Not only Juve involved in wiretaps scandal (1 Viewer)

un altro alex

Senior Member
Jan 15, 2006
Un intero campionato falsato (quello 2004/2005), decine e decine di partite aggiustate, migliaia di intercettazioni, almeno quattro squadre di Serie A coinvolte, cinque arbitri e almeno trenta indagati. Sta per scoppiare un vero e proprio disastro in Serie A.

Da quanto emerge dalle indiscrezioni che stanno filtrando dagli ambienti processuali di Napoli, l'intera stagione scorsa, vinta dalla Juve, sarebbe stata condizionata in maniera pesante da giocatori, arbitri e dirigenti.

Gli investigatori Filippo Beatrice e Giuseppe Narducci con il coordinatore della Direzione distrettuale antimafia, Franco Roberti, stanno passando al setaccio intercettazioni che seguono l'evolversi dell'intera stagione scorsa. Oltre agli addetti ai lavori, sarebbero finiti nella rete delle intercettazioni anche giornalisti, allenatori e personaggi d'altissimo profilo istituzionale sportivo tra cui Franco Carraro, sebbene il suo ruolo appaia marginale.

Al centro dell'inchiesta c'è la Juventus di Luciano Moggi ma la novità è che il club bianconero non sarebbe da solo: secondo alcuni quotidiani in edicola oggi, "Il Giorno" e "Tuttosport", un club siciliano (Messina), due lombarde e la Fiorentina sarebbero coinvolti nelle intercettazioni col rischio - questo però non è chiaro - di esser finite nel reato di associazione a delinquere finalizzata all’illecito sportivo.

Lunedì 15 scadono i termini per la proroga delle indagini avviate due anni fa sulla cenere di un vecchio procedimento riguardante le scommesse clandestine e quelle legali. In questo momento si sta mettendo in ordine la babele di telefonate intercettate assieme a filmati che testimoniano i condizionamenti di cui si parla in privato. In attesa che si scateni il putiferio.

article from says that according to several of today's papers, also under investigation for their involvement in the scandal are the newspapers "Il Giorno" and "Tuttosport", a sicilian club (Messina), two lombardian clubs (inter? milan?) and Fiorentina. In the net of the scandal journalists, coaches and high-profile sport institutionalists may be involved. In the end the article predicts the outbreak of chaos in Serie A.

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Senior Member
Apr 30, 2006
Cronios said:
Nah, Milan would never be touched...
Comments like this disgust me. Honestly.

GROW UP FFS. Milan got relegated to Serie B, didn't they? This is a scandal involving JUVENTUS FC, no need to look at other clubs. Ridiculous.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2006
sateeh said:
he commented on milan cuz the article mentioned something abt two lombardian clubs
He said "Milan would never be touched". If there's one club that has been untouchable in Italy for many years it's Juventus, not Milan.


Nov 6, 2005
I've just read on Polish site that Juventus, Fiorentina, Lazio, Udinese, Siena, Messina and 3 clubs from serie B are involved in this case. :( thanks Moggi

it doesn't look good anyway


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2002
Matteo.. said:
Comments like this disgust me. Honestly.

GROW UP FFS. Milan got relegated to Serie B, didn't they? This is a scandal involving JUVENTUS FC, no need to look at other clubs. Ridiculous.
Why are you so harsh?

Two lombardian clubs could include Milan and inter.

Milan may never be touched...berlusconis net spreads further than you think.

Why would it only involve one club...if it did it would have been found out a long time ago....Genoa got screwed last summer.

Btw if im not mistaken, Milans glory days returned when Berlusconi brought them up from Serie B


Senior Member
May 14, 2004
Elnur_E65 said:
Everybody does this- in every country, in every league.
sadly, you're not far from reality.

This season has seen enormous scandals in Germany, Belgium, Finland, Austria, Italy, ... Spain and England will probably follow soon or late...


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
Espectro said:
wow, Next season's Serie B its going to be very competitive :D:D:D:D:D:D
nah we will walj=k the league, its one title we have never had to go for so i am suer capello will hang around to add a new title to his resume:p


The Grimreaper
Jul 12, 2002
Bozi.78 said:
nah we will walj=k the league, its one title we have never had to go for so i am suer capello will hang around to add a new title to his resume:p

And Capello will not have to worry about Champions League... :D


The Bozman
Oct 18, 2005
oh my god and inter would have a chance yo win the league again........... nah they would just blow it as usual


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2005
Arif said:
It seems that next season Roma will match Zalayeta's scudetto record.

The only problem with Serie B is that it won't be broadcasted :(

But it won't happen relax... everything will be ok. I think the board resigned out of solidarity and pissed off. If you remember Giraudo's statement, I think the meeting will clear everything, the shareholders... and this will blow off without any evidence. Just pricks trying to disrupt Juve's scudetto and all..... fockers. Just ignore it.

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