose sizes feel left out and for no good reason.

    And of course! Get people to do the right thing. If they are in a Juve forum, then they must care at least a little. By all means, positive reenforcement is just as good as negative.

    But, I am still irked, I still have a bone to pick with a few people, but I am not so callus as to seek them out. Should they stop by this thread, words will be had.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    Uhhhh!!! haha i understand how are you feeling and what you are trying to say.

    I would like to do it before, but i hang out well with some people of that group, and i cant find the words to make my message clear without being misunderstood.

    It seems like you will do a better job in that part ;)
    It will be interesting to see some comments here.


    Minimiliano Tristelli
    Mar 6, 2003
    Hahah to add something....the only ones that have license to do stupid therads are Kaliman and DJ!!

    Because they are stupid! :p and they make me laugh :LOL:

    Jajaja come on kaliman! say something! :D


    Senior Member
    Jun 4, 2003
    Look, Ian, I can see and understand your point, even if you probably think I'm one of the gazillion silly girlies on this Earth, who are watching Juve just to see Buffon's butt or whatever else. Sorry, but butts aren't quite my domain.

    So please make some time and read this : you can talk seriously about football with me for example, or Vitoria, or many other girls, who I'm sure that know as much football as possible, and are able not only to comment how long Tacchinardi's hair became over night.

    As for me, I love Nederland since the day I was born. Cruyff is my legend, Neeskens is my religion and Gullit is my sin. So anytime when you'd like to talk about this wonderful team, give me a hint about where to find you. You're anyway added on my yahoo MSN :)


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    Alright, I didn't quite agree with Ian's first post the way this thread has gone, I recognize that there is a problem here. Actually, I'm kinda glad it came up because we strive to keep an open community here and everyone's opinion counts.

    It's quite true that we've had a big influx of fans who are more interested in supporting the team/players rather than engage in analysis and tactical discussion. While that is of course quite natural in a club forum, the analysis part of the coin is just as important, because both fulfill specific needs.

    So having identified the problem, do you have any ideas?


    Senior Member
    Jun 4, 2003
    Well, I guess it's not bad that we have different kind of forum members around, after all, we can't be all the same. So I'd say that we haven't got too much to do, just leave the action flow. Those who want to comment the matches or transfers in a very tactical way, free to do that of course. Those interestes in other domain of football (like butts, to be evil :p ), free to do it, after all, that is their form to express their love and support for the club.

    Obviously, just my humble opinion.


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    Blood, the problem is that those two don't mix and for the person who wants to engage in a discussion about tactics or transfers or whatever, a thread will quickly get "ruined" by people who take it off topic.


    Senior Member
    Jun 4, 2003
    You're the mod, you fix it.

    Kidding. Well, a certain solution would be to create separate threads for each of those categories ( I have to admit that e.g. myself I'm ruining sometimes threads with my wanker attitude, but usually it's just for a friendly mock. ) It's long time since I haven't posted something like "Whoa, Neddy's hair rocks". For this we do have The Hangout after all, and it's a great place :)

    And you see, usually those 2 categories aren't posting in the same threads. Have you seen some of the "lovers" posting into the International soccer e.g., because I did not. The reason is that they aren't interested and they are posting just where they do like. And Ian should know that they are certain places where he can discuss what he wants, and certain places for other kind of discussions.

    Woof. Have I made any sense ?

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