Nationality debate (11 Viewers)


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
I didn't understand the yank in yankville comment. Not sure where that came from. Didn't realise I was a thug because of one opnion I had. That's what I was talking about andy.


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
So he is generalizing then. I would love to leave the middle east and watch extremists run the goverments there. I could ask my girfriends father why he was forced to run away because he was related to the prior iranian regime member 30 sum years ago otherwise he would have been executed and why he now lives in a free country.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
I didn't understand the yank in yankville comment. Not sure where that came from. Didn't realise I was a thug because of one opnion I had. That's what I was talking about andy.
I guess he meant it in a political way...with Afghanistan and Iraq and all...
The guy's an admitted cokehead. I wouldn't look too much into comments by those sort of pathetic individuals.


The Maestro
Aug 20, 2005
The guy's an admitted cokehead. I wouldn't look too much into comments by those sort of pathetic individuals.
Yeah, I'm not into hardcore drugs either..worth a try one day just as an experimentation, but I wouldn't want to be an admitted addicted cokehead.

Though I love the :spliff: Andy, and that is all.


Disciple of Gonzo
Feb 11, 2009
Thugs? What makes us thugs exactly?

You're the admitted cokehead, dickhead.

Sort your life out mate.
what the hell are you taling about? admiited cokehead??? Yes, I have used cocaine a few times in my life, but never to the levels of regularity which any normal person would refer to as COKEHEAD.

to me, a cokehead is a person who uses coke every weekend, perhaps even more regualarly, not once or twice a month perhaps, or even a handful of times per year. Perhaps you are a hardcore anti-drugs goon??? I am unsure...but what is clear here, is that when you are faced with objective argument you respond with personal insults, which are more often than not, wide of the mark, and simply adding to your glowing reputation as an attention seeking child.

The US is renowned for its strong-arm tactics. Most teams who are lacking quality, depend on strength, effort and organization to win or not be trounced, when playing against superior opposition. This isn't a tactic solely employed by the yanks...countless teams, of a similar quality deficit, have adopted such tactics, to varying levels of success and failure.

Wimbledon were the old Pros in england at this game...but if my inklings about your age are in any way accurate, and i hope they are, because if you are above the age of 18, you have some very serious character flaws, which must be making your off the screen life, a desperate and tiresome series of catastrophes...anyway, as i was saying, if you are, as I feel, a child, then you may not have seen much football, and therefore you wouldn't have much understanding of tactics.

Teams play to their strengths. The US strengths are muscle, effort and spirit. As was illustrated last night. As is illustrated, generally, whenever they play against teams of vastly superior footballing talent.

Its nothing to be embarassed about, and neither is it a slur...I used to love watching wimbledon play against the big boys. As I have always loved the nastiness which runs through some of the Azzurri teams and most of the Argie teams...however, their thuggery, is more cultured, more elegant, more beautiful to watch.

On top of Rossi's goals, it was rather fitting, wouldnt you agree old sport, that De rossi, King of the Elbows, scored a goal??? hohoho!

For he's a jolly good fellow...and so say all of us.

And Hustini! Sorry if you toook yanksville as an insult. it wasnt intended that way...I just see the word Yank, as equal to calling a british person a Brit...and not the same as calling a frenchman a frog...if that makes sense.


Disciple of Gonzo
Feb 11, 2009
And no...i didnt mean thugs in a political way whatsoever...i would take up far too much space on here were I to begin ranting about American Foreign Policy. That is for other places, not here on a Juve forum.

Cannavaro for example, is to me, one of the finest footballing thugs in the game. Momo is an up and coming contender. His spirit may well be fair, but he generally takes ball and player, if at all possible...hohoho! And I love these players. Without them the game would be lacking in masculinity...How the hell you could confuse this with a political attack, is beyond me, but you are seeking fuel for your play with my words, as you please.

What is it with you fiends eh!

my name on here is WEEDguru...I run a website peopled by people from all over the world, but predominantly from the US, who share a love of WEED...

It matters very little to me if you consider me a cokehead for admitting i have used coke a few times in a year. But it does imply that you are living in a very strange cocoon, far removed from the modern world. Cokeheads, are people who use coke all the time, as in a habit. The only poison i use enough to be called any kind of habitual abuser is dark rum, not powder, nor potent buds, but alcohol...specifically Sailor Jerrys...nectar from the happier of the caribean gods.

and Teeth...can you not see, that you continue to prove my point...::::that you answer any attempt to argue with you reasonably, about football matters, with personal insults lacking any modicum of substance? its childs play. And I am surprised that none of the moderators on here have brought you to task about it...or are you a mod???


Senior Member
May 29, 2005
well im off to bed, got sick today with a cold or the flu...not sure. good night all, it was a pleasure debating. god bless
Sep 1, 2002
Let's not get too carried away by last night's performace by Rossi, it was only against a third rate country. He must do it in the big games against serious footballers.


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2006
I'v been in Denmark since i was 5.. Grow up here, finisht my education here, been in the army here, but still, I do not feel Danish.. And im not seen as a danish guy by the danish people here.. Will never be!.. I will alwayse be an immigrant in there eyes.. But thats fine, couse i feel 99% Albanian.. Will alwayse feel like that!.. No matter what..
I don't know why you guys arguing and calling Rossi traitor or whatsoever, the most important thing is that, he's performing very well.
Why would he play for US, to beat Canada? If he was a basketball player they wouldn't let him represent USA ;)

Lum Albin kurti per ty :D

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