Movies you've seen recently... (95 Viewers)

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Senior Member
Jan 7, 2005
I just saw Wedding crashers with Vince vaughn and Owen Wilson.

It was awesome!! best comedy ive seen since Meet the fockers.

Vince Vaughn is great in this movie. I recommend people to see it, youre gonna laugh your ass off!!:rofl:

Also i saw Crash which i think will be up for some oscars this year.

Its one of the best movies ive seen in a while. I highly recommend it for anybodu that enjoys drama.


Onye kwe, Chi ya ekwe
Nov 1, 2004
++ [ originally posted by TonyMontana ] ++
Higher learning is a good movie, no doubt you will like it.
Loved it. A it simlistic though as in racism encompasses not just blacks and whites, but Asians and Hispanics. I'll place a better review on my blog later...:D


Jun 7, 2004
The Grimm brothers is such an insane film!!!
like all the fairytales gothered all together in one dark film.

Ah and for everyone seen Azumi(the best ninja tale ever with a very cute japanese girl,Kaneko is i believe her name),
i inform u Azumi 2 is launched and it worths ur time as a few similar films


Sep 23, 2003
Old school movie tonight... Stanley Kubrick's Lolita. Great movie from Vladimir Nabakov's controvertial book (it's the 50th anniversary of its publishing). Kubrick's direction is spot on, as always. But what was jaw-droppingly stunning in this movie is the tour-de-force manic acting of Peter Sellers. :eek:

I've always been a huge fan of him as an actor (though certainly less so as a person). And I thought I saw him do some pretty amazing stuff previously (Dr. Strangelove, etc.). But his psychotic performances in this film were astounding. He makes the neuroses of a Robin Williams at his most maniacal seem like mere child acting.

Shelley Winters supposedly described his performances as a fellow cast member on this movie as, "His acting was from another planet." After seeing this movie, I can entirely see why she said that.
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