Mutu Disses Italian Football (1 Viewer)


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2002
11/03/2003. Chelsea sensation Adrian Mutu has taken a swipe at Italian football ahead of his return to the peninsula to face Lazio in a vital Champions League encounter on Tuesday.

The 24-year-old Romanian striker has been scoring goals for fun since arriving at Stamford Bridge for just under 16 million pounds in the summer, so it is no surprise

"I made the right choice (coming to England), even though I miss Parma. But I certainly don't miss the Serie A," Mutu told Italian sports daily Controcampo.

"In England the referees stop the game for 10 to 12 fouls per match. In Italy, (that number is) 60. I prefer the British attitude. Football's a game for men.

"Then the spectators over here are great - crowds of 40,000 or 50,000 people who support you and never whistle at you. It's not like that in Italy.

"Over here they appreciate me. You (Italians) only revere Brazilians and Argentines. In Italy, if you're from the East it's a different story."

:dazed: Are we hearing this right? Our beloved Mutu saying things like that? :(

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Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
Sometimes it takes a Non-Italian player to tell it like it is.

Of Course, being far away from Italy has given him a newfound sense of bravado, and therefore he feels he has the right to criticize when he's safe and sound in England.

These words would've held more weight if he were still playing in Serie A, in my opinion.
Jul 12, 2002
++ [ originally posted by -S- ] ++
11/03/2003. Chelsea sensation Adrian Mutu has taken a swipe at Italian football ahead of his return to the peninsula to face Lazio in a vital Champions League encounter on Tuesday.

The 24-year-old Romanian striker has been scoring goals for fun since arriving at Stamford Bridge for just under 16 million pounds in the summer, so it is no surprise

"I made the right choice (coming to England), even though I miss Parma. But I certainly don't miss the Serie A," Mutu told Italian sports daily Controcampo.

"In England the referees stop the game for 10 to 12 fouls per match. In Italy, (that number is) 60. I prefer the British attitude. Football's a game for men.

"Then the spectators over here are great - crowds of 40,000 or 50,000 people who support you and never whistle at you. It's not like that in Italy.

"Over here they appreciate me. You (Italians) only revere Brazilians and Argentines. In Italy, if you're from the East it's a different story."

:dazed: Are we hearing this right? Our beloved Mutu saying things like that? :(
Oh come on, lyou all know he's right.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
come on!!

some of you jus jump on any little comment about serie a.

theres nothing wrong with what he said... its his opinion and mostly true.

"I made the right choice (coming to England), even though I miss Parma. But I certainly don't miss the Serie A,"

His opinion... is he not entitled??

In England the referees stop the game for 10 to 12 fouls per match. In Italy, (that number is) 60. I prefer the British attitude. Football's a game for men.
Slightly exagerated but true

Then the spectators over here are great - crowds of 40,000 or 50,000 people who support you and never whistle at you. It's not like that in Italy.

anyone thats attended games in both countries regurlar;ly will tewll you the same

"Over here they appreciate me. You (Italians) only revere Brazilians and Argentines. In Italy, if you're from the East it's a different story."

echoed by many

Most people that have played both in italy and elsewhere prefer playing in the other leagues... get over it.... Italy is a challenge but its not the nicest atmosphere to play in.


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2003
hahahaha ! what a fool

Mihailovic is gonna break his leg tomorrow :) :D

The SerieA has made him what he is today - so its not wise to say what he said.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by IceBlu ] ++
hahahaha ! what a fool

Mihailovic is gonna break his leg tomorrow :) :D

The SerieA has made him what he is today - so its not wise to say what he said.
oll please... hes not allowed to state his opinion cause its where he built his career..... grow up!


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2003
no he is well entitled to an opinion, but he should have had the balls to say that when he was in Italy - not once he buggers off to England.

Its like criticizing your high school after u become a millionaire.

Get it ?


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2002
++ [ originally posted by IceBlu ] ++
no he is well entitled to an opinion, but he should have had the balls to say that when he was in Italy - not once he buggers off to England.

Its like criticizing your high school after u become a millionaire.

Get it ?
Well for one he wouldnt have known the difference till he had played elsewhere so how the hell would he have said it previously.

What the hell has your high school got to do with becoming a milionaire.
Many rich people went to shite schools.

I criticise my school all the time... they have nothing to do with my current satisfying position.


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2003
still... theres point in criticizing things from the past. It only shows what kind of person he is.

Sorry, im Italian-american so expect some bias from me in this regard ;)

i don't like people criticizing the Serie A. If the Serie A was so bad, how come Chelski were linked with so many Italian players ?

theres a lot of quality and if you are good the fans like you.

Nedved, Davids are both fan favorites.

his arguement about Italians favoring Brazilians or Argentines is totally baseless.


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2003
++ [ originally posted by IceBlu ] ++
still... theres point in criticizing things from the past. It only shows what kind of person he is.

Sorry, im Italian-american so expect some bias from me ;)

I'm Italian-american as well, but Mutu does have a point, it seems you can't dribble 10 metres without being fouled.

Like I had postted earlier as well, it's really easy to make these comments when you're in another country.

But that doesn't mean that he's not right on certain points.


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2003
He didn't really say anything controversial He just said that in England the refs whistle less, that there are more packed fans (Cos their stadiums are closer tot he players o they feel the warmth of the fans) and that coming from the East you are not as respected as other players (though Shevcenko is very respected so it's not always the case).

I think the reports were exagerated. Mutu just stated some things differences between English and Italian football, and the media called them "dissings" which they weren't.

If the title had been "Mutu enjoys playing in Italy" no many would have really given a hoot :D

Anyway I doubt he would have said no if Juve or Milan offered him a contract ;)


Senior Member
Apr 22, 2003
I actually agree with him on pretty much all of the points. The Italian game does tend to be rougher, it's his opinion and choice where he wants to play, and the crowds in Italy seem much more hostile.

Layce Erayce

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2002
++ [ originally posted by Shadowfax ] ++

oll please... hes not allowed to state his opinion cause its where he built his career..... grow up!

they way it was put sounded a lot more like accusations/subtly implied insults than opinions or statements of personal experiences.

I dont need to give specific examples- its pretty evident.

Is there a source to this article? Was he talking to an Italian reporter or an english reporter?

Btw isnt Shevchenko from the east too?

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