Nick Against the World (55 Viewers)


Senior Member
Aug 23, 2004
Minor Parties are seen as simply one-issue special interest groups that are never taken too seriously.
this could be valid for this party, but in germany for example there is nationalist party, which is growing, specialy in east germany. they are trying to manipulate young people in schools in order to get stronger. in this case, you must take this party seriously and try to stop their growing.

Buy on


Mar 6, 2005
So, Bahrain's playing Maldini FC (aka Inter) in a short while..

Should be an interesting game.. :undecide:

My only expectation for this game? Abdulla Al Marzuqi to take a couple of players out for the rest of the season :D


Inferiority complex
Nov 16, 2003
  • Thread Starter
  • Thread Starter #63,725
    Found my way into Shitsville, North Carolina off the I-95. As I had a few hours to spare I figured I would look up the often quoted, mis-understand legend that is Padovano. Found a Mexican named Pedro trying to make me buy his cheap tourist 'Junque' and stuff it in my 'Trunque' peddling his South of the Border resort like a cheap Tijuana hand job only hooker.

    Anyways, after a few hours of running around the ambulance chasing legend was nowhere to be seen nor was the North Ridge Country Club...Next time I'll be sure to ask for directions to the Governor's mansion.

    Happy New Year to All

    Except Seven and his imaginary brothers, friends and hand job hookers in his head.



    2013 Prediction Cup Champ
    Jul 16, 2002
    Found my way into Shitsville, North Carolina off the I-95. As I had a few hours to spare I figured I would look up the often quoted, mis-understand legend that is Padovano. Found a Mexican named Pedro trying to make me buy his cheap tourist 'Junque' and stuff it in my 'Trunque' peddling his South of the Border resort like a cheap Tijuana hand job only hooker.

    Anyways, after a few hours of running around the ambulance chasing legend was nowhere to be seen nor was the North Ridge Country Club...Next time I'll be sure to ask for directions to the Governor's mansion.

    Happy New Year to All

    Except Seven and his imaginary brothers, friends and hand job hookers in his head.

    good to hear from you, Nicola


    Alex Del Mexico
    May 7, 2004
    What, they don't have the Internet in London and Morocco, Seb? :faq1:
    Internet in Morocco? :lol2: I had trouble finding running water and a toothbrush.

    Not to mention, the ethernet cables there (if such a thing exists) probably smell like camel shit anyways.

    By the time I returned to london, I had a fever for 8 consecutive days, and looking at the 30 inch apple screen was risking a heart attack.

    You can tell I had a lovely christmas :D It was all cured, however, this evening: I attended a rollerdisco! I dressed up in the height of 70s fashion and went to a rollerdisco to quad rollerskate for the first time. :cool:


    Sep 23, 2003
    Man, sorry to hear about your lame holidays there, Seb.

    Happy New Year, though. :party:

    You can tell I had a lovely christmas :D It was all cured, however, this evening: I attended a rollerdisco! I dressed up in the height of 70s fashion and went to a rollerdisco to quad rollerskate for the first time. :cool:
    Seb, I worry that "the height of 70s fashion" to you probably looks more like Vinman in Ray-Bans, a Members Only jacket, and cargo pants. :D

    Say, it looks like Tony "Chad Pennington" Romo has started his post-season legacy as I expected... Though I have to say tonight he looked more like Tony "Jean-Alain Boumsong" Romo. :oops:

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