Petition to get Claire reinstated (2 Viewers)

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Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Blandest ] ++
Only Kaiser Franco, Shadowfax and Jaecole will sometimes take exception to double standards which is always nice.

The rest are too busy trying to figure out what went on to realise what was wrong. ;)
Honey, I know its a cruel, painful truth, but the admins can really be as mean to you as they please. Whats the worst you can do? Complain? Nobody cares about what you say, nor will anyone take you seriously.

They will only be nice to you if they respect you, so deal with it. The other alternative is ;)


Chickenegro no funny
Jan 14, 2005
You are talking about crap I have never said. I never said they needed to. Yes they can, but what if some people leave because of that? I can think of a whole world of negativity that could come from something like that.

Again why are you talking about things I havent said and avoiding my inital post and repost.

Go find it and respond, otherwise give over. Agenda shouldnt come over sense.


Chickenegro no funny
Jan 14, 2005
When you wake up you might realise this is what Im talking about. Not some stupid (Ive just had an idea) post that is both obvious and stupid considering I dont disagree/never made something against them in the first place.

++ [ originally posted by Blandest ] ++
My point is about your 'only football' comment. You want that, you can have that. Like I said, get out of off topic. Off topic is too much? Remove it and see where the forum goes.

The best members on this forum only occasionally post on topic (no Im not putting myself in that bracket). Lose off topic, lose Nick Against the World etc and you lose everything that makes this forum anything more than the one you referred to above.

If you cant see that, that is not my problem. But keep giving your ideas, unfortunately they arent any good though.
This is the clarified second half of the original post, that you still haven't responded to. The rest of what you said I already replied to posts previous.


Senior Member
Apr 7, 2005
That post is nothing new Josh. I still don't get the point. The whole Claire being banned thing wasn't about that. It wasn't a challenge on was she right to be banned. She and everyone else have already said she should have been banned.

The problem was Burke wasn't and Claire was, or Claire wasn't and Burke was. It has never been about what you are talking about.

See you didn't read enough. ;)


Senior Member
Apr 7, 2005
++ [ originally posted by Blandest ] ++
When you wake up you might realise this is what Im talking about. Not some stupid (Ive just had an idea) post that is both obvious and stupid considering I dont disagree/never made something against them in the first place.
Oh that.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
++ [ originally posted by jaecole ] ++

The problem was Burke wasn't and Claire was, or Claire wasn't and Burke was. It has never been about what you are talking about.
Doesn't really matter to be honest. Both are back now and hopefully it can stay this way. If we keep discussing this more nerves will be cracked open and that is not needed. The more the merrier.


Chickenegro no funny
Jan 14, 2005
Josh is just about 4 months late thats all. I coulda talked about mods and banning all night back then, now its as old as bashing Vinman.

We need new things.

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
Jaecole- thats a whole another can of worms. Both of them are back now, both given an equal opportunity to make good.

Claire, I didnt want to baby you, knowing that your a smart, intelligent girl, but here we go:

++ [ originally posted by Layce Erayce ] ++
You didnt need to justify Juventuz at the moment because you had little to do with it. Neither were you here long enough to really know what this place was and how it handled itself previously.
That was in post #232, just for your reference, Claire. I dont mean to make it look that obvious that you completely missed the point I made, but thats what happened.

Next time you can work on your debating skills and your attitude before you argue with me again.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
The more the merrier is indeed true. Even though Blandest can get heated with people from time to time, she has the potential of being a good poster. Burke, even though many do not like him, adds some comedy to the forum when he is not insulting people. The only way he will start insulting people again is if people provoke him, and I don't want that to happen because Burke could be a good poster if he puts his mind to it. And also we have Josh back now, a great poster, so hopefully things will improve on this forum.


Chickenegro no funny
Jan 14, 2005
Oh so Im going to have to do this then huh. Fine.

++ [ originally posted by Layce Erayce ] ++
Claire, I didnt want to baby you, knowing that your a smart, intelligent girl, but here we go:

That was in post #232, just for your reference, Claire. I dont mean to make it look that obvious that you completely missed the point I made, but thats what happened.

Next time you can work on your debating skills and your attitude before you argue with me again.
This is cute. He thinks he has won an 'argument' by making a point noone cared to address because it was so obvious and already well established.

Hate to break it to you, but Im not arguing in the first place. I wanted you to discuss (not argue) why (here's point forum, full paragraphs seem to confuse you)

1: You are here if it's so bad
2. You are in the hangout, as without coming here you have a 'real' football forum like you desire.
3. You take away the hangout (you know that parts you have a problem with, the parts that stop this being a real football forum) and what do you have? I put that as a question to stimulate thought.

That was post 226. The original post. Before you decided to have a crack at Blandest. Two points out of the 3 address the above. You picked one. The one that isnt important and I cant be arsed talking about again. The one that my first reply covered already and thus, required no more of my time.

"How would you know? You've read all posts from all my accounts and all posts of the moderators in each discussion about my banning? I returned because noone could find a reason for the ban and because Martin give me a chance again. Since that chance I havn't broken a single rule. The later bans have all been moderator mistakes or I misunderstood and thought we could post freely without censorship."

Did you read it all? No. You have shown to be lacking and are confused as to what you are even talking about.

Did I return because Martin give me another chance and he couldnt pin me for it? Yes. He did give a second chance and in his words 'I wont ban someone because I simply dont like them'.

Was I banned for the good of the forum? Yes, originally. A point you make that I don't even disagree with. So what? It's irrelevent.

Have a broken the rules found in the above navigation? No.

Have some bans been moderator 'mistakes'? Yes. Mikhail has already said he wasn't fully sure on the reason for my latest ban and banned me simply because he assumed I was still banned.

Was I banned because I assumed we could speak freely without censorship? Yes. First ban for cop hating. See everything has been addressed. Within my very first and second posts every single on of your so called 'argument' winning discussion has been put to rest.

Now let's figure out what Josh is talking about.
Now did I say anywhere about moderators having to warrant banning me? Complain about moderators not liking me? Claiming Martin didn't like me? Disagreeing with anything to do with valuable assets to give? A like for Juventuz? A need to justify Juventuz or anything at all to do with how Juventuz is run, how it was run in the past or how it should be run?
Any other pointless crap I missed just add on.

I'll leave you with your own wise words:
"Next time you can work on your debating skills and your attitude before you argue with me again."

Or my words. Next time, get the right argument. Just another member who picks the small part and tries to turn it into the discussion. Why do we do this?

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Blandest ] ++
Oh so Im going to have to do this then huh. Fine.

This is cute. He thinks he has won an 'argument' by making a point noone cared to address because it was so obvious and already well established.

Hate to break it to you, but Im not arguing in the first place. I wanted you to discuss (not argue) why (here's point forum, full paragraphs seem to confuse you)

1: You are here if it's so bad
2. You are in the hangout, as without coming here you have a 'real' football forum like you desire.
3. You take away the hangout (you know that parts you have a problem with, the parts that stop this being a real football forum) and what do you have? I put that as a question to stimulate thought.

That was post 226. The original post. Before you decided to have a crack at Blandest. Two points out of the 3 address the above. You picked one. The one that isnt important and I cant be arsed talking about again. The one that my first reply covered already and thus, required no more of my time.

"How would you know? You've read all posts from all my accounts and all posts of the moderators in each discussion about my banning? I returned because noone could find a reason for the ban and because Martin give me a chance again. Since that chance I havn't broken a single rule. The later bans have all been moderator mistakes or I misunderstood and thought we could post freely without censorship."

Did you read it all? No. You have shown to be lacking and are confused as to what you are even talking about.

Did I return because Martin give me another chance and he couldnt pin me for it? Yes. He did give a second chance and in his words 'I wont ban someone because I simply dont like them'.

Was I banned for the good of the forum? Yes, originally. A point you make that I don't even disagree with. So what? It's irrelevent.

Have a broken the rules found in the above navigation? No.

Have some bans been moderator 'mistakes'? Yes. Mikhail has already said he wasn't fully sure on the reason for my latest ban and banned me simply because he assumed I was still banned.

Was I banned because I assumed we could speak freely without censorship? Yes. First ban for cop hating. See everything has been addressed. Within my very first and second posts every single on of your so called 'argument' winning discussion has been put to rest.

Now let's figure out what Josh is talking about.
Now did I say anywhere about moderators having to warrant banning me? Complain about moderators not liking me? Claiming Martin didn't like me? Disagreeing with anything to do with valuable assets to give? A like for Juventuz? A need to justify Juventuz or anything at all to do with how Juventuz is run, how it was run in the past or how it should be run?
Any other pointless crap I missed just add on.

I'll leave you with your own wise words:
"Next time you can work on your debating skills and your attitude before you argue with me again."

Or my words. Next time, get the right argument. Just another member who picks the small part and tries to turn it into the discussion. Why do we do this?
I didnt respond to those on purpose. They werent relevant. And they werent points. Here's why:

1. You havent given me a good enough reason to justify my presence here.

2. The hangout is a part of which is a football forum, not a separate forum for internet kooks and web socialites.

3. Take away the hangout? Do you even know what your talking about? Nobody ever asked for that. Go see point 2.

Your points, quite simply, were pointless.

Jae: Quite well ;)
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