Nick Against the World (186 Viewers)


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
Does anyone know the show "Sex Inspectors"? They sure couldn't have picked better inspectors: one of them is named cox and the other's gay.


Day Walker
Jul 28, 2003
Internet in Morocco? :lol2: I had trouble finding running water and a toothbrush.

Not to mention, the ethernet cables there (if such a thing exists) probably smell like camel shit anyways.

By the time I returned to london, I had a fever for 8 consecutive days, and looking at the 30 inch apple screen was risking a heart attack.

You can tell I had a lovely christmas :D It was all cured, however, this evening: I attended a rollerdisco! I dressed up in the height of 70s fashion and went to a rollerdisco to quad rollerskate for the first time. :cool:
daam man that sucked, the women in morocco should've been nice though, or am i wrong ?


Dec 16, 2003
I just watched Real Madrid get embarassed by Deportivo

even before the game started, no Real players looked the least bit happy...CRAP must really be getting to them

They were totally out-played the entire game, and CRAP refused to make any changes at halftime

Their only shot of the day was from that scoring machine Emerson :D

I was thrilled to see Canna and Emerson look so frustrated, and even happier to see that CRAP hasnt changed a bit :superhapp
I love it when Real suffer, specially under CRAP.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
he's watched 8 Mile too many times, and thinks he's Eminem :rolleyes2

Andy, are you the real slim shady ???!!!:D
First of all, Vinni, I apologize for my tone and insulting nature through the duration of my tirade, but my point still stands. The way you continue to castigate and mock American soccer is basically hypocrisy by definition.

To respond to your question of what patriotism or liking for Bush has to do with the topic of American soccer, let me explain. You are a very vocal citizen when it comes to politics in this country, and rightfully so. The profession you carry out day after day allows you to be, and of course so does your American citizenship. Many people would label you a patriot for your work in Buffalo and how you defend the United States in political arguments without any fear or care whatsoever for the opposition. I'm not sure if you consider yourself a patriot, however a police officer who also defends his badge within this country against the likes of Al Qaeda, illegal immigrants, and the like would prefer to have such a title.

A patriot, by definition, is someone who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and all its interests with devotion. Yes, that's right, all. I was looking over Websters dictionary and couldn't find any exceptions regarding a nation's sporting team. While you are doing a fine job of patrolling the streets of Buffalo (which I'm sure you are, and I apologize for insinuating you're not... all that was on my behalf was a simple joke to counter your Montella comment), you also continue to slag off your own nation when it comes to sports. Or do you? Correct me if I'm wrong, however isn't Ray Mancini an American as well? Was he not a lightweight champion of the World? I'm sure you support Ray Mancini in his quest for global boxing dominence, which is absolutely great. However, what if I were to put a soccer ball at his feet? Would you suddenly not support him anymore if he just so happened to wear the shirt for the States, kinda like Sylvester Stallone in Victory? Or would you indeed support him, but only because he's Italian? Beats me!

I just do not understand. You have such pride in your work for this country, you preach to me and others that this country is better than the rest (in everything but football obviously), and you have an enormous amount of pride for the United States. But why do you not give a toss about this country's soccer? The fact that you support Italy above anybody else is not what upsets me; you have explained why you do so in the past and I have no qualms about it. However, what urks me is that you do not even care enough to learn about our soccer and continue to slag it off every opportunity you get.

And perhaps the most comical facet of your demeanor regarding our soccer is the fact that you confessed you cannot even name five players in the MLS... yet you continue to slag us off. Wouldn't you have more credability in this discussion if you could name a few players? I mean, why hate it before you try it?

This is quite different from, say, people such as Sergio and Seven for instance. Sergio, while being an Azzurri fan and having strong Italian roots, actually gives a toss about the soccer of his own nation. On the other hand, Seven doesn't really care about the Belgian NT, however he confesses that there is quite a lack of patriotism in said country, so it's particulary normal. A patriotic American police officer slagging off his own nation's team? I don't consider that normal. In fact, it makes no sense.

So while I understand and appreciate your pride for the Azzurri, I will thoroughly castigate and never understand your apparent hate for United States soccer. It wouldn't be so appalling to me if you controlled it, however you take shots at it every single time an American soccer topic arises. You are essentially the same as people such as Frank DeFord and that Rome douchebag who always blast soccer and my National Team just because they can. How on earth is this country ever going to do anything in soccer if our own police officers slag off American soccer names day after day? Jesus, it's a struggle enough to get people to pay attention to our soccer, so thank you ever so kindly. If you are truly a patriot and love this country, you would not be slagging us off in a topic that is not about politics and is not about right or wrong. Soccer is a sport, not a political party... I hate to bring it up, but Erik is correct when saying you are not an "Italian."

And to defend myself against one of your jibes at me, I might be much younger than you, however please do not patronize me when it comes to "seeing the world" or "understanding the globe" at my younger age. You seem to have a tendency of using that as an argument for many different topics, but I'm afraid it fails to work. My eyes are open to many different aspects of this globe... not just the safety of this country nor a single political party.

Oh and by the way, Penn State doesn't turn their students into retards... only highly reliable and prepared professional(s) (alcoholics). :agree:


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Good news. Andy, I suggest you visit their dams after they're finished, it's massively interesting, especially in line with your studies et all.
That's rather interesting. It's about time they called upon the expertise of the Dutch, considering as we have seen, the Army Corps of Engineers have not been performing up to par.

However, I wonder if some of the funding for this deal is coming from the purely rent-seeking establishment of yet another overpriced Waste Management Landfill.

But yet again, I guess this is what you get for building a city BELOW sea-level. Personally, I love Hurricane Katrina, but I'm just a heartless meteorological bastard.


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
That's rather interesting. It's about time they called upon the expertise of the Dutch, considering as we have seen, the Army Corps of Engineers have not been performing up to par.

However, I wonder if some of the funding for this deal is coming from the purely rent-seeking establishment of yet another overpriced Waste Management Landfill.
Aahh quite possibly. But we are the Dutch, we don't care where money comes from so long as it ends up in our wallets.

Ask Seven, he'll verify with passion I assume :D

But yet again, I guess this is what you get for building a city BELOW sea-level. Personally, I love Hurricane Katrina, but I'm just a heartless meteorological bastard.
lol that's a little cruel. I hope another Katrina comes around when the dams are finished. If you could find a way to get to it, I'm sure you would love to witness the fight between a thundering hurricane and screaming metal.


Bedpan racing champion
Jul 25, 2001
A French prisoner has confessed he murdered his cellmate and then ate some of his bodyparts.

After the murder, the prisoner claimed to have eaten his cellmate's heart but the autopsy showed it was his left lung.

The cannibal was serving a sentence of four years for sexual offences but is now unlikely to ever leave prison for the remainder of his life.

Source: VRT Nieuws


First of all: what kind of sexual offence gets you a four year jail sentence??

Secondly: ew.

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