Player wages and taxes. A versatile thread. (2 Viewers)



Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #42
    when i am around..the memebrs are not bored...
    i find someone to disagree and yep! a hot topic opened!!!

    i think this forum will die if i leave!!! :LOL::LOL::LOL:


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    You, not I made your topic go off topic.
    You asked a question.. which I answered factually and with no thanks.
    Then YOU asked the tax level... I answered for you to go off on one about it.

    You then pre-ceded with an utter bullshit statement about the effect such levels would have in Greece.. which clearly for one and all showed that you had no idea what you were on about and didnt even know the tax rate in your own contry etc etc

    Heavily Edited:: Not worth it


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #44
    ++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++
    You, not I made your topic go off topic.
    You asked a question.. which I answered factually and with no thanks.
    Then YOU asked the tax level... I answered for you to go off on one about it.

    You then pre-ceded with an utter bullshit statement about the effect such levels would have in Greece.. which clearly for one and all showed that you had no idea what you were on about and didnt even know the tax rate in your own contry etc etc

    Heavily Edited:: Not worth it
    why do you carry on with this??

    what do you want?
    bring up a fight??

    because i honestly do not mind fighting.

    i just pity my poor thread which will be closed because of you.

    so stop it for once.
    and don't try to show off so much.
    you are not mister know it all.
    don't you think it's rediculous???


    Senior Member
    Jul 11, 2002
    lol he was showing off? :D He was hardly showing off lilli, he was wasting his own time to answer your questions.

    because i honestly do not mind fighting.
    Really i didnt notice:D

    i just pity my poor thread which will be closed because of you.
    Erik Erik Erik!!! :D


    Senior Member
    Apr 24, 2003
    I wanna say what I think about this:

    I do agree with paying a tax of what you earn, depending of what you earn, and I dont care if its high IF the government will do good with it. Here in Venezuela not everyone pays tax because you have to earn a minimun pay that just like 30% of the population or less earns is. I think everyone should pay tax because the country's for EVERYONE. Also, here, if you're gonna buy something thats expensive (Im talking about like 30,000,000+ Bolivares. 1,950 Bolivares is 1 dollar) you have to pay a luxury tax of like 20%. Also you have to pay 16,5% of tax on EVERYTHING you buy except certain foods and I think certain medications.
    I would agree to pay all of that if I saw changes, but the problem here is that we (as in the high/middle classes) pay more and more to the government every year, and we're more and more screwed up.

    I just said all that to reach to this conclusion: Chavez is a criminal and he has to go.


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #47


    and's not your business ok???
    Jul 12, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++
    maybe that was harsh, but its not about disagreeing.. lilianna clearly has no idea about the subject and is talking crap... she didnt even realise her own countries tax rate.. anyway.. I apologise
    Maybe she doesn't have the expertice that you do, but that doesn't mean she is "talking crap" nor does it entitle you to talk down to her.

    ++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++
    yes there is room for disagreement... jus in a reasonable way, previously wasnt disagreement it was talking without knowing

    As for your point... You do realise the upper tax line in the US is 38.6%.. so no its not significantly lower... Upper tax line in the uk is 40% (average for europe) ... jus some 1.4% higher than the US.

    Also its also a widely accepted line that higher taxes are required in less advanced countries... as such western european and US rates should be lower as with japan etc... these countries have a better economy and as such have less need for tax...

    The main difference between Us and euro taxation is in vat rather than income tax... But that has a very different outcome on society and is again governed by your income as what you spend will be less for the poorer person etc etc
    You are correct that the upper tax limits are similar, however the distribution of taxation at lower levels of income is different. In the US the higher incomes are taxed at proportionally higher when compared to the lower classes, whereas in most european countries, the difference in taxation is less.


    Senior Member
    Jul 11, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Lilianna ] ++


    and's not your business ok???
    I know finance isnt my business, my business is in computing :D


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #51
    it would definitelly be a wonder if beckham wouldn't be.

    even though other players deserve a higher salary,like nedved

    if oinly he was plaing more years in juventus,he would be more payed


    Senior Member
    Jul 15, 2002
    taxes are hard to compare in straight forward manner, but higher earners pay more, it's an universal truth (or should be at least - Bill gates pays no taxes;))

    I think that sweeden has highest tax rate for "leisure" industry. It goes up to 90% of profits :eek:

    If i remember, Bands like Europe & Roxette both left the country after the first sucessfull album


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #53
    ok,i am desperate!
    dio whatever you want but then don't blame me if martin closes the thread!!!!!


    Senior Member
    Apr 22, 2003
    It pisses me off that the very richest people find loopholes not to pay taxes. Cheap bastards. People like that need to be shot


    Senior Member
    Jul 28, 2002
    Dam rite, why do people get to be tax free??? ****ing looney, and those people tend to make more moeny than everyone else....gits.

    At least we get free (crap) health care here :groan:


    The DJ
    Oct 30, 2001
    ++ [ originally posted by Graham ] ++
    It pisses me off that the very richest people find loopholes not to pay taxes. Cheap bastards. People like that need to be shot
    Have to agree. Whats 40% going to do to someone that rich? they get 6billion instead of 10? big deal!

    Then again i can't say I'm entirely happy paying tax on what i earn, probably as at my level it makes quite a bit of difference to the monthly income :eek::(:D
    Sep 28, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Lilianna ] ++

    and i believe you have no idea what an immature person then is.
    learn first of all who is immature and then use the word ;)
    cause if you say i am immature only because i disagree with you on a totally stupid topic,that doesn't mean i am immature.
    you have made my thread go totally off-topic for stupidities and plus you call me immature.

    you know nothing about me to have the right to judge me or to judge how mature or immature i am.
    bloody hell. you are immature.


    f(s+1)=3((s +1)-1=3s
    Jul 12, 2002
    I am a supporter of taxes, and voted for a party who belives in relatively high taxes. I really can't understand people who think that people who earns a lot of money shouldn't pay more taxes, at least a bit, more than others.
    ++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++
    Norway 28% 28% 23%
    I fond the list somewhat difficult, but these numbers for Norway seem way to low. Perhaps the people who makes the least money pays this percentage (wouldn't know, as I earn under 33.000 kr a year and don't pay taxes), but the highest earners pay close to or 50% I believe, as txes are very progressive in Norway. I see that Denmark has much higher numbers, and I believe we're around that percentage.

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