Nicklas Bendtner (23 Viewers)


The Real MC
Jul 30, 2006
Juventus: Bendtner titolare a Catania?
25 ottobre alle 21:57
Juventus a lavoro in vista della sfida con il Catania. Asamoah e Lichtsteiner tornano a disposizione di Conte: il primo ha riposato la caviglia dolorante e il secondo ha rifiatato, essendo uno dei più impiegati, insieme a Marchisio, in odore di riposo per lasciare il posto a Pogba a Catania. Vucinic resta in dubbio perchè non ha completamente smaltito l'influenza intestinale. Prende corpo la candidatura di Bendnter, che Conte potrebbe lanciare dal primo minuto accanto a Giovinco. Pepe continua a svolgere esercizi specifici per il rafforzamento muscolare della coscia colpita dallo stiramento: ancora incerti i tempi del suo recupero.

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The Curr

Senior Member
Feb 3, 2007
Asa and Licht to return.

Vucinic isn't fully over his illness.

Bendtner favourite to start up front with Giovinco.

Pepe continuing his recuperation.

Didn't get the bit about Marchisio/Pogba.



The Real MC
Jul 30, 2006
There are no official quotes, so just speculation.

Juventus are working ahead of the match with Catania
Asamoah and Lichtsteiner are back and can be utilised by Conte: the first has rested his injured ankle and the second has rested, being one of the most utilised players this season, together with Marchisio, who may by in line to give his place to Pogba against Catania. Vucinic is still a doubt because he has not completely overcome his intestinal flu. Bendtners' chance is gaining momentum, and Conte may start him from the first minute together with Giovinco. Pepe continues to train individually to strengthen his thigh muscles which were strained: still unknown is when he will return


Better than Matri
May 30, 2012
Matri should play, not Bendtner. Matri played in last 2 matches, so this would be 3rd and he would be very close to that consistency which would apparently make him our by far best stiker.

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