Player wages and taxes. A versatile thread. (1 Viewer)



Senior Member
Apr 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #21
    ++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++
    No not at all.. personally when I vote at the next election I will be voting for a rise in tax

    ok to sit your selfishness, lets close the hospitals, remove the emergency services, leave the roads to fall apart, stop council funding and shut schools and watch our nation collapse... No offence but you need to grow up
    oh come on!!
    why do you even think in this silly way and then call me immature!
    i didn't say stop the taxes!!
    but it's carzy the tax to be 50%...

    here in greece,if the tax would become 50% our government would fall straight ahaid...

    it's not maturity here talking.
    its all in how the things work in your country.

    Buy on


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    lilianna you truly have no idea about the real world whatsoever

    The tax level is fair... Its the high earners that allow the lower earners to be looked after and allows them to pay less tax

    Grow up


    Senior Member
    Dec 31, 2000
    No offence but Paul is making some good points here. If you earn €9m per year then it's anything but unreasonable to tax your wages 50%. After all you still have €4.5m, that's a lot more than the average person.


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #24
    i live in greece.
    get a grip. try to understand that life here anf life in london are 2 totally diferent planets-worlds.

    greece is a chaos in which i am used to live and think like a greek average sitizen.

    is this so damn difficult to unsertand?


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    you say that if tax rates hit those levels in greece the goverment would fall

    Do you even know the tax rates in greece??

    In greece if you earn over 23,358 euros you get taxed at 40%... yes the same as in the uk

    So that removes your theory for a start

    Greece also have a higher rate of VAT than the UK

    btw: Italy's tax rate is actually 45.1%

    World income tax rates :

    country corp inc ind inc vat

    Argentina 30-35% 6-35% 17%
    Belgium 28.8-42.2% 25-55% 21%
    Brazil 34% 20% -
    Bulgaria 23 15-29% 20%
    Canada 27.1-43.1% 31% 7%
    China 30% 5-45% 17%
    Cyprus 20-25% 20-40% 10%
    Cyprus(offshore) 4.25% 4.25% -
    Czech Republic 31% 15-32% 22%
    Denmark 30% 41-60% 25%
    Egypt 40% 20% -
    Finland 29% 5-37.5% 22%
    France 34.33% 10-54% 20.6%
    Germany 25% 0-48.5% 16%
    Greece 35% 0-40% 18%
    Hong kong 16% 15% -
    Hungary 18% 20-40% 25%
    India 48% 20-40% -
    Indonesia 30% 10-30% 10%
    Ireland 10-20% 22-44% 21%
    Israel 36% 10-49% 17%
    Italy 36% 18.1-45.1% 20%
    Japan 30% 10-37% -
    Lithuania 15% 10-35% 18
    Luxemburg 30% 6-46% 15%
    Malta 35% 15-35% -
    Mexico 34% 3-35% 15%
    Monaco 33% 0-33% 20.6%
    Morocco 35% 0-41.5% 20%
    Netherlands 29-34.5% 36-60% 17.5%
    Norway 28% 28% 23%
    Pakistan 41% 7.5%-35% 15%
    Philippines 32% 5-34% 10%
    Poland 28% 19-40% 22%
    Portugal 30% 15-40% 17%
    Romania 25% 20-60% 19%
    Russia 24% 13% 20%
    Saudi Arabia 45% 2.5% -
    Singapore 22% 2%-22% -
    Slovakia 25% 10-38% 23%
    South Africa 35% 17-45% 14%
    Spain 35% 0-56% 16%
    Taiwan 25% 6-40% 5%
    Thailand 30% 5-37% 7%
    Turkey 30% 15-40% 18%
    U.K. 30% 0-40 17.5%
    U.S.A. 35% 0-38.6 -
    Vietnam 32% 0-60% 20%
    Zambia 15% 10-30% -


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #26
    i am not so sure.

    but,this will definitelly lead to a fight,and i have already fought with few mwmbers today and an off-topic discussion that leads us nowhere.

    but i'll say 1 last thing,that if i were you,i would never even talk about greece.
    you have no idea what's like in here.

    so i don;t think that even by me postung 1000 posts you'll be able to understand so i don';t suggest but i say we must stop here.

    btw,i got my anwsers.
    if any of you wanna close the thread,i won't mind much
    Jul 12, 2002
    Paul, if only for me, be a little understanding with people. It kinda pisses me off when people tell others to "grow up" just because they disagree.

    You've got a point that the taxes paid to the government do help people, but you've also got to concede that it must not necessarily be so. For instance, in the US, tax levels are very much lower than in europe, and yet, the country is hardly falling apart. For my part, I agree with you, but there is room for deisagreement on this matter.


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Ian ] ++
    Paul, if only for me, be a little understanding with people. It kinda pisses me off when people tell others to "grow up" just because they disagree.
    maybe that was harsh, but its not about disagreeing.. lilianna clearly has no idea about the subject and is talking crap... she didnt even realise her own countries tax rate.. anyway.. I apologise

    You've got a point that the taxes paid to the government do help people, but you've also got to concede that it must not necessarily be so. For instance, in the US, tax levels are very much lower than in europe, and yet, the country is hardly falling apart. For my part, I agree with you, but there is room for deisagreement on this matter.
    yes there is room for disagreement... jus in a reasonable way, previously wasnt disagreement it was talking without knowing

    As for your point... You do realise the upper tax line in the US is 38.6%.. so no its not significantly lower... Upper tax line in the uk is 40% (average for europe) ... jus some 1.4% higher than the US.

    Also its also a widely accepted line that higher taxes are required in less advanced countries... as such western european and US rates should be lower as with japan etc... these countries have a better economy and as such have less need for tax...

    The main difference between Us and euro taxation is in vat rather than income tax... But that has a very different outcome on society and is again governed by your income as what you spend will be less for the poorer person etc etc


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #29
    ++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++

    maybe that was harsh, but its not about disagreeing.. lilianna clearly has no idea about the subject and is talking crap... she didnt even realise her own countries tax rate.. anyway.. I apologise
    and i believe you have no idea what an immature person then is.
    learn first of all who is immature and then use the word ;)
    cause if you say i am immature only because i disagree with you on a totally stupid topic,that doesn't mean i am immature.
    you have made my thread go totally off-topic for stupidities and plus you call me immature.

    you know nothing about me to have the right to judge me or to judge how mature or immature i am.


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #31
    ++ [ originally posted by Ian ] ++
    Paul, if only for me, be a little understanding with people. It kinda pisses me off when people tell others to "grow up" just because they disagree.

    You've got a point that the taxes paid to the government do help people, but you've also got to concede that it must not necessarily be so. For instance, in the US, tax levels are very much lower than in europe, and yet, the country is hardly falling apart. For my part, I agree with you, but there is room for deisagreement on this matter.

    finally someone who somehow defends me....


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #32
    ++ [ originally posted by sIAMO nOI jUVE! ] ++
    Sucked in! I don't need to pay tax
    ppl...the thread is not on taxes but on how buffon or in general eac juve player earns



    Senior Member
    Nov 16, 2003
    buffon earns around 5 million euros a year, but maybe puma pays him around 2 million a year and other commercial things that pours money in his pocket..


    Senior Member
    Jul 11, 2002
    Lilli i think you should quit on this one. You have about a 1 in a million chance of winning a war of words with paul :D


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #37
    ++ [ originally posted by NEDVED ] ++
    buffon earns around 5 million euros a year, but maybe puma pays him around 2 million a year and other commercial things that pours money in his pocket..
    i don't believ that puma is paying him 2 mil.

    cause beckham is earning 2 mil. from pepsi


    Senior Member
    Apr 3, 2003
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  • Thread Starter #38
    ++ [ originally posted by Mac ] ++
    Lilli i think you should quit on this one. You have about a 1 in a million chance of winning a war of words with paul :D
    i quited,but not because i would get beaten,but because i found it pointless and off-topic ;)

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