Probable Juve team for 04-05 (1 Viewer)


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by Juve100% ] ++
of course it matters who plays up front, you may create chances but if you dont have someone who can finish or make the runs then the medfield creativity will be pointless. And to me Ibrahimovic is not a great finisher. keep Trezeguet. Seeing Van Der Vaart is an outside chance, more chance seeing Jankulovski there.
If we don't sell Trez we will not be able to bring in new players that we need! Trezeguet is always injured anyway, so why not cash in on him. With not selling anybody we will be the same squad as this year because Moggi will not have the money to buy new players. Sell Trez, damn it, we need the money. Ibrahimovic is one of the highest rated young strikers in Europe, and he has a hell of a lot more confidence than Trez, and confidence is a very important aspect for strikers. Jankulovski is certainly not the type of player that can control the pace of the game, he is just like Pavel. We need someone that can be a true playmaker, and Jankulovski does NOT fit the bill.

Why do you think Van der Vaart is an outside chance? What, do you think he will join Barca? Barcelona has no need for him, isn't it obvious! Barca has Ronaldinho and Xavi as their playmakers, and Laporta will use the money to buy a good striker, hopefully Trez for 27 mil. We have a chance to sign VDV if the money is there. All Trez can do is score those ugly, Inzaghi-like goals. He is not a good dribbler and passer either. Yes it does matter who plays up front, but out of Vieri, Zlatan, and Gilardino it almost does not matter cuz they all are proven quality strikers. But the one with the best future looks to be either Ibrahimovic or Gilardino. They will be a lot better than Trez, cuz they can play away from goal.


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
Takingh in consideration moggi´s words... it seems that neither trezeguet nor nedved will be sold.

so it seems that litle changes will be done.


Minimiliano Tristelli
Mar 6, 2003
Van der Vart Fancies Serie A MOve:

03/26/2004. Ajax winger Rafael van der Vaart says a move to Serie A appeals.

"If after the European championships my club decides to sell me, then I will accept it," he said.

"As in the past, I will try to succeed like the champions here before, such as Johan Cruyff and my good friend Andy van der Meyde.

"I will try to build a career at a great foreign club and I'm confident I could be successful in Serie A."
SA Italy



Lippi would be crazy if he doesnt do a bit for him.


Junior Member
Jan 31, 2004

trablsi ferrari mexes zamb.


camo maresca


del piro trezgol

- if tach, back to his level he should play
- miccole should play from some while or if he is form he should start


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Andrea Becchi ] ++

If we don't sell Trez we will not be able to bring in new players that we need! Trezeguet is always injured anyway, so why not cash in on him. With not selling anybody we will be the same squad as this year because Moggi will not have the money to buy new players. Sell Trez, damn it, we need the money. Ibrahimovic is one of the highest rated young strikers in Europe, and he has a hell of a lot more confidence than Trez, and confidence is a very important aspect for strikers. Jankulovski is certainly not the type of player that can control the pace of the game, he is just like Pavel. We need someone that can be a true playmaker, and Jankulovski does NOT fit the bill.

Why do you think Van der Vaart is an outside chance? What, do you think he will join Barca? Barcelona has no need for him, isn't it obvious! Barca has Ronaldinho and Xavi as their playmakers, and Laporta will use the money to buy a good striker, hopefully Trez for 27 mil. We have a chance to sign VDV if the money is there. All Trez can do is score those ugly, Inzaghi-like goals. He is not a good dribbler and passer either. Yes it does matter who plays up front, but out of Vieri, Zlatan, and Gilardino it almost does not matter cuz they all are proven quality strikers. But the one with the best future looks to be either Ibrahimovic or Gilardino. They will be a lot better than Trez, cuz they can play away from goal.
I tell you! We won't see VdV here next season! Thats just too unrealistic! He is much too expensive, and IMO he isn't a guy for the Serie A.
Kapo would fit that bill!


Senior Member
Jan 31, 2003

trabelsi-----mexes------ ferrari----- zambrotta


---------diego-----------van der vaart

-----------Zlatan----del piero/miccoli

yes, its a weird formation. and its a very young side, but players like van der vaart, zlatan, pedretti, mexes and ferrari are all national team players and all play at the highest level.

defence: i think its solid. mexes and ferrari together would be awesome and a future pairing for many years.

midfield: the key in my opinion. I havent got a player who really bites at the ankles like davids, but i dont feel that we need one as such. Maresca grew up playing in this position. some say he is too offensive to play this role after his spell at piacenza, but i disagree. i think he has a good balance in his game. he can control the midfield well and he has good defensive qualities. And if Lippi played him in this role, its obvious he wouldnt naturally venture forward as much. Pedretti is young but i think he has what it takes. Appiah in form would probably rival him if not kick him out of this team, but right now appiah has a lot of proving to do. In the end, Maresca and Pedretti would make a nice duo in my opinion.

i think nedved should be sold and we should use the money on buying two good creative players. we have enough defensive type midfielders, especially wince blasi and maybe even brighi could return. having diego and van der vaart running a muck behind the forwards would be great in my opinion. and van der vaart is able to play in a deeper role if needed, abit like nedved can.

Forwards: i have chosen zlatan because he gets involved a lot. he is able to create as well as score goals. i'd rather we have a forward who scores maybe 15 goals and creates another 5 to 10 for his team mates then just have a forward who scores 20 goals but does nothing else for the team.

its an offensive line up no doubt, but its a solid defence and i think it could fix the problem of not being creative and being one dimensional like we are now.

with a line up like this, i would like to see slick passing, nice one twos to open up play. kind of like arsenal style.

i think football has changed a lot in the past few years. you have to be more attacking but still have a solid base like teams such as milan and arsenal have right now.


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2004
Trabelsi Mexes Ferrari Zambo
----------Pizzaro Maresca
Fiore/Nedved Micco Del Piero

Edit: I brought in Pizzaro.

The Arif

Senior Member
Jan 31, 2004
------------Del Piero-----------Treze(Zlatan)---------
Sep 1, 2002
i f we sell trez, as many of you feel we shall and should, then we are looking lore and more like a team who are playing for second place at best. selling our best players is not hte solution to our current drop in form. we need to get rid of much of the dead weight which ancors our team to mediocraty: "Crap"onesi; miccoli; the static center of our defence. If we need to generate money to ionvest I would suggest not selling Nedved, unless there were no other option, but to try and finally off/load Del of the lovely eyes. now if we could persuade someome to take him at a kings ransom then we would be laughing, but I fear there would be no takers and so we must let the little czechman go to cheasea. That and the urgent need to sell Di vio would give us the capital needed to take that step forward.

Any two from Vincente, Jaoquin and Torres would make us great again.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I agree with selling Del Piero amongst our attackers, especially if we can get him at a king's ransom (lovely expression btw :thumb: ), but i wouldn't agree that Trez is our best player; far from it.

Sure, he can bang in the goals, but don't u ever feel that we can have someone who does so much more? Zlatan for example, he can cause chaos in defences even without the ball; just by making chaotic runs and dribbling when he gets it will open up so much more space than we've had over the past few years. We've always had a goal-poacher who doesn't do much more than that, with the likes of Inzaghi and Trezeguet.

btw I also don't think Miccoli is crap as you say. He's only had a season with us, and considering how shite the rest of the team have been playing, you can hardly expect him to fit in right away.

I'm very excited and looking forward to the post-cherrypicker attacking lineup that we seem to be headed towards. Imagine two forwards who'll run their legs off and create chances for other players, and finally dumping our "Hey Pavel and Alex, try to get the ball to Trez so he can score". Creativity is the key
Sep 1, 2002
ok letss give Piccoli another chance, but it will be sad to see Trez going for Zlaza. I mean, he just isn't going to make much of a difference. Too light weight in body and mind, I fear. Better still to get someone to play alongside Trez, someone like Torres.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
What makes you think Zlatan is light in bodyweight and mind? Trezeguet only weighs 78, while Ibrahimovic weighs in at 84kg. Zlatan is also taller
Sep 1, 2002
He has a frailty about his presence and lack of grace and decterity, here we are talking about balence. Trez has presence and grace. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that he is the best striker in the world, but as a spear head he is very dangerous. I feel we need his penertration, it is the force that we deliver it that is the problem. i.e noone to bring him into the game. Ned and Del are not able to do it. We need a player like Jaoquin.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Trez has grace and dexterity!?! :wth:

Are we talking about the same Trezeguet here?

Tell me, can you imagine Trez doing This?
Sep 1, 2002
very nice,; it a shame i cann't find one of the many times when trying to do such as this he ended up on his arse looking plantively at the referee.

You have forgotten how good Trez is. I hope you remember when he is doing it in the blace and white and not in the colours of Barca.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I never denied that he's a good goalscorer. It's as clear as mud on a brick wall, though, that he doesn't have the creativity and pace to split open attacks. Simply put, if the team doesn't play well, Trez doesn't play well


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Oh, you were talking about Joaquin? Yeah, he's a decent bloke :)

Deal :cool:

still' thinking of what to put as your avatar? :D

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