Our midfield (6 Viewers)


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
Our midfield is a major concern for me and imo, you need a strong midfield to compete competently in both scudetto and Cl.

If you look at Cl last season, Bayer Leverkursen did not have one single striker of note, sure Kirsten is their leading goal scorer but he is old and didn't play too many games, but they managed to get to the final because of a very talented and balanced midfield

Real madrid have just 2 strikers that you can call reliable in their whole squad and if you know hom much Morientes gets injured, then its just Raul really but look at that midfield and you can see how they won the cup

Valencia do not have a decent striker, thier highest goal scorer in the league was Baraja and Aimar is an AM

In the wc, Turkey got to the semi with Sukur being absoliutely hopeless but their midfield was great, same as Brazil, you take out Ronaldo and they have no strikers.

France had world class strikers in 2002 but none in 98 and what happened they won the wc in 98 because of Zz, Djorkaeff, Petit and Deschamps but in 2002 Zz and Pires was injured and they didn't score a goal

Italy sucked in 98 and 2002 because of a horrible midfiield but were good in 2000 because Albertini returned to form and along with Ambrosini and Fiore they looked decent

This brings me to Juve, our midfiled is just like Italy's, no creativity and are not really brilliant at defending as in protecting the defence

Yes we won SerieA but thats more to do with the big teams in Italy apart from Roma having the same prob as if you look at Inter the midfield was not very good and they relied too much on their strikers especially Vieri to bail them out

Even Roma get into trouble if one of the wingbacks is missing or Totti is injured

The smaller teams like Chievo and Perugia actually play better football but because of non confidence or dare i say it refereeeing decisions Chievo might have even won the league

If anybody actually watched them , the amount of chances created for Marazzina and Corradini were very imppressive and believe me if Trez or a more accomplishe dgoal scorer was there they would have finnished much higher up

Their mf of Eriberto, Manfredini with Corrini pulling the strings was very good, its just their finishing and letting to many goals and of cos being robbed by referees that made them finish 6th

Our team does not actually create chances from the midfiled and most of our goals are from set pieces very little is from actual pass and movement from the mf, thats why we were totally outplayed in most Cl games

You know your team is suffering when the manager plays a defender in Tudor in the mf

At least when Zz was there the others can do donkey work give the ball to him and he does something with it, its notthe same with Nedved as he is not a playmaker and has made players like Tacchi go backwards

Giving away Brighi as well was not very smart imo and I don't know too much about Oliveira but it does say volumes if we are pinning our creative hopes on a 19 year old

As far as I am concerned we need mfs and i have heard of Ambrossini, Giannicheda, they will be most welcome as our mf is sterile and we need a stellar season from both Nedved and Davids, they cannot afford to be off form for months like last season as teams like Inter who have improved as Crespo will score more than Ronaldo did and Roma with Guardiola will be much stronger, not sure if Baiocco and Camo will make the same impact

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New Member
Sep 1, 2002
I mean Davids, Zambrotta, Nedved, Tacchinardi, Conte and maybe Del Piero (when we play him as a playmaker), are big and good names in our midfield! Maybe Tacchinardi is not the best yet, but when he can return to his old form, he will play for Italy again! And Baiocco and specialy Camoranesi played great in the pre-season! And.....you cry for a playmaker to create chances: Olivera! He is great! Showed more last season than D'Alessandro and maybe better than Brighi, cause he is a offensive mid, and not def! He is great! He will show it! I just hope he plays like for Uruguay and Danubio! If so, he can replace Zidane easily! The new recoba!
Our wings will rock this year: Nedved (the best left winger in the world) adn Zambrotta ( the best iatlien winger)!

No fear, our mid is very good!

------------------Del Piero--------------------

Sounds not weak!


Superior Being
Jul 12, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #4
    Stop kidding yourself our midfield is way below par our sucess stem from our attack and defence thats why we cannot beat organised teams and that midfield you put up there is just a bunch of talented individuals not a midfield of guys who understand eachother

    Which of these guys apart from Davids will protect the cental defence?


    New Member
    Sep 1, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    Stop kidding yourself our midfield is way below par our sucess stem from our attack and defence thats why we cannot beat organised teams and that midfield you put up there is just a bunch of talented individuals not a midfield of guys who understand eachother

    Which of these guys apart from Davids will protect the cental defence?
    Well, this "bunch of talented midfielder" played already a season together, and know eachother!
    The system I posted is the same we played last year! Last year we played like this:


    Well, at the end of the season we sometimes played Neddy and DP behind the strikers! Or we played with that system (4-3-1-2) with Davids in the central role!

    Now just give Nedved back on the wing, where he is better than Davids, and put a more creative midfielder behind the strikers (DP) and you have my line-up!

    And our subs a great too! You can't have big names on the bench! Cause than these big names become angry, because they never play, and Moggi would pay them for sitting on the bench! Baiocco, Camo, Olivera, Tacch are the right subs for Juve!

    Trust me: We will have a great season!
    And maybe we can even sign a good new midfielder now (Giannichedda, Ambrosini, Dacourt........)


    Junior Member
    Jul 20, 2002
    Obviously we can fight for the scudetto, but that doesn´t change the fact that our midfield is weaker than the best teams in europe.

    You people who saw Real MAdrid game last night, has to know what I´m talking about. Thier defensive midfielders offers so much more, Take Cambiasso for example, fantastic player, The only player who created more than him last night was ZZ, and he played in a defensive midfield position!!!!!

    Whilst Juve has never really replaced Deschamps, yeah they did the right thing by giving Taachinardi the chance, but come on, he is never going to be the player he had the potential to be. A player that has been playing for Juve for so long doesn´t get booed for nothing!!

    And Zambrotta? The only people who thinks Zambrotta is the same class as players as Beckham, are Juve fans. In my opinon he is very overrated, some might say that he plays for the National team, but didn´t Asta get the chance last year at the age 32-33? even if Asta is a good player, that shows you the competition for the right wing spot.

    And we clearly miss a leader on midfield, but still we were trying to get Nesta and Cannavaro all summer. And bought another striker in panic, which lead to that we lost Brighi for two seasons. And Brighi was clearly a type a player Juve needed..

    But however I agree with Denco who said our team is at least more balanced than for example Milan and Inter. And Ancelotti is clearly not the coach to handle so much offensive power.

    Scudetto, why not? CL I doubt it


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #7
    Have you seen our preseason games at all or did you watch the super cup, without a quality purchase in the midfield between now and end of the season then we are in trouble

    How many games have you seen Baiocco, Camo and Oliveria play or are you basing your views on hope instead of reality, that you can say our bench is great, it wasn't last season and its not being sufficiently boosted by new signings


    New Member
    Jul 13, 2002
    denco I agree with u in every thing but I want to know which players u want to sign and which plane or formation u want?


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #9
    It was a nonsense to let Brighi go, if Ambrossini is available, i'd go for him, Asta is a player i find strange that has been allowed to go to SerieB, if Jorghensen was available or Romedahl with his pace then i'd go for either one and i love Dalmat but don't think Inter will sell

    Midfield formation

    Central midfield
    will be Ambrossini and Davids and on the left will be Nedved (and if he continues to put in indifferent performances then i will get a playmaker in January and drop Nedved) and on the right either Asta or Romedahl

    Bench will have Zambo, Conte, Tacchi, Brighi, Camo, and since we have bought him Baiocco and i will definitely bring Blasi from Perugia now


    New Member
    Jul 21, 2002
    I agree with denco, you cannot ignore facts. That would be naive. But the only thing our midfield lacks is one thing imo and that is an ingredient that I rate very high CREATIVITY.
    What Moggi could have done was to simply sign Pep Guardiola, although he's old he would have been perfect as a short term solution. And we let Roma have him for free instead. What Moggi can do now to change(save) this situation is to try to sign Liverani instead of Giannichedda, Fabio Liverani is a player that I believe is very underrated. He could have the DMC role and control our midfield from the back with his brilliant vision and passing, and to swap him with Tacchinardi would be a great deal for Juventus as for Lazio. Alessio is a player that I believe don't belong in Juventus anymore since the departure of ZZ he has been clearly sub standard in his performances. Since he clearly can't pass a ball forwards and is totally dependent of having a fantasista in front of him, doesn't really suite the Lippi tactic as well as he can't play the direct style of play. Other players that I think we should go after in order to strengthen our midfield is: Gerrard Lopez of Barcelona, Ruben Baraja of Valencia and why not the old geek Rui Costa? after Rivaldos arrival he won’t get as much playing time and wouldn’t be that expensive.
    But the most realistic and the easiest buy for Moggi to complete would be Liverani. I really never understood why Juve didn't buy him when he was at Perugia instead we opted for Baiocco which I don't think is as good as Fabio. FWIW if Davids leaves then Kleberson might be a alternative Imo.


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #11
    Well Guardiola is a player i have always admired and it was careless to lose him one to brescia but it was criminal to let him go to Roma

    Gustavo lopez and Wagner of celtavigo are 2 excellent players as are Solari of Real madrid and like you mentioned Gerrrard

    It was criminal not to go for Riquelme and even Doni would have been cool not to mention Morfeo

    I have not seen any good performances of Liverani to want him as he was poor last season with Lazio

    Well there are so many midfielders out there much better than our current crop, thats why i will surprise if we do well in Cl


    New Member
    Sep 1, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    It was a nonsense to let Brighi go, if Ambrossini is available, i'd go for him, Asta is a player i find strange that has been allowed to go to SerieB, if Jorghensen was available or Romedahl with his pace then i'd go for either one and i love Dalmat but don't think Inter will sell

    Midfield formation

    Central midfield
    will be Ambrossini and Davids and on the left will be Nedved (and if he continues to put in indifferent performances then i will get a playmaker in January and drop Nedved) and on the right either Asta or Romedahl

    Bench will have Zambo, Conte, Tacchi, Brighi, Camo, and since we have bought him Baiocco and i will definitely bring Blasi from Perugia now


    Senior Member
    Jul 13, 2002
    Creativy is hard to find in the SerieA where most teams are most concerned with defending rather than playing what Brazil plays. So we can't blame Juve for not having a creative midfield can we?


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #14
    What sort of an excuse is that and what do u mean play like Brazil, Roma do it sometimes, Fiorentina under Terim did it, Zeman won't be caught dead without it, Chievo and to a lesser extent Perugia do it

    Its just that most Serie a coaches are dull and sterile, not to mention cowardly


    New Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by denco ] ++
    It was a nonsense to let Brighi go, if Ambrossini is available, i'd go for him, Asta is a player i find strange that has been allowed to go to SerieB, if Jorghensen was available or Romedahl with his pace then i'd go for either one and i love Dalmat but don't think Inter will sell
    Rommedahl? Come on - you must be joking?? He is, by far, the most overrated player I have ever seen! He's very fast, but 90% of his crosses is send to the stands!! And sadly Jorgensen seems to be injured all the time:down:

    Would prefer Gronkjaer of Chelsea or Lovenkrands of Glasgow Rangers if we were to buy a fast winger...


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #17
    For a danish guy to mention Gronkjaer is a gr8 surprise to me as he without a doubt the worst winger in the premeirship, he has pace never uses it well, he cannot cross , cannot play and he is just terrible to me

    Romadahl all the times i saw him in the wc and in Uefa against Leeds, played reasonably well and when he motors you cannot catch him


    Superior Being
    Jul 12, 2002
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #19
    I fail too see where Gronjkear has played great, he was awful whenever he came on in the wc for Denmark and as for chelsea, i bet if you ask chelsea fans he is the most disappointing player and the only thing helping him is his pace, but he does not even use that well

    Anyway he will never succeed in Italy and playing for Juve is something i cannot just see happening


    Junior Member
    Aug 30, 2002
    there were times at the beginning of last season when Gronjkear played some good stuff but then got injured. since then he hasn't shown anything. I also remember when he played for Ajax, sometimes playing some great games. Anyhow, as you say he isn't good enough.

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