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"Top Economist"
Mar 16, 2004
Saw this movie again. Brilliant!

If you love Syriana, you will love Guy's Little Detroit as well.

Guy's Little Detroit is a movie based on Syriana and filmed in Martinsburg, WV. The main character is a man named Guy who once worked on cars in Detroit who owns his own auto shop in Martinsburg. There are three main facets of the plot:

1) A bigger auto shop, Autoworks, is trying to buy out Guy's Little Detroit due to losing a deal with a local parking lot. However, the Martinsburg City Council is looking into the merger and not approving it.

2) Mistreated Mexicans who work for Autoworks are layed off because of the possible merger, so they get shipped back to Mexico because they are illegal. Then they start smuggling drugs over the borders.

3) The Mayor of Martinsburg's son is pressuring the council to approve the merger because the son is the boyfriend of the Autoworks owner. They are homosexuals. Moreover, the owner of Autoworks has a contact within a very successful Law Firm, owned by Michael Burke II. Burke's son, Michael Burke III (based on a true person on this forum), gave personal favors to the owner of Autoworks and will recieve money when the merger is approved. Members of the Burke Law firm are the leading lawyers of the merger.

Here are some memorable quotes from Guy's Little Detroit:

Martinsburg Mayor: What are they thinking, my son and these American lawyers?
Brian Steelman (Car advisor): What are they thinking? They're thinking that it's running out. It's running out... and 0.000000003 percent of the cars left are in Martinsburg. This is a fight to the death.

Danny Galton (Danny G): Some trust fund council, got off-message at Martinsburg Community College, thinks he's gonna run this up the flagpole, make a name for himself, maybe get elected some two-bit, representitive from nowhere, with the result that Hagerstown or Frederick can suddenly start having, at our expense, all the good car servicing we have here. No, I tell you. No, sir. Faggot charges! Faggots? Faggots are human intrusion in to human efficiencies in the form of being gay. That was Guy Smith, he won a goddamn automobile prize. We have laws against same sex-marriage just so we can benefit from it. Faggots are our protection. Faggots keep us safe and warm. Faggots, are why you and I are prancing around in here instead of fighting for some pussy out in the street. Faggots, are why we win.

Brian Steelman (Car advisor): But what do you need a car advisor for? Twenty years ago you had the highest car sales in Berkely County, now you're tied with Jefferson, so good work. You know what the automobile community thinks of you? They think that a hundred years ago you were living in Martinsburg out here in West Virginia chopping each other's mufflers off and that's where you'll be in another hundred years, so on behalf of my car I accept your offer.

Brian Steelman: What, Shepherdstown? It's great. It's like the Baghdad of mid-West.

Jimmy Dope (CEO of Autoworks): How did some lawyer... what's a lawyer anyway? How some goddamn lawyer tossed us out on our ass. Our main investments that will bear fruit for this company... hell, every company in the world wanted into West Virginia, into Martinsburg. But Guy's Little Detroit got it and then Autoworks wanted Guy's Little Detroit and then here we are! Hell, we have heard of the Martinsburg city merger violation approval laws, I've got it taped to the wall of my head!

Guy: Now Danny G here is a PROUD member of the Committee to Liberate Martinsburg. I am too.
Danny G: G Stands for nigger lover. I was on the other side of the Slurpee Deal.
Ben Karb (Jewish Lawyer): The other side?
Guy: 7-11 owner Xiogu Chen's best friend in the wide world.
Danny G: She's a beautiful place Martinsburg, Goddamn she's a beautiful place.

The movie begins with the Syriana backround music with the abused Mexicans waiting to ride the bus home. The movie ends with a car blowing up.

Guy's Little Detroit will be in theatres in the coming years. Be sure to check it out.
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