'Murica! (51 Viewers)


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005


Oct 28, 2010
He’s a cunt, no idea how he even has 1% approval rating. People who still support him are either ignorant or evil, and in both cases the world would be a better place without them.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
He’s a cunt, no idea how he even has 1% approval rating. People who still support him are either ignorant or evil, and in both cases the world would be a better place without them.
I think at this point the ignorance train has left the building. People just don’t care. Kind of like voters in Alabama and Mississippi. Vote red, stay poor and uneducated but at least they are not faggots.


Oct 28, 2010
I think at this point the ignorance train has left the building. People just don’t care. Kind of like voters in Alabama and Mississippi. Vote red, stay poor and uneducated but at least they are not faggots.
Sounds like a bunch of ignorant faggots to me.


Sep 23, 2003
Lately I've been thinking about Andy Kaufman.

No, hear me out.

As a comedian, he was famous for basically taking the piss out of everybody -- performance-art style. He'd introduce duplicitous characters played by himself and have them get their own contracts... then burn the place down and get fired on the set. He'd pretend to be a wrestler or stage his own heart-attack. He'd get into brawls with fellow actors like Michael Richards for supposedly forgetting or refusing to do his lines.

Basically, you never knew whether what he was doing was real or fake or a stunt... even down to his own death.

Basically, Trump is the Andy Kaufman president.


May 3, 2012
He’s a cunt, no idea how he even has 1% approval rating. People who still support him are either ignorant or evil, and in both cases the world would be a better place without them.
Oh he gave $4.7B to the farmers who are affected by his trade war. Also he's about to open Canada dairy market to upstate NY dairy farmers. Don't forget that military is exempt from his requested salary freeze (congress will probably ultimately give a raise to every federal worker anyway). There's no denying that tax cuts has moved the economy; although the long term effect of debt-fueled growth remains unknown.
It's not hard to understand his appeal. I gotta give it to him, he understands "the economy, stupid" very well. Something that Dems are missing at the moment.


Oct 28, 2010
Lately I've been thinking about Andy Kaufman.

No, hear me out.

As a comedian, he was famous for basically taking the piss out of everybody -- performance-art style. He'd introduce duplicitous characters played by himself and have them get their own contracts... then burn the place down and get fired on the set. He'd pretend to be a wrestler or stage his own heart-attack. He'd get into brawls with fellow actors like Michael Richards for supposedly forgetting or refusing to do his lines.

Basically, you never knew whether what he was doing was real or fake or a stunt... even down to his own death.

Basically, Trump is the Andy Kaufman president.
Yeah, a version of Andy Kaufman without the performance art part. I did read an interesting article where they said this is what Kanye was doing by supporting Trunp. But Trunp himself? No way this is similar to Kaufman, this is similar to a dictator.

- - - Updated - - -

Oh he gave $4.7B to the farmers who are affected by his trade war. Also he's about to open Canada dairy market to upstate NY dairy farmers. Don't forget that military is exempt from his requested salary freeze (congress will probably ultimately give a raise to every federal worker anyway). There's no denying that tax cuts has moved the economy; although the long term effect of debt-fueled growth remains unknown.
It's not hard to understand his appeal. I gotta give it to him, he understands "the economy, stupid" very well. Something that Dems are missing at the moment.
I disagree, he’s only helping the company owners, not the people. Half of the population stil can’t make ends meet whereas the top is getting way richer than they were. He doesn’t understand the economy in a large scale, he understands how to get richer and help his friends.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
Oh he gave $4.7B to the farmers who are affected by his trade war. Also he's about to open Canada dairy market to upstate NY dairy farmers. Don't forget that military is exempt from his requested salary freeze (congress will probably ultimately give a raise to every federal worker anyway). There's no denying that tax cuts has moved the economy; although the long term effect of debt-fueled growth remains unknown.
It's not hard to understand his appeal. I gotta give it to him, he understands "the economy, stupid" very well. Something that Dems are missing at the moment.
The economy is doing well but mostly for those already at the top. Let me know when wages start climbing and use of credit goes down.


In bocca al lupo, Fabio.
Jun 25, 2003
I disagree, he’s only helping the company owners, not the people. Half of the population stil can’t make ends meet whereas the top is getting way richer than they were. He doesn’t understand the economy in a large scale, he understands how to get richer and help his friends.

This is how Trump sees the economy though. And it's sort of understandable. All his life he's been rich (though not because of his own doing). I don't think he can even imagine what it's like for regular people.

Personally I'm not against people at the top making a lot of money. You have to incentivize people to want to make the effort to get to the top. It's part of what keeps people striving to do better in life. But at same time you also have to try and make lives of the people at the base better too or the system will inevitably crumble at some point. It seems Mr Trump never got that memo.


Tickle Me
Oct 11, 2005
This is how Trump sees the economy though. And it's sort of understandable. All his life he's been rich (though not because of his own doing). I don't think he can even imagine what it's like for regular people.

Personally I'm not against people at the top making a lot of money. You have to incentivize people to want to make the effort to get to the top. It's part of what keeps people striving to do better in life. But at same time you also have to try and make lives of the people at the base better too or the system will inevitably crumble at some point. It seems Mr Trump never got that memo.
Most people see the economy this way, which is why we have recessions every 10 years or so and people are always like omg what happened!


May 3, 2012
I disagree, he’s only helping the company owners, not the people. Half of the population stil can’t make ends meet whereas the top is getting way richer than they were. He doesn’t understand the economy in a large scale, he understands how to get richer and help his friends.
The economy is doing well but mostly for those already at the top. Let me know when wages start climbing and use of credit goes down.
Oh I know, and agree 100%. I was responding to why he should even have 1%. He's helping SOME people, mostly in his base. "The economy, stupid" means different things to different people, but I bet most of his base will be happy with a little extra money. Even if they are hurt by some his policies he usually sends a strong "I got your back, and fuck everybody else" message.
One of the best books I've read in past few years is "Strangers in Their Own Land by Arlie Hochschild. She is a sociologist in Berkeley who got interested in Tea Party movement after 2010 and traveled to Louisiana to befriend some of the most loyal tea partiers. midway through the book she develops a "deep story", which is the core of what those folks believe. She says most tea party members believe in a American Dream line, in which they wait patiently for many years to get to what they deserve. However, they believe minorities, immigrants, etc. cut in the line in front of them, and they deeply resent that. So that "fuck everybody else" message deeply resonates with Trump base. "Let's give 2% raise to military, but not the federal workers. let's give $4.7B to farmers, but fuck healthcare".
His appeal for social conservatives is obvious too.

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