Problem with pop up (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 23, 2002
This isn't really related to the forum but I was hoping you could help me anyway

I was trying to d-load some software

in Kazaa

and I got this problem one of the files I d-loaded
was a link to a homepage file

It started this outdated russian page which was already closed down........

So I didn't think much of it closed the IE window
and deleted the file.....

But now it has been placed somewhere in my memory
and it opens up this window every 30min

Which is very annoying
if I am watching a movie
or even worse playing CM then it messes up my save
:frown: :(

SO I was wondering if anyone of yall knew a where to close this window
so this process will stop reappearing....;.

be grateful for your help

Buy on


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
From my experience Kazaa will launch windows on its own, and it's enough for me to just close them whenever they come. However there is no way to disable Kazaa from opening them (close the program), there's a browser embeded in the software.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
All i can suggest is emptying your temporary internet file and History.

if it opens every 30 minutes, it must be a program that you DLed from KaZaA. (.exe)
you might want to search on your computer for all .exe files that have been modfified in the past day or so... (arrange by date when u sort the *.exe search result) then if u see any suspisious file, find out what its for, if its not a windows file or a nesessary file, then Delete it (at your owen risk!! )

You might wanna run a virus scan before doing anything.

about unessesary Pop-ups, i know browsers like "Opera" has an option to "not accept pop-ups."

about that Kazaa Browser, i really dont know!


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
u could just uninstall kazaa then reinstall it but clearing history, cookies and temp.files should sort it


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2002
Use kazaa lite;)

Or use Imesh instead.

Download adaware from & clean your system from spyware. Beware, because some software (like Kazaa;)) wont work after.

Imesh will.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
does Imesh use the same user database as KaZaa?
i mean does Imesh produce the same search results as kaZaA as Morpheous does?


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2000
Kazaa lite doesn't have the spyware but it still produces popups. But I hate iMesh, changes something on my system so that windows are made active whenever they want to, not when I click on them, really pisses me off! :fero:

Sort of, they have different search methods, you'll never get the same hits on any of them. But they share networks.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
oh well....i think i'll just stick to KaZaA!!
....anyway, gtg y'all.....i have a game in 10 minutes(wish me luck! :D)

<---Fabio Cannavaro :thumb: Wannabe :D


The DJ
Oct 30, 2001
last time I started talking about download programs y'all fed me this stuff about legal issues and closed the thread:rolleyes:


Senior Member
Jul 23, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #14
    ++ [ originally posted by Majed ] ++
    All i can suggest is emptying your temporary internet file and History.

    if it opens every 30 minutes, it must be a program that you DLed from KaZaA. (.exe)
    you might want to search on your computer for all .exe files that have been modfified in the past day or so... (arrange by date when u sort the *.exe search result) then if u see any suspisious file, find out what its for, if its not a windows file or a nesessary file, then Delete it (at your owen risk!! )

    You might wanna run a virus scan before doing anything.

    about unessesary Pop-ups, i know browsers like "Opera" has an option to "not accept pop-ups."

    about that Kazaa Browser, i really dont know!
    Wel I think the problem I have is the one Majed described.....

    Becasue I did D-Load as a exe file.......

    I nmy quest to find a pc versoin of TeKken.

    and its stored somewhere in my system files probably
    I'l try with the history
    I thought I would catch it on task manager....
    But I closed a process called GMT.exe and now the pop up doesn't open the webpage but its still pops up opening a window menaing the problem isn't gone.....

    Where do I delete my Temp internet files???


    Senior Member
    Jul 23, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #15
    ++ [ originally posted by Paolo_Montero ] ++
    u could just uninstall kazaa then reinstall it but clearing history, cookies and temp.files should sort it
    where do I do all this stuff?

    and about Kazaa Alex

    that is not the problem because I took care of those pop upz all long time ago....

    This Pop Up is different in the way..
    That it pop ups weather I am connected or not connected to the internet.
    and it pops ups every 30min regardless if I have a browser or Kazaa on or if I am just on a Screen Saver.....


    Senior Member
    Jul 23, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #16
    alright majed
    searched and sorted files by date these are the latest ones....

    the ones d-loaded yesterday are as follows

    Location C:\winnt\system32

    Playstation Emulator.exe
    Location C:\Emulator

    Tekken Tag 011 Minds.exe
    in my shared folders.....

    Since I just Recently Downloaded Tekken Tag it can't be that
    I am placing my bets on the winscv32 file

    Can anybody just asure me that this is not an important system file......


    Formerly known as Ali
    Jul 15, 2002
    Check the programs which are launched at startup. Identify the problem software and disable it. Then simply unistall it.


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    Use the attached program to identify and kill any unnecessary startup programs. Worked for both Win98 and WinXP so it will probably work with other versions as well.


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    i cant really tell from the list....
    i know the the C:\winnt\system32 is a sys could be risky...

    Like DaJuve said, Check out if the same program is in startup:

    Do this by: click start- then run
    type in "msconfig" and a window will appear, go to the startup tab....u should find a list of all the progs that run on startup, look for suspiscios files by checking what Directory they are run from.

    but b4 all this, try out alex's idea...much less risk.

    anyway, to delete the temp internet files. open an Internet Expolor window, go to "tools", "internet options", then in the window that appears, the second box is the temp internet files options. click the "delete files" button in the middle.

    Try this way if u have winXP:
    Run System Restore (its easy if u have WinXP) restore ur PC to a date b4 ur pc had the problem.

    click start---> programs--> accessories ---> system tools --> system restore. and follow the steps.

    when u finally restore ur pc, it will look the same way as it was days ago, though the new files u DLed recently won't be deleted (but i think the system files are restored as they were). If the problem is still there, u can undo the restore, if its not, then look for the suspisious DLed file and delete it b4 running it.


    Senior Member
    Jul 23, 2002
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  • Thread Starter #20
    I already managed to kill this program altough it wasn't a start up
    program since......

    It starts the application Iexplorer.

    but the problem is In the frency I ended one of the process for my task manager.....

    now my task manager only has to process window
    and I can't switch to applications and mem usage

    its working how do I get the process back

    I mean its not deleted I just ended it
    and it doesn't come back after restarting either.....

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