Nicola Legrottaglie (82 Viewers)


l'amour toujours
Apr 5, 2007
from his press conference today.

6 February 2008
Legrottaglie: «When we have a full crew we're really strong»

The decisive moment of the season is coming – three matches out of the next five will be against rivals for a place in the top four, i.e. Udinese, Roma and Fiorentina, plus the derby – and Claudio Ranieri can smile again. One after the other, all the injured big names are coming back (Camoranesi, Chiellini e Buffon) and fortunately it also proved to be a false alarm for Trezeguet, who hobbled off the pitch during Tuesday's training session.

And what a full-crew Juventus can offer is obvious to everyone, as Nicola Legrottaglie himself confirmed during the press conference in Vinovo: «When we're all fit, we're really strong as a team. The recent lapse in form is understandable because some of us have played a lot and it isn't easy to keep up for several matches in a row. Luckily we held on, we got a few draws and never lost a game. It's true, Sunday we missed a chance, but we're happy with how we're doing».

The Puglia-born defender is becoming more and more of a leader, on the pitch as well as in the changing rooms. And he had words of praise for the whole team today: «All teams find it hard to beat us when we have a full squad. We've played an excellent tournament up until now, no-one was expecting us to do so well, and we want to continue like this. We have some important matches ahead of us now. Our wish is to repeat what we did in the first part of the season and winning Sunday in Udine would be a huge leap forward, it would allow us to fight for 2nd place with Roma. We've always done well against the big teams; we have to do it again».

An important moment at the Friuli for Juventus and their defence, then: Legrottaglie defends how the back four have operated, getting ready to team up with Chiellini and Buffon again and getting more in tune with Sissoko too. «When the defence has its own mechanisms that work it's easier than when you have to change all the time. We did very well with Giorgio. Buffon? When a big star like that is missing you feel it, even though Belardi replaced him very well, but Gigi earns points on his own and makes you feel safe. Sissoko has made a good impression on me. He's young and physically powerful. He is a complete player and will do well in Italy. With him, Zanetti, Nocerino and Tiago we won't have any problems in midfield for the rest of the season».


he got the black eye from a punch from Balotelli.

Buy on


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2007
Wat Legro said is true .... We do look pretty strong when fully fit.

However, we still lack a couple of top notch players to kick Inter's butt and challenge the Scudetto and hopefully the Champions League :pumpkin:


Idea Maker
Mar 24, 2006
Legrottaglie: Moratti Causing Hatred Between Fans

Nicola Legrottaglie has followed Giovanni Cobolli Gigli and Ciro Ferrara in blasting Inter President Massimo Moratti for his allegations that Juventus cheated to win the Scudetto in 2002.

Moratti said on Sunday that “without that crew of crooks we would have won the championship in 2001/02", referring to the former Juventus triade of Luciano Moggi, Antonio Giraudo and Roberto Bettega.

Juve President Giovanni Cobolli Gigli hit out at Moratti for his remarks yesterday and this was followed by Ciro Ferrara earlier today, who challenged the Inter owner to display the evidence or keep quiet.

Legrottaglie has now added his voice to the controversy by saying that Moratti is just creating unnecessary hatred between Inter and Juventus supporters.

"It’s always the same old speeches. We talk about improving the game, then statements like this are made that lead to verbal confrontation and generate animosity between the club’s football fans."

Legrottaglie added that Juventus won the Scudetto in 2002 because they were the stronger team, and that the best club’s are always disliked.

"Unfortunately there is so much ambiguity, but the truth is that Juve were unbeatable at that time, and when a team wins it is always normal for there to be some controversy.

“Inter now happen to be the most hated, because they are the team to beat, just like Juve were five years ago,” he concluded.


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2007
He should be called up instead of freakin Gamberini

I dun know wat's the CB pecking order in Donadoni's mind, but it does look like Legro is not in his plan ...

Canna and Barzagli (cos Materazzi is injured) r the starters for now
Nesta has retired
Chiellini is injured
Gamberini is called up with all these absentees

Must be disappointing for Legro.
Jul 2, 2006
I dun know wat's the CB pecking order in Donadoni's mind, but it does look like Legro is not in his plan ...

Canna and Barzagli r the starters
Materazzi and Chiellini are injured (dun tink Dona play Chiellini at Cebtral though)
Gamberini is called up with all these injuries

Must be disappointing for Legro.
you mean berlusconi's mind


l'amour toujours
Apr 5, 2007
16 February 2008
The defenders speak

On the day when Juventus played with Trezeguet, Del Piero, Iaquinta, Camoranesi and Nedved all at the same time, the defenders lived another evening to remember. They kept Totti quiet and stifled one of the most attacking-minded teams of the League. Roma couldn't score at the Olimpico and had very few chances to do so too.

The merit for this goes to everybody's spirit of self-sacrifice and to the defenders, who played at their best for the whole game. After the match, Chiellini, Molinaro and Legrottaglie all spoke to Juventus Channel.

Chiellini: «We had many men up front today, but we were very balanced. The strikers gave us a hand and we never really ran any risks, achieving a very important win, which we all really wanted. If Totti didn't shine tonight it's also thanks to us. AC Milan are nine points behind? We look in front of us, where Roma have only one point more than us».

Molinaro: «This was one of our best games. A perfect one in defence, we only ran a risk on a corner kick. We prepared this match in the best possible way, we were aggressive and we closed every space. My own performance? During the week I rested a little bit more and today I felt livelier. I always work to improve, especially my defending skills».

Legrottaglie: «I'm very pleased with this win. The post? I risked scoring an own goal, but it was a great clearance, if I hadn't got to that ball, they would have certainly scored.
Congratulations to everybody, again today we proved what a tough team we are and more than ever we know that potentially we can win against any team. The tournament we're doing is really incredible. Three up front? Those three know how to keep the ball up and let the defenders take a breather. It's worth playing with this formation even if only to entertain our fans. At the end of the day we play for the fans that came to see us».



Senior Member
Mar 12, 2004
Juve Legrottaglie to 360 degrees

19:16, February 19

Nicola Legrottaglie talks about his Juve microphones Sky.

On the Reggina goal.
" 'One of the emotions, the best memories that bring with me. After goal in the National Assembly, is the most important. Entered I was with Rome, in the second half, then immediately the goal. Used to come from three difficult years, between injuries, mistrust, misunderstanding. But the thing is that now I am again playing at those levels that allowed me to get to the National and Juventus. My companions have lived with me all the negative moments, the group looks at these things. When a player has an immense joy after having suffered all those who wish to share with you. You always think that, in a group, the secret is technical or tactical, on the other hand, at least fifty per cent, counts the human aspect. this team, humanity has tanta.Quell 'embrace after the goal is significant: it means that I left an impression of my way of being. If rejoice with you is because you meet, you want good. wish I much, and I thank them. "

The conditions Tiago. "I see Tiago in the same condition in which I was myself and I want him to understand that it can happen to him what happened to me. I talked a lot. Training are its qualities, I am convinced that it will be outside. "

The second place is a goal for Juve?
"The second place is a stated objective, the fact that I am a point from Rome is significant, we can not hide, but we must also look behind. Our goal is to get second, there is a big difference between second and third to get there . Programming withdrawal different, more holidays, clearer perspective. 'very important. vinciamo If even in Reggio, we put a good rush on our part, and the other should be concerned ... "

On the Champions League.
"It 'a fascinating competition. We aware to be close to this goal, we believe more and more. Tifo for Italy, because it is right that we are on the side of our nation. And then, go ahead, think of that' objective and maybe leave some 'by the league. So we will take advantage. "

The marketplace would like to stay at Juve for life?
"I hope that the company always has confidence in me, but if next year were to buy another defender, I am not interested. I have always done my own, I conquistarmi place in the field then, everything that the company will, it will be to improve this staff. I have two years of the contract, and I would have contentissimo remain here until the end of his career. only have to thank this society. "

Holidays in convening or National?
"I do not like to vacation in June I keep free to do something important. Book I do not, I like free, if I could take advantage of it. My phone number have it. 'A dream remains. Three years ago I lost to the European month, I was badly. play competition, as a European and a World would be the pride of my career. vivrei But it hurts not convening indeed tiferei even more my friends who go there. "

On Del Piero.
"For us it is an example, a boy exceptional outside the field and, consequently, also in the field. The shows always, the shows in spirit. So I arrived here five years ago and I had seen in a certain way, but after five years, now I see the first Del Piero, what admired many years ago. And it is not easy to return to that condition incredible. I watch as an example. I will be glad to say one day my children have played with a champion like him, and like others on this team. "

La Juve is becoming a nice team?
"We are becoming sympathetic. Simpatia is the right word, it is better to put it next to our team. 'Well that a fan tifare for a team that never not spring until the last minute and that can win matches impossible. Nice equal losers ? No, we are third and are thus viewed, but when we get to be first, but continue to maintain this spirit and this attitude, we will be well taken by the first in the standings. "

There was great irony about your chastity: ridiresti those things?
"Yes, ridirei the same things, the rifarei without problems. If you asked me something that has helped my life that I was out of the tunnel and see the light, why not say so? Could be an encouragement to many people who perhaps like me in some negative moments do not know how to get out. Why not help these people dicendolo? If we talk about negative things, now it's granted. But, if we talk about values, that over time do not seem to be more accepted, Christian values, family, it seems absurd that a talk. For me, this is not the case. more you talk about values, most people can incorporate them, particularly young people. I started with myself, the story my life, what happened to me. I do not care who interprets my words in the negative or ironic. me just help someone who may be in difficulty, help those who are depressed or in a difficult time. I do not regret what I said. footballer has been criticized in other environments, he said that did not interesting topics beyond football. But not always speaks of our private, and what we can say outside our profession. We are not a foreign body society, we have opinions and stories to share.



l'amour toujours
Apr 5, 2007
Legrottaglie Hails Del Piero As An Example To Follow
Juventus defender Nicola Legrottaglie praised his team-mate and captain Alessandro Del Piero, and considers himself lucky to have played alongside the forward in his career.

Legrottaglie has been having a wonderful season after winning back a starting position in the Bianconeri's first team, and becoming a fundamental element in coach Claudio Ranieri's defensive line.

"I was coming into this season from three difficult years of injuries, mistrust and misunderstandings," the former Chievo Verona player explained.

"However, the nice thing is that now I'm playing again at those levels which allowed me to reach the national team and Juventus' lineup," he continued.

Legrottaglie then outlined the Bianconeri's targets for this season.

"Second place is a declared objective, we cannot hide that, but we must look behind our backs.

"Our objective is finishing in second place - there's a big difference between second and third. Programming a different training camp, more holidays, and more clear prospectives."

Legrottaglie then went on to hail Del Piero, who is also having a great season.

"For us he's an example. He's an exceptional lad outside the playing field, and consequently also on the pitch. He always proves this and he proves it in spirit.

"I arrived here five years ago and I saw him in a certain way, but after five years, now I'm seeing the first Del Piero again, the one I admired many years ago," he concluded.

Glenn Debattista


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