++ [ originally posted by IncuboRossonero ] ++
Thats the point it makes no difference at all which is why I want the best players and not your favorite players. At the end of the day I don't give a damn who I see...if Vieri is scoring and Inzaghi is not I'll be the first one to say tie Pippo up to the bench. If Del Piero is on fire....I'll be the first one chanting Alex Alex. That said I'm not willing to risk putting untested players on the team. I'm not willing to put players on the starting eleven without PROVING they can play. That said you want to play: EARN IT.At the end of the day most here are Italian fans because of Juve....so its only natural they see Juve players in blue uniforms. No offense but I have said this before...many here see things different than people who are in or part of the Motherland (Italy). We see Italy first and not players. Which is why I want the best team to be fielded and not the "trendy" team. At the end of the day Italy loses and most here will shrug .... for Italians our feeling, our way of looking at this team and our emotions for this team is not the same no matter how much some of you will convince me. Its natural...patriotism and origin can NEVER be overtaken by admiration or support.
I find it somewhat insulting that I keep hearing these allegations of Bias.
Why do youthink you are the only one who is unbiased...
Others do pick purely from there wish to see the best team as well
Jus cause someones a juve fan doesnt mean they are biased when it comes to national selections
The idea that only italians are unbiased when it comes to the Italian national is ludicrous to say the least.
plus you also forget that most have their own national that they are every bit as passionate about as you are yours.
From that view point as a diehard supporter of my national and my country in all aspects, I have nothing but respect for all national teams and as such ,if picking a team fot another country would take exactly the same care and consideration as i would my own.
Especially as if my team were to win a comp, it would in my mind at least take a little away from the joy if we hadnt played the best our opposition had to offer.
I dont like to see players missing or injured, I want my national to play against the best there is, no less
Dont tar everyone with the same brush... maybe some jus think different to you, and as such pick different players.. that doesnt mean they are biased or have any less passion/enthusiasm than you
As for my team, though according to you we all see it through black and white glasses , its strange I see more red and black in my choices.
Strange you havent offered up your own choice, shared your infinite wisdom with us.
Personally I think my team would slaughter that of dennis (I use that as its something you liked) for a simple reason... Like all teams italian managers come up with over the years it has absolutely no balls what so ever.
Time after time we see italian national sides that on paper are equal to or better than every other team, yet they fail to perform... Why?
I'll tell you... No Balls... Its as simple as that
All your managers are scared to use your strongpoints, they all want that 1-0 win
Time after time you show you have a great back line and probably the best attacking line in world football, but no one has the balls to use it
Jus look at trap... fvck me... The Eunach of all Eunachs
You wanna win the world cup?
again Ill tell you how... 2 words...
Serse Cosmi
Its a bit of a rant and prob doesnt make sense , but there you go!