'Murica! (130 Viewers)


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Jan 28, 2013
My parents were both born and raised in Italy. A lot of those full on “I’m a crazy patriotic Italian bro trust me!!!!” have ancestors who came over to the US when Italy had just been unified.
My grandparents came over in the 40s and I don't even really think of myself as Italian American. I didn't grow up speaking it in my household and my dad barely speaks it except with his family. I find a lot of the super aggressive "I'm Italian American" people to be super fucking weird.


Sep 23, 2003
Yeah, you definitely just don’t hear about it. Look up the “land back” movement nonsense in Canada, Indigenous land defenders lol, and truth and reconciliation. We hear terms that are legit nonsense like “cultural genocide” constantly in the news. And our prime minister, while being pretty centrist in terms of economic and resource policies, is pretty much a virtue signalling twat in regards to the woke stuff.

To be clear, some pretty shitty things were done to the First Nations here in Canada. But the absurdity from the woke left on these issues is kinda embarrassing. Jackasses calling for Canada/North America to be renamed Turtle Island lol, calling Canada a racist settler state and boycotting Canada day lol.

The people who hold these opinions are a small minority, same with in the US, but they are loud and obnoxious as fuck, and are gaining an outsized influence because of it, which is frustrating. The centrists really need to work on finding common ground and quashing the fringe lunatics.

Yeah. There's that. I keep telling peeps that there are no "indigenous" people outside of Ethiopia. The rest of us are all descendants of invaders, colonizers, exploiters, and conquerors.

The problem with purity tests is everyone fails. You cannot pull up the carpet on that and say it stops at beaver trappers.

Oh we definitely have these issues too in Australia.

Two such issues right now are the Australia Day issue and The Voice to parliament.



Not to mention past issues with the Stolen Generation, the current problems gripping Aboriginal folks in remote communities (the violence and crime in Alice Springs is particularly shocking) and also the integration of certain ethnic and religious groups into wider Aus society.

This country has plenty of issues.
Yeah, I've noticed a lot of the weirdness in Oz about Australia Day... and even Anzac Day.

I also noticed this:

Because the natural evolution of a govt institution is self-preservation and indolence imho
It's not just govt institutions tho. There's nothing special about government ones when it comes to human nature.

Nah. That's just late-stage abortion and accessible birth control.


╭∩╮( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭∩╮
Aug 13, 2013
A few thoughts that came to mind:
-valuing people and relationships over transactions
-work/life balance where employers don't expect you to be on 24x7
-functional healthcare, and not having an illness or health scare be the biggest national cause of bankruptcy
-family and childrearing isn't a side hustle
-not having to pack heat or wear a vest because you might be shot to death anywhere

-the space to intentionally be inefficient, allowing deeper thinking and creativity over eternally jogging the hamster wheel
-being able to do a lot without needing a car
-value placed on arts and culture
-a culture that doesn't encourage you to fill the empty hole of your being with distractions and consuming ever more for others' profit

There is a place to feel you belong or to feel that the aspects that have made you an untouchable was also fertile ground for producing great people and things in society. I get that.

But slaving the ego for self-confidence has limits. A lot of this rah-rah up-with-us stuff echoes like an extension of the automatic merit and specialness entitlement ideas that wrecked millennials and Gen Z in the 90s and 00s. Participation trophies and all. Taken too far, it also becomes scapegoating for failures which only infantilizes and disempowers them.

That said, as much as some can "blame the system", others shudder at the idea that any systems even exist at all. One of the marked differences I've noticed between so-called conservatives and liberals is that conservatives are often wedded to direct causality. The thought that multi-stakeholder and emergent phenomena, or forces you can't identify with a finger point, might impact our lives causes too many heads to explode.

If Biden wasn't laying the eggs himself, eggs would never be so expensive. The actions of individuals in Buffalo, NY, Kowloon, and Dar es Salaam cannot possibly have any impact on the climate we live in. My love of giant SUVs has nothing to do with the national rise of pedestrian deaths.

Which is how we get the future-job-auditioning absurdity of De Santis claiming to be education czar. Facts are that rarely is anyone taught that things like redlining existed for freeway construction, bank loans, and where people could buy property. There's value in those lessons to raise awareness to prevent future abuses. But there's also the risk that it becomes just another participation trophy to dance around and absolve individuals of any hint of responsibility.

Both sides of that argument are blindly stuck on too much stick, not enough carrot. Beating into submission is the only way forward rather than actually trying to win over hearts and minds.
According to me Joe Biden is the most confuse American President in their history.


"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004

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