Official Zlatan Ibrahimovic Thread (14 Viewers)

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- vOnAm -

Senior Member
Jul 22, 2004
The guy cracks me up too, so witty. I think he'll suit well in Juventus which to me is known for its friendly atmosphere.
Besides, sports stars have to have a little bit of cockyness in them, its like confidence u know. U'll need it when ur in a big game and trailling by a goal or two.
CAn't wait to see him n the rest if Juve play.


Senior Member
Dec 16, 2002
Great pic Z,

And congratulations for your dream coming true. Heck, I need to change my name to Ono.;).

Nice infor there Arif, it was throughly enjoyable.:).


How do you feel that Zlatan used to practice Taekwondo?;).

I do like Zlatan's humor. They are funny indeed.:D and so whitty. And I would like to see Zlatan to make Carew-esque comments and it will be truely enjoyable. Totti should watch out.:D. However, he still needs to keep himself in discipline. After all, Juve has always emphasized team spirit and togetherness. If certain Baggio was expendable then everyone is. He needs to keep that flair and yet harness it with the teamwork.


Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
++ [ originally posted by Jun-hide ] ++
Great pic Z,

And congratulations for your dream coming true. Heck, I need to change my name to Ono.;).

Only difference is that my name really is Zlatan ;)


Junior Member
Mar 2, 2004
this guy surely cocky as hell....
but thats what future superstar need.....
i just glad its capello its in helm...
he has experiance with cocky young player... cassano!!


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2003
++ [ originally posted by incomplex ] ++
this guy surely cocky as hell....
but thats what future superstar need.....
i just glad its capello its in helm...
he has experiance with cocky young player... cassano!!

hmmmm i dont see anything indicating that capello can control cassano while he was at roma..:|


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2002
I am the happiest person in the world at the moment! I always wanted Zlatan to join us, and finnaly he is here! Europe, here we are. We will beat Ajax and Bayern by 3 goals, you will see!



Junior Member
Aug 31, 2004
Capell said that Ibrahimovic have a Master place in the squad of Juventus. Look at here , the first gazetta dello Sport:
Prima o seconda punta, lo svedese è tra gli intoccabili. Capello lo ritiene indispensabile per la stazza e la buona tecnica."
The Translation (from"A CLASSIFIED PLACE FOR IBRAHIMOVIC Before or second tip, the Swede isbetween the untouchable ones. Hat thinks indispensable for the tonnageand the good technique to it. "


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
Zlatan is great.

Not you, Balta, I'm talking about the player.

You're above average, though.

Ibrahimovic is just amazing, both on and off the pitch. The difference between him and Cassano is that Cassano is a disruptive force off the field who is tatamount to being as much of a prima donna as you can find.

Zlatan has never, to my knowledge, walked out of a practice, given demonstrative gestures to his coach, or in general, just be a pain in the ass, unlike Cassano.

I still can't believe that he's here. I cannot remember the last time I was so happy with a transfer. This is exactly what this team needed. Some flair, some color, some attitude.

Thank you, Moggi. Thank you very much.
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