NEW USERS:announce yourselves and get your balls cupped here (13 Viewers)


New Member
May 10, 2012
Hey, I'm Shogun (as you can see), I'm actually an Everton fan and will reveal my purpose in the Juventuz forum.

also can someone tell me why you say Juventuz and not Juventus?
May 14, 2012
First I want to apologize because my English is not so good :p
My name is Marko. I am 22 years old and i come from Croatia. i started support Juve when i was 9 years old, thanks to my mom. it was 1998 and Croatia played good in world championship in France so I told my mom to buy me jersey from them. when she came home i was dissapointed. she bought me some black and white jersey with number 10 on the back and the name on it was Del Piero. In that time I didnt know who that player is but since then i spoke to evreybody that my favorite team is Juventus. Now days I am so grateful to my mom cause she bought me that jersey cause Alex is my favorite player and he is best in the world for me, not only as a player but as a man too. well for the begining I think it is enough. i am happy i found this forum and I hope i will enjoy writing here and reading you posts.
it took me long to write this :D:D

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