++ [ originally posted by Blandest ] ++
You dont suck that much. You overreacted on the Nick thing though and you were dumb for giving him exactly what he wanted.
You threw that 'dont care' image out the window with that one buddy
++ [ originally posted by Blandest ] ++
You dont suck that much. You overreacted on the Nick thing though and you were dumb for giving him exactly what he wanted.
You threw that 'dont care' image out the window with that one buddy
TBH, I wasnt offended or insulted at all, it takes more than that, I just though I'd try to use the chance to get rid of him since the opportunity showed itself. I couldnt care less about his insults.
TBH, I wasnt offended or insulted at all, it takes more than that, I just though I'd try to use the chance to get rid of him since the opportunity showed itself. I couldnt care less about him.
I dont know you except you arent open minded enough to judge me on myself rather than River and Emma. Obviously we have the same style because we are such close friends but all in all Ive hardly been posting anything like Emma. I dont know how River posted. The less I care