Post a random, even unique fact about yourself! (2 Viewers)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I put too much salt, pepper, tabasco sauce, chilli etc. in my food. My mum thinks I'm gonna die early


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2002
not very unique, but since you guys are speaking about food, I put A1 Sauce :drool: with any type of meat i eat (chicken, steak, fish, sometime lamb too)


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2004
Just a few days ago i work up in my friends bath. I didnt remember going to sleep there, i dont know how i got there. Point is when i woke up i had no idea were i was or that i was in a bath. I just felt the cold bottom and sides. Was scary :D


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
Oi, why the hell ain't you on MSN?

btw check out the prisoner of azkaban thread, it's all about you

++ [ originally posted by Emma ] ++
Just a few days ago i work up in my friends bath. I didnt remember going to sleep there, i dont know how i got there. Point is when i woke up i had no idea were i was or that i was in a bath. I just felt the cold bottom and sides. Was scary :D
You better make sure you have all your organs, I've heard of people drugging people and selling their organs on the black market


Sep 23, 2003
I'm such a desperate espresso junkie that not only to I roast my own beans at home, I took it upon myself as a "hobby" last year to sample and review the espresso at over 350 cafes and restaurants in San Francisco proper. And for 90% of them, all I could think of was how I wished I was in Italy instead, sipping the "real thing" instead of the dregs they call espresso here.

And perhaps even more disturbing: I have the database in my Palm to prove it.


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
++ [ originally posted by swag ] ++
I'm such a desperate espresso junkie that not only to I roast my own beans at home, I took it upon myself as a "hobby" last year to sample and review the espresso at over 350 cafes and restaurants in San Francisco proper. And for 90% of them, all I could think of was how I wished I was in Italy instead, sipping the "real thing" instead of the dregs they call espresso here.

And perhaps even more disturbing: I have the database in my Palm to prove it.

I wanted to name my dog Pavel, but my family wouldn't let me :down:
Jan 7, 2004
++ [ originally posted by swag ] ++
I'm such a desperate espresso junkie that not only to I roast my own beans at home, I took it upon myself as a "hobby" last year to sample and review the espresso at over 350 cafes and restaurants in San Francisco proper. And for 90% of them, all I could think of was how I wished I was in Italy instead, sipping the "real thing" instead of the dregs they call espresso here.

And perhaps even more disturbing: I have the database in my Palm to prove it.

i know a place here where they get the coffee from italy.


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2004
unique huh ?
well i mixed vodka and wine today KNOWING what i was doing
that's rpetty god damn unique i think
and i'll never do it again


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
++ [ originally posted by Vicky ] ++
unique huh ?
well i mixed vodka and wine today KNOWING what i was doing
that's rpetty god damn unique i think
and i'll never do it again
Try beer and wine and going to work the next day at 7am :sigh:

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