Official Application for Moderator (5 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

:stress: When..


Firstly, don't feel special there HONEY...if you feel special hence your reason for posting in here because you got a PM from me ... sorry to break it to you toots but many people got that GENERIC PM. So do us both a favor and stay out of the threads I am in if your going to intervene in this incredibly CRASS and CLASSLESS way.

Secondly, I TWIToria ... its a nick..I"m willing to bet half the people here pronounce my nick is the thing WHO THE FOK CARES?

MAYBE THEN, WHO KNOWS....if being a MOD is having to deal with sh*t like this SHOOT ME IN THE HEAD (TWICE..once in case I'm STILL ALIVE).

When I'm "KING OF THE WORLD" these incredibly MENIAL brain cell wasting conversations will go the way of A-TRAK.


Oops... My advice (cause you sounded kinda desperately) and my remark, that you misspelled my nickname (since you pointed with those capital letters, that people should learn in here: the same goes to you, and you should learn ex to read) made you feel like that?

But back to the point: what PM? I'm talking about that email you sent to me some time ago (if you're going to ask me again, with that stressed face "when" I can tell you, that I can offer you a copy of it, if your memory still refuses to cooperate with you).

Secondly I'm going to "intervene" in all threads I want to in a way I want to - and there is nothing you can do about it.

I will leave my response too all the rest you said, specially that everything you say bears witness to you and only to you, not to me in any way.

You shouldnt expect any further reply, if you're going to talk to me in this way.


Majed: your incredible kindness almost made me speechless :)
Sergio: :)


Chickenegro no funny
Jan 14, 2005
Not you. The whole thread really.

IncuboRossonero clamering for support, the intensive analysis of his potential, the guest apperance by queen victoria, the slamming of the her, the defence of her. It all makes happy smiles. :)


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #508
    ++ [ originally posted by vitoria_Ally ] ++

    Oops... My advice (cause you sounded kinda desperately) and my remark, that you misspelled my nickname (since you pointed with those capital letters, that people should learn in here: the same goes to you, and you should learn ex to read) made you feel like that?
    Sorry hun but that phrase made absolutely no sense. If you want me to respond I suggest you keep the sentences short and concise because this JAMBLE of words is not helping.

    ++ [ originally posted by vitoria_Ally ] ++
    But back to the point: what PM? I'm talking about that email you sent to me some time ago (if you're going to ask me again, with that stressed face "when" I can tell you, that I can offer you a copy of it, if your memory still refuses to cooperate with you).
    This time I will ask you to re-read my message. I never denied sending you a PM .. I simply stated that MANY individuals received it so don't feel the need to respond to me and point out a mistake because there was not much thought in the PM.

    ++ [ originally posted by vitoria_Ally ] ++
    Secondly I'm going to "intervene" in all threads I want to in a way I want to - and there is nothing you can do about it.).
    Sorry but here is a tip: this ain't the school yard...nor is it the lane on the way home from school nor is it the summer municipal swimming pool i.e. places where you are most likely to see kids argue. "nothing I can do about it"
    how old are you? 8?

    ++ [ originally posted by vitoria_Ally ] ++
    I will leave my response too all the rest you said, specially that everything you say bears witness to you and only to you, not to me in any way.

    You shouldnt expect any further reply, if you're going to talk to me in this way.

    NOTE TO MAJED: If you feel the need to point out my EVIL WAYS once again and drag everyone through that long boring draining shot-us-in the head B.S. PM me dude. The forum is getting BORING ENOUGH.

    The Pado

    Filthy Gobbo
    Jul 12, 2002
    Wait, let me get a bucket to piss in. I can't bear to miss a minute of this crap by having to run to the bathroom.

    Seriously, was anybody REALLY that offended by any of the above drivel?

    I did not think so. Go back to being the heroes of your own delussions now.


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

    An individual's traits and morales on-line is not indicative of his morals and values on-line. People come here to let go and thus the term "free time". You seem to have a knack to avoid speaking to me for weeks and like a vulture swoop down to give me the "be a better Mormon" speech. Padovano speaks of wanking and women's shoes yet he pleads before a Judge most days. Sergio goes on about porn and drugs 24/7 yet is the most loyal husband and 'stand up person' here. You don't know me..I don't know you.
    While this wasn't my reason for replying to your post to Vit, I'll give you my $0.02.
    Your statement, in bold, above isn't %100 true (or actually, what you were trying to say isn't %100 true... You mean "offline" instead of the last "online"). Funny how your telling Vit to be concise when your statements don't even make sense. I usually let these mistakes slide because I understand them (or at least make an attempt to), but you didn't with hers. Take note.

    Back to the argument. While our representatives here in the forums are not identical to who we may be "offline," you have to admit that there is some common ground. Sorry, but your example about Pado and Sergio is pure non-sense and shallow. They do it to joke around. You joke around too. I joke around. Nothing wrong with that. However, it's not hard to see beynd the obvious jokes and conversations. I sense that you are referring specifically to the Vinman issue. I'll assume so. I stand by what I have said regarding that issue. How he reacts indeed makes me QUESTION his reactions in the real world. I did nothing more than QUESTION because it IS possible. In short, I disagree with your statement but I also add that there's no way for me to know. The way you made that statement makes it sound like I'm claiming that we are the same online as offline.


    Do I "avoid" speaking to you? No, not completely or for a specific reason. I'm pretty sure I have conversed with you before on non-argumentative matters. That rules out that I "avoid." However, I do admit that I don't quote you that often. I do read many of your posts though, and I do pick up some usefull things along the way (as I do with others), but there's just too much garbage I have to go through. In arguments, you drift off on tangents too often and your childish insults overshadow the "useful" in your posts. That's one of the reasons why you get into so many little petty bickers, with so many people, that usually go way beyond the main argument. Though I have to admit, I enjoy having you here because you keep the interesting posters like Sergio and Pado here. Don't worry though, you still get more attention from me than what people like Burke get from me.

    As for the "swooping in," I don't see it that wa. More like I only feel the need to quote you when your posts surpass a certain level of disrespectfulness and/or BS. the level is pretty far away too BTW.

    So whatever sh*t I throw here ... either laugh at it..swallow it or JOG ON. Thats all I need to tell you.
    This is actually my favorite quote from your post. I'll also be happy to try my best to apply this on one condition; That you apply it first.
    When "Buffon's ass" fans talk about him, either laugh at it..swallow it or JOG ON.
    When a person in your thread makes a joke that you saw as childish, either laugh at it..swallow it or JOG ON.
    When I QUESTION somebody's actions, either laugh at it..swallow it or JOG ON.
    When Vit kindly asks you to spell her nickname correctly, either laugh at it..swallow it or JOG ON.
    When Emma makes a joke, either laugh at it..swallow it or JOG ON.
    When Pado says "wank," either laugh at it..swallow it or JOG ON.

    Now that you're looking at it this way, you'll notice how impossable it is, how dumb it is, or even how it can be applied from different perspectives.
    These are forums. Your word isn't the final word and niether is mine. That's what we're here to argue about. Now, if you can quit zig-zaging around arguments, we can actually get somewhere where we either begin to see the other's point or just draw the line and say, well, that's your POV, and this is MINE. .. Sayonara.


    Now for the underlined part. My problem with your post above to Vit is that it was disrespectful. From her response, I think i'm right on this. Now you say that people come here to "let go." Well, I think Vit was doing just that. Many members do just that. Yet, your disrespectful "letting go" disrupts their "letting go." What's ironic too is that one of my "letting go's" is to get into constructive arguments. If this one stays on a good path, then I'm letting go. Maybe not the same fun as Pado wanking into a shoe, but it keeps me entertained. You have not failed me here. So, who's "letting go" matters most to me? I'll leave the rest to you.

    If I wanted a lecture or a scolding I would have gone back to school for a 5th degree (imagine that..this dumbass GUIDO has 4 degrees....hard to tell from his jack ass personality on-line right).
    5 degree. Congratualtions. I'm not that surprised. First of all, I don't think your a dumbass. I never said that or even implied it. I also don't see how being offensive relates to being stupid.

    Like I said, I can't make certain claims about how a person really is, but I can QUESTION or make educated guesses based on my time here, the stuff people say about themselves and how they say things. It's not precise rocket science, but it intrigues me.

    KNOW when to let go...when to laugh and when to ignore the post if it bothers you.
    These things aren't static. It really depends on the person. I laugh when I see that something is funny. I ignore when there's no point in replying (doesn't have much to do with being "bothered" by it IMO).

    and now for the begining of your post..
    I'll be honest..I didn't read your post but I could pretty much guess what you said and there is something I have wanted to tell you for a long time because you just like my old broken happy days record keep skipping on the part I hated most (These days are ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)
    Maybe you should have read what I said. Better yet, maybe you should also start UNDERSTANDING what people are telling you. Why stop there? You could also, once in a blue moon, try to APPLY what people are telling you. Even best, APPLY what YOU PREACH.

    You are welcome. Also, thank you for not zig-zaging too much in this post. Good job.

    From your other post
    NOTE TO MAJED: If you feel the need to point out my EVIL WAYS once again and drag everyone through that long boring draining shot-us-in the head B.S. PM me dude. The forum is getting BORING ENOUGH.
    No thanks... I'll reply here.
    1. You could have replied by PM yet you didn't.
    2. People don't have to be "dragged." They could just scroll down. Meaning, the only person who might get borred is you. If I PM you, that won't prevent you from getting borred. So, I replied here. It's more fun for me too. Also, your assurtion that it's borring to everyone may not be %100 correct. Someone might catch a glimps and be amused and he/she'll read on some more.


    Inferiority complex
    Nov 16, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #514
    To save a few lives (and avoid people from shooting themselves in the head) I will save what I have to say to Majed by three words:


    Sorry Chief but I'll admit once again I didn't read your post because I could pretty much tell you what it says without needing to read it...the sheer size pretty much gives me an idea of what "goodwill" stuff you are slanging again. Put your energy and time to more constructive dates, education or volunteer work.
    MORE IMPORTANTLY, while you have to the freedom to do what you want I would really urge you to only post in NICK AGAINST THE WORLD if you are going to 'be creative'...if you feel the need the dish out the "SPEECH" it...for my sake....for all our is too short to get his serious over an internet board.


    Senior Member
    Jul 14, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++

    Sorry hun but that phrase made absolutely no sense. If you want me to respond I suggest you keep the sentences short and concise because this JAMBLE of words is not helping.

    This time I will ask you to re-read my message. I never denied sending you a PM .. I simply stated that MANY individuals received it so don't feel the need to respond to me and point out a mistake because there was not much thought in the PM.

    Sorry but here is a tip: this ain't the school yard...nor is it the lane on the way home from school nor is it the summer municipal swimming pool i.e. places where you are most likely to see kids argue. "nothing I can do about it"
    how old are you? 8?



    Your complete lack of understanding of everything I said makes me helpless, so for last time, like to a child:

    ++ [ originally posted by vitoria_Ally ] ++
    what PM?
    I meant here, that you've never sent me any PM, so I have no idea, what you're talking about.

    ++ [ originally posted by vitoria_Ally ] ++
    I'm talking about that email you sent to me some time ago.
    You sent me an email.

    You feel free to give advices to the others, so accept advices from them too; this is one from me: learn to read and understand other people.


    2013 Prediction Cup Champ
    Jul 16, 2002
    I sense that you are referring specifically to the Vinman issue. I'll assume so. I stand by what I have said regarding that issue. How he reacts indeed makes me QUESTION his reactions in the real world. I did nothing more than QUESTION because it IS possible. In short, I disagree with your statement but I also add that there's no way for me to know. The way you made that statement makes it sound like I'm claiming that we are the same online as offline.
    I will try to put this as simple as possible, without being disrespectful-

    Majed, you dont know me, dont know what I deal with on a daily basis, as a matter of fact, you couldnt imagine what I go thru on a daily basis, so I am asking you to please leave my occupation and personal life out of this forum.

    I really dont care for your concern of how I treat people on my job. I have 8 years of serving my community without any marks against my record. I dont come here to toot my own horn, but as long as you bring this subject up, I have had nothing but commendations from the 2 departments I've worked for in my career.

    Have I gotten a little animated here ?? yes I have, but its mainly because I'm so RESERVE in my real life, with my job and family....

    Some ppl I work with vent by drinking. Others by over-eating

    I vent by playing soccer, and coming here to let off some steam......


    Senior Member
    Jul 17, 2002
    ++ [ originally posted by Vinman ] ++

    I will try to put this as simple as possible, without being disrespectful-

    Majed, you dont know me, dont know what I deal with on a daily basis, as a matter of fact, you couldnt imagine what I go thru on a daily basis, so I am asking you to please leave my occupation and personal life out of this forum.

    I really dont care for your concern of how I treat people on my job. I have 8 years of serving my community without any marks against my record. I dont come here to toot my own horn, but as long as you bring this subject up, I have had nothing but accomadations from the 2 departments I've worked for in my career.

    Have I gotten a little animated here ?? yes I have, but its mainly because I'm so RESERVE in my real life, with my job and family....

    Some ppl I work with vent by drinking. Others by over-eating

    I vent by playing soccer, and coming here to let off some steam......
    Very well.. I had already stated that I wouldn't say anymore about you. My post here was merely repatition of what i said in response to Nick.

    While I still reserve my right to QUESTION, thank you Vinman for removing all doubt. Sergio and others have had nothing but good words for you for how you really are and that's enough for me.

    I've always said this Vinman, you're in a well respected job that we're (that includes me) greatful for. Keep it up! I have no intention of putting you down.

    I have said enough above regarding "letting off steam" so I don't need to add anything more.

    Thank you for responding respectfully. :)
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