'Murica! (22 Viewers)

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013
Wouldn't take Trump, but wouldn't want Justin either :p
That’s okay. We’ll keep him. He’s not perfect, but he’s done a far better at balancing both sides than the clown to our south.

Aside from his obnoxious identity politicking and virtue signalling, he’s pretty much as centre-moderate as you can get in most things. The liberals usually are here, because we have two parties further left than them.

I mean Justin bought a failing oil and gas pipeline project and is trying to force it through against multiple court challenges from indigenous bands and the woke left out west here. :lol:

Post Ironic

Senior Member
Feb 9, 2013


- - - Updated - - -

This is just silly really.

3rd world system if I've ever seen one.
Democrats obviously have their own issues, but this one is on the GOP. Been trying to make it harder and harder to vote for years. They literally slashed Postal Service budget and removed sorting machines just months before an election that would heavily feature mail-in voting lol


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2010
You’re not asking a real question just pure nonsense. Emotional pain? :lol:

I thought you were supposed to have grown up during your ban. I guess you are still the same old Zach.

Careful, don’t go off on one of your trademark racist, bigoted rants because things didn’t go the way you wanted.
So you don't want to answer the question?

Because I phrased it a bit annoyingly? Thanks for proving the point I made 2 posts prior :)

My question is simply really. If you had to pick the one thing that annoys you the most, what would it be?

It's not really a difficult question tbh.


Footballing Hipster celebrating 4th place with Tuz
Sep 21, 2008
Trumpies hate us evil commies up here to the North with our terrible, socialist free health care and public education. :sigh:

I hope he can move here and Make Canada Great Again, next.
The best part is they literally saw how he paid less taxes than them and then received thousands of dollars worth of medical treatment for COVID on the taxpayer's dime and still the light bulb didn't go off :lol:


Senior Member
Feb 22, 2019
Butthurt much, Galileo. :lol:

Wasn’t it Trump who said he could shoot someone walking down 5th avenue and he wouldn’t lose a vote? Who was only elected in the first place because of the right’s pure hatred for Hillary Clinton. :baus:
I don't know, i haven't really followed what's going on in the America before this election.

I don't really care who wins, like it's between the sports if 2 neutral teams are playing, but if i had to choose, i'd go for Trump obviously. Atleast he says what he thinks, instead of hiding behind well thought plan of being totally neutral on everything and trying to lure people to vote you, without showing your true colours.

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