New Juve scandal: Moggi talking to referees (18 Viewers)


Mercato Tourist
Aug 1, 2002
How much money is left in the transfer funds? I think we should try to sign Gavino to forums, but seriously someone should invite him 2 post in the forums cos hes an amazing writer


Malato di Juve , , 29
Oct 13, 2005
Btw, I checked about the car. Moggi didn't give it to Pairetto for free, it was a Maserati a friend of Pairetto (called Enzo) had ordered and paid.
isha00 can u give me the link which say that ? ..

thanx for your great info ..

un altro alex

Senior Member
Jan 15, 2006
No Comment:

actually i will coment because i can't stand it, this is just pathetic. PATHETIC. btw, it's petition demanding Juventus to go to Serie B and that the scudetti won under Pairetto should be removed, as if it's going to work. but check out the number of signatures, and compare with the number of signatures for us to keep our stripes. disgusting


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
isha00 can u give me the link which say that ? ..

thanx for your great info ..
Here (always from the motivations of the judge)
Unfortunately it's in Italian and I don't have time to translate it, but maybe someone else...

La maserati
Conclusioni del giudice

In conclusione, quindi, non può che aderirsi alla valutazione già espressa dal Giudice sulla inidoneità degli elementi di prova acquisiti in ordine alla sussistenza del reato di corruzione: "... l'ipotesi accusatoria che aveva legittimato l'adozione del provvedimento autorizzativo con riferimento alla possibile sussistenza della promessa di denaro o altra utilità, non ha trovato alcun riscontro, non potendosi ritenere tale il presunto intervento da parte di MOGGI per anticipare la consegna di una autovettura Maserati destinata a conoscenti di PAIRETTO (autovettura regolarmente pagata dagli acquirenti) e non essendo emersi altri colloqui rilevanti in tal senso.." (così, testualmente, il GIP nel provvedimento 27.9.04 di rigetto della proroga delle intercettazioni).


New Member
Dec 15, 2005
At last juve are being seen for what they are, even though any decent followers of calcio have been saying it for years...

....25 years too late unfortuantely




love the art in yourself
Feb 27, 2005
honestly speaking i feel something huge and bad will happen sorry if im going to open a new thread which may be related to the previous one, theres certainly something serious in this moggi-telephone calls thing...i got no problem if they find moggi responsible of cheating its normal thing even in other european countries happen stuff like these, someone important in the italian football federation has must be an important sign that theres something wrong, even elkan is speaking of moggi's departure from juve, maybe he has a point...i think that he might be afraid of what im being afraid of...maybe its better for moggi to leave rather than we lose our scudettos in the previous years and we wont be able to accomplish our 3rd scudetto soon...i think all the serie a teams worked with each other to make juve fall on its knees but i hope we can survive this stupid rumors...tell me guys what u think...will juve be abandoned from the scudettos that have won over the past few years????????

Fight Club

Junior Member
Dec 14, 2005
just a sorry and sad attempt to turn attention away from berlusconis milan who once again played a season and won nothing!!
what's next?? moggi getting acused for the election of the Pope. that story had a car too, but moggi must have had an offday since some nucklehead got it before him and sold it on e-bay.
moggi will be back stronger and meaner, bringing in big class-act players for next year. payback time, moggi


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
I translated these 2 parts

Giraudo (riferendosi a Lippi): «Sì sì sì, chiama anche Miccoli e Legrottaglie m'ha detto, son contento»Yeah, yeah, (Lippi) told me he will call also Miccoli and Legrottaglie. That's good.

Moggi: «Senti un po' invece un'altra cosa, ieri sera c'avevo un ragazzino di Roma di Atalanta (è il designatore Paolo Bergamo, ndr), dell'Atalanta no» Yesterday night I had an Atalanta's (Bergamo) guy from Rome"

Giraudo: «Sì sì quello là sì» "yeah, that one"

Moggi: «Porca *******, l'Atalanta è un gran figlio di p...» Holy s**t, is Atalanta a son of a b***h

Giraudo: «Ah sì?» Yeah

Moggi: «Ha detto che noi, il campionato sarà sicuramente Milan-Inter» He told me that the championship will surely be a Milan-Inter affair

Giraudo: «Secondo me, sai cosa mi ha detto Adriano, secondo me, mi ha detto guarda io ho saputo una cosa, bisogna chiamare questi due qua, mi ha detto
ieri, mi ha preso da parte, m'ha detto, sappi mi han detto che puntano tutto sull'Inter quest'anno» I think, you know what Adriano (Galliani) told me? He told me that, according to him, he told me yesterday, that they all think/bet it will be Inter, this year.

Moggi: «Eh mi sa mi sa sta sta a sentire, Milan-Inter, ma è andato anche oltre, ha detto tanto Moggi e Giraudo, alla fine dell'anno, Montezemolo li manda via» Yeah, I think, Milan-Inter, but he went also beyond just that, he said after all Moggi and Giraudo will be sacked by Montezemolo by the end of the year

Giraudo: «Eh questo già lo so» Yeah, I already knew this.
[A part from the fact that the fact that Bergamo tells around that the championship will be won by either Milan or Inter could be considered strange (and mean that it's not Juve the big man here), this is one example of what was printed on newspapers: completely useless and private conversations.]

But this is interesting (a bit confusing, but interesting):

Giraudo: «Senti com'è andata poi con Carraro secondo te?»Listen, how do you think it did go with Carraro?

Moggi: «Eccezionale, eccezionale, poi ti dico, ho saputo anche un'altra cosa importante dal ministro»Wonderful, wonderful, I'll tell you, but I came to know something important from the minister.

Giraudo: «Eh»

Moggi: «Ti ricordi di Galliani quel giorno che ti fece quel discorso?» Do you remeber that day, when Galliani told that to you?

Giraudo: «Quel giorno?» That day?

Moggi: «Che ti fece quel discorso» Yeah, when he told you that thing

Giraudo: «Su cosa?» about what?

Moggi: «E poi ne parliamo, te lo dico poi domani» I'll explain later, I?ll tell you tomorrow

Giraudo: «Vabbe', allora poi» Ok, so?

Moggi: «Comunque sai quando te mi chiamasti e mi dicesti ''sai che mi ha detto Galliani'»Anyway, you know when you called me and told me "you know what galliani told me

Giraudo: «Ah, e lui cosa dice?» Ah, and what does he say?

Moggi: «È stato lui che gliel'ha detto» It was him that told him

Giraudo: «Ah ho capito» §I understand

Moggi: «È stato lui che gliel'ha detto ma non a lui, a Berlusconi eh» It was him that told him, but not to him, to Berlusconi

Giraudo: «Ho capito! Ho capito!» Oh, yeah! Yeah!

Moggi: «Poi ti spiego anche il meccanismo, oh ma hai sentito l'avvocato e il difensore dei...» Then I'll also tell you how it works. Oh, have you heard what the lawyer of ... said?

Giraudo: «Sì sì sì»Yeah, yeah, yeah

Moggi: «Meno male che noi non abbiamo l'abitudine né di comprare né di vendere cose a nessuno»Thank God, we don't have the habit of buying and selling things to anyone

Giraudo: «No poi...» No, we don't

Moggi: «Noi facciamo sempre la nostra strada ma comunque...» We always follow our own path, but anyway...

Giraudo: «Chi è l'avvocato che l'ha detto» Who was the lawyer that told you?

Moggi: «De Luca, Luca De Luca, una roba del genere»De Luca, Luca De Luca, something like that

Giraudo: «Che è l'avvocato di chi?» Who is the lawyer of...?

Moggi: «Del Chievo credo poi ci ha anche difeso perché ho letto l'Ansa no?» I think Chievo's, he even defended us, have you read the agency?

Giraudo: «Eh»

Moggi: «Dice naturalmente non è che io possa pensare che c'è un illecito, è una baggianata, ma perché non si indaga su tutte le baggianate? Come dire per
rafforzare la sua tesi difensiva no? E poi viene a rompere i ******** a noi! E poi parla anche di Reggina-Milan» Obviously he said that it's not like he can think it's illegal, it's a stupid thing, but why don't they investigate on all stupid things? Like to make his thesis stronger. And then he/they come to bother us! And then he talks about Reggina-Milan

Giraudo: «Esatto poi, quindi sai tutta questa storia qui sai è una buffonata e chiuso» Exactly, so you know this story is a joke and that's it
Oh, nice, so here we discover that there are people not used to buying and selling (unlike some other, it seems) and that there is a reason why no one (of the managers of other teams) is saying a thing about this thing, after all. Moggi knows a lot and if he's going to fall, a lot of people will follow him.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
isha00 said:
Moggi knows a lot and if he's going to fall, a lot of people will follow him.
That's for sure...

I heard that Zamparini defended him today saying that Moggi is not the only one...


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
That's why no one is interested in letting him fall. Juve and him (together or not) will have to overcome this and all the damage provoked, in the meanwhile they (wonder who) got the trouble they wanted for the end of the season and took away from the rivals a bit more of credibility.

I guess next year it'll be about Del Piero having had an affair with Cannavaro's wife, when Fabio still played for Inter. In the meanwhile Moggi had his with Mrs Del Piero and they went with Lapo to drug themselves. Under the drug effect they went to Milan and smashed Gattuso's head against Materazzi's one, damaging what remained of their brains.
Inter would have its reason why they didn't win that year, Guariniello would be happy to find the drug he searched for years and everyone would have a happy end of the season once again and would finally know it's Juve's fault that certain people in Milan behave in the way they behave.


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
I'm afraid that they may open the file of that plane of Torino club that crashed before more than 50 years!!!

Do you think Moggi had a relationship with that crash??:pumpkin:


Senior Member
Jun 24, 2003
ReBeL said:
I'm afraid that they may open the file of that plane of Torino club that crashed before more than 50 years!!!

Do you think Moggi had a relationship with that crash??:pumpkin:
Of course he had! It's Moggi, Juve's manager, he's always gulty just for who he is!
What history books won't ever tell you, is that that day 12 years old Moggi was on a road trip close to Turin with his family. He wanted to buy an ice-cream, but he wasn't able to get it at the price he wanted. So he got angry, took the bartender and shot him in air, with a kick he was taught by Giampiero Combi. The power of the shot was so great that the poor man arrived to touch the windows of the plane, the pilot got scared and lost control on the plane, that crashed on Superga :shifty:


The Jackal
Jan 14, 2005
isha00 said:
Of course he had! It's Moggi, Juve's manager, he's always gulty just for who he is!
What history books won't ever tell you, is that that day 12 years old Moggi was on a road trip close to Turin with his family. He wanted to buy an ice-cream, but he wasn't able to get it at the price he wanted. So he got angry, took the bartender and shot him in air, with a kick he was taught by Giampiero Combi. The power of the shot was so great that the poor man arrived to touch the windows of the plane, the pilot got scared and lost control on the plane, that crashed on Superga :shifty:
What a scenario!!!

I expected that he simply threw a stone on its windows and got it crashed...

Be careful, Lisa...

You maybe called to witness against Luciano after this story...


Lion of the Desert
Apr 22, 2005
isha00 said:
Of course he had! It's Moggi, Juve's manager, he's always gulty just for who he is!
What history books won't ever tell you, is that that day 12 years old Moggi was on a road trip close to Turin with his family. He wanted to buy an ice-cream, but he wasn't able to get it at the price he wanted. So he got angry, took the bartender and shot him in air, with a kick he was taught by Giampiero Combi. The power of the shot was so great that the poor man arrived to touch the windows of the plane, the pilot got scared and lost control on the plane, that crashed on Superga :shifty:

Silly rabbit Isha.....That wasent Moggi ....That was Chuck Norris:D

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